Mystic Dominator

Vol 2 Chapter 1494: omission

What happened to the King of Beasts?

Seeing Aurel leave in a panic, Ronald and Costat looked at each other and hurriedly chased after him.

For such a powerful creature to lose its composure, something special must have happened.

The three of them were very fast, and they left the place where they landed and continued eastward. Finally, Aurel's figure stopped in the middle of a mountain peak and began to hike into the mountain.

Seeing this, the two people behind still followed.

Ronald also thought about asking during the period.

However, seeing the panicked look of the King of Beasts, he reckoned that the conversation would not yield any good results at this time, so it would be better to wait until the matter develops to see the situation.

Then along a path that no one had cared about for many years, the traces could only be discerned at this moment, the three of them moved forward all the way, and finally arrived at an open place in the mountains.


Ronald saw at a glance that this was a place with extremely high mysterious attributes.

Although this place has been deserted for a long time, and no one is guarding it. But if you observe carefully, you can find that everything in this space is placed in strict accordance with the ritual requirements of the mysterious side.

Especially in the central position, the altar made of stone blocks.

Even though the power of time has made it dilapidated, the magic power that once came here still lingers on it, making people feel the glory and importance of this altar.


While Ronald looked at the place, he was also talking to Costa in a low voice.

It's a pity that although the maid has relatively ancient knowledge, like Ronald, she only understands that this place is a creation of the mysterious side.

As for more info....

Among the three people present, probably only Aurel, the giant beast king from that ancient era, knows everything here.

The eyes of the two naturally set on the King of Beasts.

Unlike Ronald and the others who can only look at or guess, Olear is very familiar with this place.

After entering this place, he first walked to the left side of the entire altar, opened an old old urn, and looked at the liquid in it; then walked to a long table on the right side, brushed off the dust on it, Looking at some kind of pattern on it.

Wait until both sides are checked.

Only then did Olear turn to the center with a dignified expression, and came to the dilapidated stone altar.

The saint of the ancient church stretched out his right hand and swiped his left fingertips across the palm of his hand. The originally indestructible steel body immediately cracked a scar, and blood gushed out.

Then he didn't choose a location, or chant a mantra.

Just like that, he pressed his **** palm directly on the stone that made up the altar.


The surrounding air was silent, but the magic began to resonate.

The power of the king of beasts and the altar produced some special changes.

Although it didn't cause any abnormal phenomena between heaven and earth, in the eyes of a spellcaster at Ronald's level, he could clearly feel that Aurier's magic power was exchanging with the ancient power in the altar.

At this moment, if you put your eyes on the face of the king of giant beasts.

You will find that he gently closes his eyes, as if he is thinking about something important.


Ronald and Costat didn't intervene in the process.

After waiting quietly for a minute or so, the king of giant beasts removed his palm from the stone altar. At this moment, there was no trace of blood on the altar, and Aurel couldn't help but let out a long sigh:


Ronald stepped forward and asked directly:

"Aurair, what did the people from the Nine Precepts Secret Society do here?"

"That's right." The King of Giant Beasts nodded, with undisguised worry in his awkward expression, "They stayed here before. But I really didn't expect that they would actually have a way to get in!"

"Go in?" Ronald noticed the key point in O'Reil's words, "What did they go into?"

O'Reiler scowled at the question.

But after all, he didn't dare to hesitate for too long, and explained to Ronald:

"In Song Zhonglin's world, there is probably only one thing worth pursuing..."

Having said that, there is no need for Orell to continue talking.

Ronald asked directly:

"They went to the holy capital, didn't they?"


The King of Beasts was silent, but still nodded to show that Ronald guessed right.

Ronald frowned. He didn't want to waste any more time, so he continued to advance the topic:

"Looking at you, you don't want anyone to enter that city, so we should go in and chase them now?"

Aurel showed a bitter smile on his face:

"It's not that simple."

"If I didn't have full confidence in the seal here, how could I allow those guys who broke in from the outside world to move around here at will."

O'Reil's statement is contrary to the reality, and Ronald naturally asked sharply:

"So what do you mean - the Holy City is not accessible at all?"

Aurel shook his head again:

"That's not the case, but according to the information I have, a ceremony that lasts for seven days must be performed before the passage can be opened. Those guys who came earlier than you only arrived one day earlier, how could they break in so quickly? "

At this time, Costat took the initiative to put forward his own ideas:

"How is the process of this ceremony carried out? Is there any possibility of shortening it by using the original spells, or even eliminating the possibility of key steps?"


O'Reil did not veto this time.

His eyes froze, realizing that he had a big problem with his awareness of prevention.

The past thousands of years have made him familiar with the environment of Gezhonglin, and his memory of the outside world is also kept in the past long ago.

With that familiarity comes negligence.

He couldn't guarantee it, and no one else could.

In the years when the ancient holy capital was sealed in Song Zhonglin, there was no original book in the world, which could just ignore the requirement of entering the seal, or shorten the time required for this process.

After all, the Lin seal in the original song was only the strongest seal established in that era.

Times are different now.


While Costart was talking with O'Reil.

Ronald didn't say a word, and silently used [Original Sin of Greed] to lock the target on the ancient holy capital.

However the results were disappointing.

Even in the world of Songzhonglin, the information of the holy capital is still unknown.

In desperation, Ronald shifted his gaze to Orell and interrupted their discussion:

"The current situation—either you and we just wait foolishly outside and let the people of the Nine Rings Secret Society] act freely in the holy capital; or you take practical actions to help us enter the holy capital and stop what they are doing .”

The King of Beasts had a very struggling expression on his face.

On the one hand, he knew that what Ronald said was true, but at the same time, this kind of action violated his duty, and the contradiction in it naturally made people entangled.

And O'Reil is not an indecisive character after all.

Even though he was very entangled in his heart, he didn't delay long after knowing the situation, and quickly responded:

"Come back with me, I will hold this ceremony for you!"

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