Mystic Dominator

Vol 2 Chapter 1493: old history

"As far as the church is concerned, they are actually developing well in the outside world..."

Facing the king of giant beasts, Ronald didn't need to hide the existence of the church.

In order to make the information given by the other party as authentic and credible as possible, and at the same time show his candid attitude, he told Aurel about the development of the church in the outside world along the dialogue.

The facts are not surprising.

After listening to Ronald's narration and realizing that the man in front of him had a good relationship with the church, O'Reil's mentality improved a lot visibly.

He didn't even need Ronald to open his mouth to test, he took the initiative to report his true identity:

"Ronald, there is actually a difference between the church back then and the later generations. Although the mainstream people in the church are committed to the so-called witch hunting movement, some people are actually open to heterogeneous people."

"And it is precisely because of this that I joined the church by chance, and finally became a saint as a non-human being, and took on the responsibility of guarding the holy capital."

"Heterogeneous..." Hearing what Aurel took the initiative to say here, Ronald also opened his mouth and asked, "Actually, to tell you the truth, I have encountered some very large giants in the outside world..."

Before Ronald finished speaking, Olear in front waved his hand:

"That's the dust behemoth, my kind."

"Individually, we possess terrifying power that ordinary people cannot match, but we face enormous challenges in terms of continuation of the species. There used to be people of the same race who planned to change this situation, but after repeated setbacks, the remaining compatriots chose to preserve themselves life, live forever.”

Having said that, Aurel's expression began to drop visibly to the naked eye.

Ronald asked curiously: "You don't seem to think that longevity is a good thing?"

"This is something I learned from being a human being." Olear shook his head and said in a deep tone, "Without continuation and change, there is no motivation to change. This kind of choice is just a slow and steady process. headed toward perdition."

"Even though my kindred and I have an unimaginably long lifespan and powerful strength. But it was the bewitchment brought about by these abilities that made us choose a seemingly easy but actually wrong path. .”


Ronald fell silent.

The truth sometimes comes so suddenly.

It's not like he hasn't investigated the mysterious and powerful dust behemoth in the past. But the information obtained through painstaking efforts is only the record of someone who has witnessed this powerful creature in the past.

Even for Ronald, he has subconsciously given up investigating the true origins of these giant beasts. After all, encountering these guys is a matter of luck, and it is quite difficult to pry their mouths open at the same time.

Who can imagine the result.

After chasing members of the Nine Precepts Secret Society], and then entering Song Zhonglin.

Just a conversation to pass the time while on the road, unexpectedly let me know this kind of secret that no one knows now.

Just as Ronald had mixed feelings in his heart, Olear in front spoke again:

"Ronald, as the king of giant beasts, I can actually feel that you should have killed my compatriots, right?"

Hearing this inquiry, Ronald immediately reacted.

It was probably Orell's ability, as king of the beasts, to sense some quality in the enemies who slew his people.

Ronald's thoughts changed sharply, and he finally chose to say frankly:

"Your family has launched a very dangerous move against humans. Although it is a pity, I can only do it."

"Ah? Don't get me wrong! I'm not trying to condemn you or take revenge." Hearing Ronald's reply, Aurel became nervous instead. The king of giant beasts waved his hands quickly, "They, It’s the same for me, too, I’ve lived too long, and the passing of my life is just inevitable.”


What Olear said was completely different from the way he immediately chose to surrender just now in order to avoid the danger of his life!

For a moment, Ronald couldn't even tell what was going on in this guy's mind.

Maybe... this is the special perspective possessed by the longevity species?

O'Reil's words and deeds, which say that life is enough, but actually cherish life, really make people confused about the authenticity.

Fortunately, Ronald didn't need to continue to struggle with this.

With the flights and conversations going on, they've come a long way.

Just before noon came.

Aurel, who was leading the way ahead, slowed down his flight speed, pointed to the surface where they were facing, and said:

"Ah, did you see it? It's right there, and the person you're looking for is right in front of you!"

Ronald looked in the direction Orell pointed.

That is the direction of the mountains in the forest world in the song. The lush green color covers the mountains under the body. The completely undeveloped mountains and forests show their unique beauty in the open world.

Staring ahead, Ronald was not overwhelmed by the joy of achieving his goal, but continued to maintain a cautious posture and asked:

"Orell, UU Reading I remember you said before that we need a day to arrive?"

"Miscalculation." The king of giant beasts smiled sarcastically, "I thought you were flying relatively slowly, so I said it was a day's journey."

After explaining, O'Reil seemed to think that his answer was not convincing enough, so he added a common complaint:

"Actually, this is also to be blamed on those fellows from the Nine Precepts Secret Society! I thought you all came from the outside world, so you traveled at about the same speed."


The King of Beasts lowered his posture so much that Ronald couldn't say anything.

So aiming at the location of the target, the three of them accelerated their flight, and the final journey was ended by them in just over a quarter of an hour.

However, after the three landed on the ground, Ronald immediately discovered something strange.

According to Aurel, the remnants of the Nine Precepts Secret Society should be here. However, the scouting spell he launched did not detect any signs of human presence around him.

—Is this a trick?

Ronald immediately shifted his suspicious eyes to the King of Beasts:

"What's going on? I didn't notice any traces of anyone's presence in the vicinity. This is the result of the feedback from the spell, and it is basically impossible to make mistakes."

Facing Ronald's accusation, the King of Beasts also looked blank, and his tone stammered a bit:

"This... this shouldn't be? They should be here..."

"Wait!" Suddenly, Aurel's expression changed. He even forgot to be on guard against Ronald, turned around and flew, galloping towards a mountain peak in the east at an extremely fast speed.

If you listen carefully.

You will find that the king of giant beasts is still muttering words of astonishment such as "Could it be that they..." and "This is impossible..." while flying.

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