Mystic Dominator

Chapter 149: Organize ideas

recent activity.

I'd better go to the merchant first and decide on the care of the exhibition after that...

Sitting on a chair at home, Ronald stared at the note in his hand and made a decision.

Do the analysis in terms of priorities.

Of course, the one who needs to understand the most now is the warden Bach Christians, and Lumire in his family. The truth about the warden's betrayal, the follow-up to the events in Montenegro, and the whereabouts of the other two are well-deserved top priorities.

But the problem is, Ronald has no way to start at this time.

At best, he is just a powerful folk magician.

And Bach Critchens, as the warden, has been active in Berlenwich for a long time, and he is a representative figure with high authority, no matter if he is on the bright side or on the mysterious side.

I started to investigate the other party by myself...

——Make an assumption.

If Ronald goes downstairs now, go to the nearby block to find a private detective or a local snake as a commission, saying that he wants to investigate the problem with the warden.

Then what he has to wait for next.

It's not when I can get the news I need.

But how long after that, the warden will get the news from the person he entrusted, and then come to him to trouble him.

As for the second most important thing, it was the note in his hand.

The person who passed the message knew the betrayal of the warden, understood the identity of the holder of the original code, and then sent the information to himself with a test attitude.


must be concerned.

Forget about the warden's affairs.

Patricia is the only person who has directly confirmed Ronald's possession of the original since he came to this world.

He didn't feel that Patricia betrayed him.

Then, what kind of intention does this organization that tipped off itself?

What kind of abilities do you have?


Thinking like this, Ronald's attention also shifted to the note in his hand.

- a banknote-sized piece of paper;

——The cutting edge line is neat and tidy;

——The handwriting is neat and not faded, and the habit of personal handwriting is avoided as much as possible in writing.

The person who made this note was obviously well prepared, and left almost zero extra information for himself.


"It's totally impossible to start!"

Leaning back, Ronald gave his body weight to the back of the seat, and he rocked while the seat was in place.

Just as he thought.

For the three things at hand, now only negotiation with the merchant can be carried out.

Ronald has no habit of breaking his promises, so let's respond at the appointed time.

In any case, this is also a one-time opportunity to earn annual salary-level income.

There is no reason to put other people's pigeons like this.


Thinking of this, Ronald waved his right hand on the table.

clap clap-

After a few soft clicks, three original books that were enough to make people in another world go crazy, appeared on the desk in unison.

A khaki-colored wedge-shaped slate, a stack of original archives of timetables, a long poetic play in a black cover.




However, these three texts, undoubtedly powerful, were unable to point the way forward for Ronald at the moment.


Although the three **** powers of 'rage', 'betrayal' and 'rape' are all very useful and powerful abilities.

Except for these three.

The 'evil lust', 'gluttonous' and 'greed' that I have collected are all highly targeted abilities. They are:

To cast a gust of wind on the harlots...  

Invite the hellhound to bite the glutton...

Chasing the huge rolling stone **** that greedy people have attracted...

Highly targeted.

Ronald also has no doubts that they can be very effective in certain situations.

However, while being highly targeted, it means that there are few opportunities to use it.

It's like when the season enters winter, it can only snow in Burrenwich, but not without rain.

This caused Ronald to have no chance to use the same.

is equivalent to non-existence.

Now, in addition to continuing to live in the city...

Ronald should either hide himself and try to hide himself, and honestly continue to wait for opportunities. After all, as long as people have problems, it will be a matter of time before they reveal their faults.

The warden must have his own goals to achieve, and there is no reason to quit.

Otherwise Ronald will go and find a job.

A job that could suit him to covertly and gather intelligence at the same time.

Between the two, you have to choose one.

Thinking like this, Ronald waved his hands and put away all the three originals.

Getting up from the chair, he stretched out a long waist.


"Okay, okay, let's go out."

For a private appointment to discuss work, he naturally didn't plan to wear the same clothes he wore to the banquet before. He simply picked a coat and put it on, Ronald didn't plan to prepare any more.

His current physique...

Let's put it aside, running out to play body art in the winter may not necessarily catch a cold.

The meaning is good.

Opening the door, Ronald walked outside the apartment.

"Mr. Ronald, are you going out?"

At this time, Mrs. Hudson, who was going downstairs, saw Ronald's figure and immediately asked:

"If you go out now, are you going to come back for dinner tonight?"

Ronald thought for a while, and immediately replied:

"I'm not eating at home tonight, just prepare some hot water for me."

"I put a thermos in the house, you can fill it directly."

The landlady replied:

"No I wish you a smooth journey."

Hearing such a reply, Ronald pushed open the door and left the apartment.

It was about two o'clock in the afternoon, and the winter sun was just passing overhead.

In front of him, the quiet street is exactly what it should be.

Apart from the occasional rental carriage passing by, there are still scattered pedestrians on the road.

——As for Ronald's destination.

Businessman Everton Virginia is not a native of Burrenwich and lives in a hotel in the business district. If you simply rely on your legs to walk there, it will take almost an hour or more.


Considering the profit he might make from this trip, Ronald directly called a taxi.

The coachman drove the carriage to a stop in front of Ronald.

After he got into the car and sat down, he asked in a moderate voice:

"Sir, are you going to...?"

Ronald replied immediately:

"Heywood Avenue in the business district, the Blossom Hotel."

The driver responded loudly:


Hearing the guest's destination, the driver immediately drove the carriage away from the street where the apartment was located.

Sitting comfortably in the carriage.

In Ronald's mind, he silently compared a rental carriage to a taxi.

Although there is no doubt that taxis lead by a large margin in terms of comfort.

But the coachman drove the carriage with him on his way.

Looking at the distant streets on both sides, the psychological feeling is also different...

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