Mystic Dominator

Vol 2 Chapter 1499: gray river grass ring

"[Nine Precepts Secret Meeting], I came here because of chasing down the remnants of [Nine Precepts Secret Meeting]."

Martha told the truth, and Ronald naturally had no reason to hide it.

Then he also began to tell his own experience:

"Those guys entrenched in the southern continent got news about the holy capital during their rule, and they are planning to do something. Although we don't know the full picture of their plan yet, it is definitely not wrong to stop these people..."

Ronald told all the information he had, basically explaining the current situation, and even the experience in the island church was not missed.

The expressions on the faces of the three church members were different after listening.

However, Martha was in charge of the whole process of talking to Ronald, and the other two didn't participate, so they didn't show much emotion.

After Ronald finished speaking, the new holy priest also understood the situation.

At this time, Ronald asked a question:

"Martha, since you can enter the world of Song Zhonglin, you must have a better understanding of it than others. Regarding the sealed holy capital, can you take me in ahead of time?"

Martha looked guilty:

"Sorry, all we have is the way to enter here, and we don't even know the way to leave. I really can't help you in this regard."


Ronald didn't have much hope.

Hearing such an answer, he didn't say much.

After a few seconds of silence, he opened his mouth to indicate his next action, with a questioning tone in his tone:

"In that case—I'm going to go to the capital of Songzhonglin World now?"

Maerda replied immediately: "Mr. Ronald, we can act together!"

"Since the time is tight now, you should also want to rush there faster?"

Ronald's eyes lit up:

"You are flying faster than me? Or is there a spell to enhance flying speed?"

Mirtha didn't say much, she took out a pair of bracelets from her bag and handed them to Ronald.

This bracelet is unattractive, even like a child's woven toy.

Several turquoise and brown branches are woven together, and finally it becomes a simple bracelet.

However, Ronald did not underestimate this thing.

Although the bracelet looks simple, Ronald can feel the powerful magic contained in it without even touching it.

Ronald took the bracelet cautiously, then looked at Mirtha suspiciously, and didn't put it on immediately: "This is...?"

Martha said the name of the bracelet: "Grey River Grass Ring."

When she spoke, Martha was obviously controlling her emotions, but pride could still be heard in her tone.

Witnessing the performance of the Holy Priest, Ronald instantly had a guess:

"Could it be that this is a saint's legacy?"

"That's right, it's the same as you holding the sword of St. Caterina." Martha immediately affirmed Ronald's statement, "This is the saint's legacy that the church successfully recovered from [Entrod] at the beginning of this year. , and assigned to this voyage."

After explaining the origin of the bracelet, Martha introduced the function of this saint's legacy:

"The Gray River Grass Ring is an item held by the saint Bayer a hundred years ago. As long as the caster wears it, he can arbitrarily strengthen his strength, speed, or spell power and other abilities, and it will last for a long time until it is taken away." Down."

"And its only limitation is that it will bring a physical burden to the user, so ordinary people can't use it at all, and only people with a certain foundation can wear it."

Saying so, Mirtha's gaze stayed on Ronald's body.

Under the strengthening blessing of many spells, Ronald has a very strong body. Anyone who is familiar with him knows this news, and the church will naturally not miss it.

"If you wear it, it should work normally, right?"


If I can't use it, this saint's bequest is probably a waste product that no one can use.

Facing Miranda's question, Ronald smiled slightly.

He immediately put on the bracelet, and his body felt it immediately.

The moment the bracelet was put on his wrist, the magic power left by the saint flowed into Ronald's body, and he naturally felt the physical burden and strengthening.

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It's just that it is somewhat different from Miranda's expectation.

Ronald's physical strength has long exceeded the scope of normal human possibility. Now that he is wearing the gray river grass ring, he can completely ignore the burden its magic power brings to his body.

In other words-Ronald can even wear it 24 hours a day, and wear this saint's legacy forever without intervals!

And what is surprising is that this saint's legacy is not a rigid comprehensive enhancement. Ronald can fully strengthen his various abilities with magic power, but he can also give up part of the enhancement and let the Gray River Grass Ring fully enhance a designated characteristic.

It's just that this method of use is more burdensome than normal.

The reason why Martha didn't introduce the negative effects of this ability is probably because the previous users couldn't bear it.

After confirming the function of the gray river grass ring, Ronald said seriously to Martha:

"I really need this right now."

"However, I also assure you that I only use it to travel in Songzhonglin, and I will return it to you when I get there."

Instead, Martha shook her head generously:

"Mr. Ronald, you don't need to rush to return it. The issue of the holy capital this time is not only related to our church, but also to the [Nine Commandments Secret Meeting] caster. As the strongest existence among us, it should stay in the in your hand."

The sword of St. Caterina in Ronald's hand was given by the church.

Now Mirtha gave this saint's bequest to her hand with the same attitude, Ronald really couldn't bear the shame to take it as his own. But in the current situation, he really needs the help of Huihe Grass Ring.

In the end, he could only seriously promise:

"The matter of Song Zhonglin is over, and I will return it to the church as soon as possible."

In this way, the exchange ends.

Ronald got used to the feeling of using the Gray River Grass Ring for a while, then called out the original scripture and recited the incantation of "Almagest":

"Starting from the relationship with the entire earth and sky, we will begin to form our cognition!"

[Current round] and [Equal round] take effect together.

Ronald was about to fly on his way immediately, but just before accelerating, he suddenly stopped in the air and looked at the companion who was taken off with him:

"I'm probably going to be very fast next time."

"If there is a suitable spell, you'd better take it out now."

Martha turned her head to communicate with the other two priests, and a mature-looking priest muttered a mantra in a low voice.

next second.

Pale golden holy magic power lingers on the bodies of the three, providing protection.



The moment the three of them finished their preparations, Ronald activated the flying spell.

The figures of the four disappeared in place in an instant, almost turning into a stream of light, and disappeared under the dark night.

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