Mystic Dominator

Chapter 152: Negotiation introduction

The final result, of course, is that the two parties have finalized the entrustment relationship between them.

But in addition to his official job, the two-day-a-week security mission, Ronald also made a request for Everton.

——For the necessity of security work.

——He hopes to get some intelligence support from the businessman.

Everton has no reason to refuse this job-related request.

The businessman knew very well that Ronald was just a mysterious side caster acting alone.

If you want to improve the efficiency and reliability of security work, it is undoubtedly a beneficial choice for yourself to share the movements of suspicious and mysterious side personnel with Ronald.

Reasonable and expected.

After the two of them discussed work, Mr. Merchant personally sent Ronald to the door.

Taking the initiative to help Ronald open the door, Everton said politely:

"Then, Mr. Ronald."

"See you next weekend?"

Ronald nodded immediately and said:

"Of course, see you at the weekend."

They nodded their goodbyes to each other.

Ronald then walked down the second floor alone.

Just as he walked out of the gate of Huaji Hotel, he saw the figure of the old housekeeper on the side of the road.

The upright old man is standing beside a carriage at the moment.

——It was a high-class black carriage.

Different from the common rental carriages on the street, a well-dressed professional coachman sits in the front and pulls the reins of the horses, and at the back is a fully enclosed design carriage that is big enough for four people to ride together.

Seeing Ronald's figure walking out of the hotel door, the old butler immediately greeted him.

"Mr. Ronald, please come this way."

"The carriage is ready."

Ronald shook his head subconsciously and pushed back:

"No, no, it's so embarrassing."

"It's not too far from where I'm going, I'll just go by myself."

Facing Ronald's refusal, the old butler stepped back quite familiarly, then bent over slightly with his right hand on his chest:

"Mr. Ronald, you are the master's important guest."

"If some ill-intentioned guys know that you are not treated with courtesy on the master's side, it will be a major damage to the reputation of our chamber of commerce."

"Please also accept this small request."


With such a reason, Ronald really couldn't refuse.

Can only agree to follow the old butler to the carriage:

"If that's the case, then I'll trouble you."

Hearing Ronald's answer, the old butler straightened up and walked beside him, and continued respectfully:


"it is my responsibility."

As he walked to the side of the carriage and opened the car door for the guests, he simultaneously asked Ronald:

"It's not too early."

"Mr. Ronald, are you going home, or are you going somewhere else?"

After thinking for a few seconds, Ronald answered seriously:


"Let's go to Long Beach Street first. I'm going to the Bureau of Investigation to report the job change."

"Take Mr. Ronald to Long Beach Street."

The old butler first ordered the coachman, and then he said to Ronald:

"Then, Mr. Ronald, I wish you a smooth journey."

Ronald nodded and said:

"Thank you."


The door was gently closed by the old key from the outside. Before the carriage started to move, the old man stood there quietly.

Until the coachman drove the horses in front and started on the road.

Only then did he turn around and walk back inside the hotel.

the other side--

An Xin sat on the soft cushion in the carriage, Ronald's gaze followed the scenery on both sides of the road that slid continuously, and he had a panoramic view of the situation in Burrenwich City.

In the second half of the second month of winter, the weather in Burrenwich is getting colder.

Almost the coldest time of the year.

Ice even started to form on the edges of the road in the city.

Pedestrians passing by will also bring out obvious white fog around their mouths when they breathe.

And this level of cold has no effect on Ronald's current physical fitness.

He can feel the temperature is lower now.

But the feeling of rubbing hands so cold that I can hardly feel it now.

Looking at everything outside quietly like this, the clothes of passers-by in Ronald's field of vision gradually became more serious as the street changed.

——This is the arrival of Long Beach Street.

Wait until the carriage stops steadily outside the police station.

Before the driver could speak, Ronald opened the door and jumped down.

"Thank you."

"I still have a lot of things to do in the future. Sir, go and do your own business."

"Okay, sir."

The coachman nodded kindly to Ronald, then drove the carriage away from the far side of the street.

And Ronald, who stayed on the side of the road, once again stood in a familiar place.

Actually, it's not too long.

Less than a month ago, he often came here to However, after just two weeks, his mood changed a lot from before.

Relationship with Patricia, relationship with the Bureau of Investigation, cult warlock, warden...

After such a change happened, everything became very different from before.

just like......

It's like the Bureau of Investigation building in front of you.

In half a month, the speed of restoration of the building of the Bureau of Investigation in front of him was quite fast. The vines on the side of the building were cleaned up, and the building itself was repainted with tan paint in addition to the restoration work.

Ronald sniffed the air carefully.

With his enhanced physical fitness, he didn't even smell paint in the air.

Needless to say, it must have been removed by the Bureau of Investigation itself.


"It's pretty well repaired."

After sighing in a low voice, Ronald stepped forward and pushed open the door of the investigation bureau.

Look around.

Except for the heating items hanging on the beams, they are still there.

The layout and decoration of the lobby of the Bureau of Investigation has already undergone very obvious changes.

Refinished wood floors, repurchased hospitality front cabinets, and even a redesigned continuation wood staircase.

Even the number of staff on this side of the hall is not as deserted as Ronald was when he was working part-time.

Just talking about the waiters standing behind the front desk, there are two dignified girls.

At the same time, the investigator who is probably responsible for the security work is sitting in front of Patricia.

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