Mystic Dominator

Vol 2 Chapter 1501: ancient and modern encounter

On the [Grid] fleet, Kostat had already met people from the Church.

When the two parties met, Ronald didn't need to introduce much.

Nodding slightly towards the maid, he led the people to the judges' seat.

Back in his own city, Olear looked carefree.

The king of giant beasts, who is also the leader of this world, is sitting in his luxurious seat at the moment, watching the orcs performing at their best on the stage with a condescending gaze.

If the other party sings well, he will nod slightly to express his approval.

If the situation is worse, Olear will not make a statement, just watching the opponent leave the stage.

After Ronald came all the way to the judges' seat, Olear greeted Ronald to sit beside him, and when he whispered hello, his tone returned to the previous appearance:

"Mr. Ronald, you are here."

"The action you tried to break through the seal before was really terrifying. If I didn't trust you, if someone else made such a move, I would definitely go back and stop it."

Ronald ignored O'Reil's flattery and bluntly admitted his defeat:

"[Seven Strings Seal] Regardless of the explicit spell or the underlying structure, many possibilities have been considered. With my current ability, there is really no way to solve it in a short time."


The moment he heard the name of [Seven Strings Seal], Aurel's eyes changed.

The king of giant beasts stared at Ronald without saying a word, as if he was thinking about a very important choice in his heart.

But soon, Aurel's expression relaxed, and he returned to the flattering look at the beginning, with a smile on his face:

"Mr. Ronald, don't underestimate yourself."

"Although I have been living in the world of Song Zhonglin these years, I am not ignorant of the changes in the outside world. Regardless of the past or the present, I am afraid that there are not many people with your strength."

Ronald was noncommittal to O'Reil's words.

At present, he still has deep doubts about the king of giant beasts, and he doesn't take this attitude seriously at all. And when it is difficult to judge the other party, it is right to ask the most practical information first.

So Ronald pointed to the stage in front of him and asked:

"I have already seen the activities in the city. This is part of the opening of the entire ceremony. But is the performance here now considered part of the entire ceremony?"

In the magic induction, it is not easy to detect the ceremony going on in the whole city, but there are still traces to follow, such as the mysterious side powerhouse like Martha, Ronald is naturally very clear.

But the singing performance in front of me...

At least with Ronald's perception ability, no magic power fluctuations can be found here. However, analyzing the structure of the entire ceremony, here is the center of the center, and the reason for this is puzzling.

Under Ronald's puzzled and curious gaze, O'Reil replied:

"Of course this is the core of the ceremony, and the grand singing competition is the most important thing! The reason why you have such doubts is because you have brought common sense from the outside world into the world of Song Zhonglin."


"Common sense outside?" Ronald frowned.

"There is a forest of songs here." Aurel nodded affirmatively. "Here, the common sense made up of spells has indeed not changed. But in the world created by songs, songs are more important."

Having said that, a confident and proud smile appeared on the face of the king of giant beasts.

"You may be wondering, the faint magic power can be detected on the edge of the ceremony, but the theoretical core is not at all. That's because this is the purest place and the most important place of the whole ceremony."

"Here, it's all singing!"

When Aurel's words fell to the ground, Ronald woke up instantly.

Sitting blankly on the seat for two or three seconds, he shook his head in relief:

"It turns out that my eyesight is rigid."

"Song in the Forest... Song in the Forest, since this is the world that came from it, it really should be like this."

When Ronald was feeling emotional, another aspect came to his mind.

O'Reil's answer gave him a lot of inspiration.

Since [Seal of the Seven Strings] cannot be broken through with mysterious means, then if we follow the rules of Song Zhong Lin World, maybe we can make this seemingly unsolvable problem a hopeful breakthrough?

It's a pity that Ronald himself, probably doesn't have much musical artistic accomplishment, to complete this theoretical possibility.

While Ronald was thinking, other people behind him followed.

At this moment, seeing that Ronald was no longer speaking, Martha naturally stepped forward, and her eyes fell on Aurel.

The young holy priest immediately knew that this was the Aurel that Ronald was talking about.

At the same time, thousands of years ago, the saints recognized by the church in the past were separated from mortals and were sanctified as absolutely noble existences.

"Oriel... Your Excellency, hello."

Martha clasped her hands in front of her chest, making a salute like a church member. But while making the gesture, she considered for a few seconds while speaking, and then ended her greeting.

She was struggling with her words.

Generally speaking, when the holy priest calls Aurel, he should add a special title for a saint. But considering that the other party was a living saint established before the church split, this made Martha's position somewhat difficult to handle.

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Although the current church recognizes the origins of the ancestors in the past.

But all of this is a conclusion based on the premise of the opponent's destruction. It is also difficult for Martha to make a decision when she directly talks to the saint from the past.

In comparison, O'Reil's attitude is much more relaxed.

Only through the clothes, the king of giant beasts recognized the other party's identity at a glance, and waved and smiled without any suspicion, beckoning Mirta to sit down:

"Even in our time, the Holy Priest was the monk with the most special status. So, Holy Priest, I pay my respects to you, please sit down quickly."

"Of course, there are also the two church members behind."

The meaning in Aurel's words undoubtedly recognized Martha's identity, and also recognized the orthodoxy of the outside church.

Mierda relaxed after hearing this, and sat down seriously.

Next, UU Reading www. Two people from ancient and modern churches started a dialogue. Even though the years have changed, some things that are deeply rooted in the church are not changing.

They talked about everything from the history of the church to the changes in the world, and even the crises and choices the church faced at the beginning. With just a few words, the atmosphere became cheerful; after half an hour, the two even had a tendency to introduce each other as confidants.

It is also taking advantage of such a friendly atmosphere.

Ronald sorted out his thoughts and took the opportunity to interject:

"By the way, Aurel, how are the other humans in the city doing now?"

"Looking at their positions, it seems that they have no plans to participate in this ceremony?"

Aurel was stunned, and murmured with an expression full of doubts:


"If I remember correctly, he died forty years ago?"

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