Mystic Dominator

Vol 2 Chapter 1495: The legacy of the predecessors

"That means we have to wait another seven days?"

Ronald was very satisfied with O'Reil's cooperative attitude, but the actual situation did not allow him to raise his eyebrows and relax his vigilance.

"If we really have to wait for such a long time, even if we chase after the holy capital, I am afraid that the [Nine Precepts Secret Meeting] people will have completed their purpose long ago!"

"There is no way to wait so long!"

Facing Ronald's questioning, the King of Beasts showed embarrassment.

He understood Ronald's anxiety, even Orell himself, but the reality before him made him only maintain his previous opinion:

"But this is the only way I have to enter the holy capital."

Ronald stared at Olear's boy hole, and asked anxiously and quickly:

"Then tell me, where is the seal?"


The meaning of Ronald's words is very clear, he wants to find the location of the seal of the Holy Capital, and then find a way to get in by himself.

The King of Beasts immediately replied:

"This world itself is the magical entity that seals the holy capital. To enter the seal, besides using the prescribed method, you also know the remaining options..."

The way to enter a seal, besides the normal way, is of course to break it, or even directly destroy it.

It seemed that O'Reil was still clinging to his caretaker duties.

In this regard, Ronald can only try to convince the other party with a calm analysis:

"Aurair, the seal is temporarily broken, and we can restore it after everything is over; but if we don't act immediately and let those guys do whatever they want, do you think there is still a way to restore it?"

However, Aurel is not what Ronald thinks, it is because of the obsession in his heart that he does not want to do so.

After listening to Ronald's persuasion, the giant beast king immediately explained:

"Ronald, it's not that I don't want to make a trade-off. It's that the Songzhonglin world is the seal itself, and it has a very high unity. Once it interferes with violence, it will collapse immediately."


"This kind of setting is simply for the purpose of embarrassing people later!" Ronald could only feel his blood pressure rising rapidly.

If things were true as Orell said, then Ronald would have no choice but to do anything.

If Song Zhonglin is just a simple seal, and everyone returns to the real world after it is destroyed, everything will be fine.

But here is a world structure nested layer by layer.

If this seal is broken here in order to enter the holy capital, the whole world will naturally migrate to the outer layer and enter the forest that was used as a transit point before.

What will be the result then?

The narrow transit point cannot accommodate the huge internal world, and after being exploded, it is completely exposed to the void.

By that time, the [Nine Precepts Secret Meeting] must be finished.

But Ronald himself, as well as all the lives in the forest of songs, probably cannot escape the fate of being swallowed by the void.

He had seen firsthand the dangers of the Void.

[Instinct] The early warning of the spell has already explained what will happen if you fall into it.

In order to ensure that none of the saints in the seal will be liberated.

Those who set up all this in the past really worked hard to come up with a tricky thing.

Facing the dilemma at this moment, Ronald couldn't help cursing:

"Since such a ruthless seal can be set, why didn't you simply destroy the holy capital at the beginning! It's better now, and leave all these troubles to the latecomers!"

Ronald lost his composure, and Costat next to him didn't dare to intervene.

So this time the position was reversed, and it was the turn of the king of beasts, Aurel, to comfort Ronald:

"After all, the holy city is the holy city in the hearts of all priests. In fact, it is a great decision to choose to seal it. For the people at that time, it was not a choice or imagination at all to destroy this place with their own hands. within."


Ronald was silent for a few seconds.

When he spoke again, the expression on his face had adjusted to a calm state, and he returned to the original appearance and asked Aurel:

"In that case, in theory, you can get in touch with the sealed holy capital anywhere in Songzhonglin, right?"

Hearing this, Aurel's expression tightened:

"Ronald, don't you plan to give up..."

"I know the seriousness, and I have no intention of underestimating my own life." Ronald interrupted Aurel directly, "You just need to tell me if that's the case."


The king of giant beasts paused, and finally nodded and said:

"Yes, any place is fine. But because this altar is the place where the seal was once set up, and because of the resonance of the source of magic power, it should be the easiest place to perceive the holy capital in theory."

No wonder people from [Nine Precepts Secret Meeting] would enter the holy capital here.

After figuring out what was going on, Ronald also had a plan, and immediately ordered Costat beside him:

"Costat, you follow Aurel to his city now, and immediately start the ceremony of entering the seal, and ensure that the ceremony is successfully completed—can you do it?"

The maid immediately bent down to salute upon hearing this, and assured her with the most solemn attitude:

"Sir, nothing will disturb the process."

Receiving the assurance from Costa, Ronald turned his head and stared at Aurel silently.

The King of Beasts is not as obedient as the maid.

His responsibilities, as well as his understanding of Song Zhonglin, made it impossible for Aurel to obey Ronald unconditionally. At this moment, naturally asked very nervously:

"Miss Costalt and I went back to prepare for the ceremony, so there is no problem. But Ronald, listen to what you said, do you plan to stay here by yourself?"

Aurel stared at the man in front of him.

He wanted to find out whether Ronald's true thoughts would bring destruction to the world.

But what even the King of Beasts himself didn't realize was that in his eyes at the moment, besides the vigilance of this matter, there was actually an imperceptible expectation hidden in his eyes.


"I'll be here for a day or two at most."

At this time, Ronald spoke, and he did not hide his true thoughts:

"It's hard to accept giving up immediately based on just one statement. I need to verify the results myself."

"And since the ceremony will take seven days, there is no problem for me to continue to try here. If I can't do it, I will catch up with you immediately, and there is no time in time."


Olear didn't respond immediately, instead, UU Reading met Ronald's eyes and stood quietly in front of the altar.

After dozens of heartbeats passed, the king of giant beasts nodded:

"Okay, let's split up then."

After saying that, Aurel immediately started to act, and the figure left, followed by Costa, fulfilling his promise to his master.

One person and one beast gradually moved away.

Just watching the two leave, Ronald turned to face the altar.

At this moment, he suddenly remembered Nicole's prophecy for this trip, and chuckled for some reason.


"It's really dangerous..."

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