Mystic Dominator

Vol 2 Chapter 1500: ritual song

three days—

Ronald never expected that the speed to Olaer would be shortened to such a point. It only took three days before he saw the orc city appearing in front of him in the air, which was the destination of this trip—Olaer.

The city symbolizes the land of the Orcs and shares a name with the King of Beasts.

In other words, as this country, he is also the ruler of this world.

Olaer named it after himself.


Ronald in flight looked down at the saint's legacy in his hand.

After using all the magic power of the Gray River Grass Ring to strengthen his flying speed, his speed was so fast that even Ronald himself was a little surprised. This kind of strengthening range can definitely play a big role in battle.

It was only after thinking about it in his heart that when Ronald came back to his senses, the scene in his eyes changed again.

The orc city, which was still looking far away before taking a few breaths, was already very close, and with Ronald's vision level, he could already see quite a lot of details of the city.

There is a wall several meters high on the outside of the city, but it is just a simple frame made of wood. It is probably because the world of Song Zhonglin does not have a high demand for war, and only needs to isolate the small influence of the environment, so this result has been achieved.

As for the houses among them, independent log houses built of wood occupy all building types, and materials such as stone bricks are hardly seen.

It was daytime now, and many orcs were active in the streets and alleys, making the city quite lively.

"Ronald... sir... are we... getting there?"

At this moment, intermittent voices of inquiry came from behind Ronald.

He turned his head and saw that it was Martha who was asking himself a question.

During the ultra-high-speed flight, it took a lot of trouble to teach the three people to protect themselves, and the questioning was even more affected, so that it sounded like this.

"That's right, it's the city ahead."

Ronald immediately slowed down, seeing the three members of the church withdraw their protective spells, and then regained their breath, he continued:

"Kostate and the master of this city are below, according to the time I separated from them..."

Suddenly, what Ronald was talking about stopped.

Because the altitude has been lowered, the four of them are getting closer and closer to the city of the orcs.

Just then, he heard singing.

What happened to Lin Shijie in the song made Ronald very concerned about the elements of the singing voice, so naturally he paid attention to it immediately.

It was the orcs in the city who sang.

As the distance continued to get closer, it was now possible to see several orc teams on the streets of the city, walking along the streets while constantly singing unified songs.

If you look at the whole city, you will find that the actions of these teams are strictly planned, which streets to walk on, how much time they spend, and even where to start singing, all have very fixed details.


This is what Olaer calls a ritual!

Ronald immediately became aware of what was happening in the city below.

An event that can only be held by gathering the power of a city is a way to send people into the holy capital.

If this requirement is placed on a foreign invader...

I have to admit that this is another highly insurance move.

"Mr. Ronald, are they singing?"

At this time, Martha also spoke.

As the altitude decreased, the three members of the Church, whose hearing was worse than Ronald's, also noticed this phenomenon, so they asked questions.

Ronald nodded slightly, pointed to the orc below and explained:

"I have reached a unified idea with the ruler of this city, and he is holding a ceremony to send me into the holy capital."

Martha sensed the magic power hidden in the city at this moment, and it was slowly moving along with the singing team. The holy priest attached great importance to this trip, and when he observed carefully, he discovered a special situation.

"I saw that in addition to the parade singing team, many residents also sang together."

"They didn't participate in the magic field formed by this ceremony. Is this a spontaneous action, or does it mean that there are other ritual meanings?"

Ronald simply shook his head:

"It's my first time here too, I have to go down and ask to find out."

After discussing like this, a group of four people finally landed on the ground.

Although the orcs were holding a ceremony, the actual atmosphere seemed to be a grand celebration, so that no one cared about Ronald's arrival.

And even if someone confronts them head-on...

With all kinds of strange appearances of the orcs, they don't care about the 'strange-looking' guys like the four humans.

After landing, Ronald quickly launched the detection spell.

The four members of the church knew him, so they didn't bother him, but watched and studied the singing performance on the street.

The scouting spell quickly extended to the entire city, and Ronald also found Costa.

After possessing a real personality, the maid can be locked by the spell of "Divine Comedy - Hell", making it easy to find.

"We found someone, let's go." Ronald greeted the three members of the church and said at the same time, "We can also observe the process of this ceremony on the road. Let's hurry up as much as possible."

Costate's location is in the city, not far away.

A group of four rushed there, during which Ronald was not idle, continuing to refine the details of the detection spell.

Then, he discovered something interesting.

In addition to Kostat, other signs of human activities were found in the city, but the number was very small, only three people.

Maybe this is the intruders that Olaer said strayed into this place and couldn't leave for the rest of their lives?

From this point of view, the King of Behemoths is not bad.

At least he didn't directly kill the killer just because someone else strayed into this place. Perhaps this attitude is one of the reasons why he was canonized as a saint by the church in the past.

The destination is coming soon.

The place where Kostat is located is an open square in the city, and there is a gorgeous wooden stage in the center.

At this moment, there are orcs on stage dressed up and singing alone.

There are accompanists, spectators, and other orcs waiting.

And in what looks like a judge's seat, UU Reading Olaer is sitting in it, and Costa is beside him.


Seeing this bizarre scene, Ronald made no secret of his surprise:

"Is this... a singing competition?"

Unlike Ronald, Martha next to her paid more attention to the ceremony itself, so she murmured in confusion:

"Is this also part of the ceremony?"

Meanwhile, Costart senses Ronald's presence.

The maid stood up directly from the judges' seat, not caring about the atmosphere of the singing, and took the initiative to greet her.

"Sir!" Costat bowed and saluted. During the period, he only briefly glanced at the three people in the church, paying no attention to it, and then focused all his attention on Ronald, "Olaer is very cooperative with me, and the plan is progressing smoothly. .There are still four days before the ceremony will be over."

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