Mystic Dominator

Vol 2 Chapter 1498: Holy Trial

Moving solo, Ronald has no qualms about flying.

After activating the flying spell at full speed, his figure flew across the air like a shooting star.

Some orc cities passing by on the ground, even if someone looks up at the sky, it is difficult to notice that there are 'guests' passing by above their heads.

As a result, Ronald's speed of turning back was very fast.

The journey that originally took several days was shortened by nearly half under his lightning-fast flight.

When the stars in the sky hung up again, Ronald looked forward from a high altitude, and he could already directly see the towering and majestic forest.

Then, Ronald reduced his speed.

There's no other reason—The Divine Comedy's detection spell is responding.

Considering the elements of the [Nine Commandments Secret Meeting], after Ronald entered the Songzhonglin, he would activate the spell of "Hell" when he had time to detect possible human beings.

At this moment, he detected it.

In this forest world full of orcs, the appearance of three humans is so unique. No matter how careless Ronald is, he will not fail to notice such an obvious goal.

What Ronald didn't expect was that there were acquaintances here!


"It's actually them..."

Ronald's expression changed, from the previous alert to relaxed, and then landed downward.

In the distance from that forest, it is about a day's journey for ordinary people.


Ronald landed and stopped in front of three humans who were on their way.

Among them, the leading girl took the initiative to step forward, her expression mixed with surprise and surprise:

"Mr. Ronald, why are you here?"

Ronald replied:

"Martha, I didn't expect that we would meet here."

The three people who followed into Songzhonglin were the casters sent by the church to the expedition fleet, and the leader of them was Martha, the new priest. Although Ronald didn't know the two people behind, they had actually met each other during the few months on the ship. They were both important personnel sent by the church.

After meeting and saying hello, the two should have continued their conversation.

But under the light of night, they suddenly had nothing to say.


The two sides looked at each other, and the atmosphere was a little awkward.

Ronald entered the world of Song Zhonglin, and he was led here by various encounters along the way; but looking at Martha, the situation became much more subtle.

The churches currently active in the world, strictly speaking, are people who are on the opposite line from those who stick to the holy capital. Now that they have set foot here again, it is difficult to judge their current attitude.

In all fairness, Ronald has a good impression of the church and has received help from the church many times.

But if the two sides disagree on the matter of Ge Zhonglin...

In short.

Ronald didn't want to see that happen.

"Mr. Ronald, please allow me to explain." Just as Ronald was thinking, the holy lady on the opposite side spoke first, "As you know, our church has a long history, and this special The place is the church from long ago..."

Under the night, Martha recounted the history she knew.

Ronald listened carefully and found that what the other party knew was somewhat different from what he had learned.

For example, the people who left the Southern Continent to set up the Trap Church.

In Martha's mouth, they became the mainstream figures of the church in the past, and those who stayed in the holy capital were a small number of diehards.

Apart from these insignificant details, Martha's information was consistent with what Ronald knew about other important contents. Given the effects of age, and sensible beautification, that's not a problem.

Ronald quietly listened to Martha's narration.

After the Holy Priest closed his mouth tiredly, he pointed forward and continued to ask questions while leading the way:

"We know about the same about Song Zhonglin."

"However, Martha, since you all know the existence of Song Zhonglin, you haven't visited this place for almost a thousand years. There must be a reason to change your past style and enter this place now, right?"

Seeing Ronald talking to her calmly, Martha was already relieved.

Everything about Song Zhonglin was of great importance. If a strong person like Ronald was hostile to them, things would be troublesome.

"Mr. Ronald, the holy capital sealed by Song Zhonglin is just like the wizard on the barrier mountain. It should not exist today. And in terms of danger, this place is even more dangerous than the barrier mountain."

Having said that, Martha looked into the distance, her gaze became firm:

"Although the past has parted ways."

"But it cannot be denied that this is also part of the church, and we have an unshirkable responsibility. So after the crisis was revealed by the prophecy spell, it is naturally impossible for the priests here to ignore it."

Hearing the word prophecy, Ronald naturally asked:

"Since the prophecy has guarded against this, why didn't you deal with it in the past and didn't take any action until today?"

Martha shook her head slightly:

"According to the judgments of the past few predictions, if we send people in in advance, then we will only usher in the end of complete annihilation. Until this time, things have changed completely."

When she said this, Martha stared closely at Ronald.

Without opening his mouth, he expressed the meaning of "this time is different, maybe it is because of you".

It's just that Ronald doesn't care about this.

What he thought of was Olael, the king of giant beasts.

The past failure prophecy of the church is probably due to the guardian of Songzhonglin. It seems that apart from the fighting when they met, this ancient king of dust giants really has hidden a lot of strength.

After all, with the strength of the church, it is by no means a guy who is physically invincible and can deal with it perfectly.

"By the way!" Ronald suddenly remembered something, "Since the matter of Ge Zhonglin is so important, why didn't the church send a priest to join him? The stronger the strength, the easier it is to achieve this matter, right?"

This sentence may be suspected of underestimating people.

But that's what it is.

The long-serving priest, regardless of strength or adaptability, is more suitable for this task than Martha.

Ronald didn't understand why this young girl was sent to take on this important even though the identity of the other party was not what it used to be.

Facing Ronald's questioning, Maerda didn't show any disgust on her face, she replied very frankly:

"The priest needs to assist His Royal Highness Claudia."

"Besides, as a new incumbent, Ge Zhonglin's trip is also a test for me as a holy priest."

One sentence explains how much the church attaches importance to the [Grid] royal family.

Then Martha asked Ronald:

"Then Mr. Ronald, why are you here?"

"As far as I know, it's not easy to enter the forest of songs. You must have a very important reason, right?"

(end of this chapter)

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