Mystic Dominator

Vol 2 Chapter 1489: Encounter in the middle of the night

Lifting off again, Ronald took Costart on a hasty journey.

The world of Song Zhonglin is different from the field of infinite negative numbers. Although the terrain here is still the foundation of the real world, the details are completely different, so we can't learn from the map of the real world.

The only direction is the answer given by the orc under the control of the language spirit.

But Ronald and the others were lucky.

After flying in the air for two hours, the two saw the orc settlements, or villages, on the ground again. This place is much larger than the previous gathering place, and obviously no longer belongs to the so-called border area.

"Costat, hide our figure, let's go down." Ronald ordered decisively.

"Sir, please wait a moment." The maid on the side responded immediately.

After a simple conversation, Kostat drew a light breeze to surround the two of them.

It's just that when their figures gradually disappeared, the maid suddenly remembered Ronald's reaction when he entered the last settlement.


Kostat lowered her head slightly so that people could not see her expression clearly.

This reaction was subtle and short, and even Ronald couldn't detect it for a fleeting moment.

After landing in this obviously more orderly village with the help of Kostat's ability, Ronald inquired about the same information as the previous settlement in exactly the same way as before.

The intelligence of the two inquiries was confirmed.

The worries in Ronald's heart also dissipated.

Yan Ling's control can be assured. They arrived here suddenly, and the information they got from two consecutive assaults can be trusted to a large extent.

After a short discussion, the two left again and continued to fly inland.

During the period, they passed another orc settlement, and as the sky gradually turned dark, Ronald reduced their flying speed.

Costat immediately asked, "Sir, what's the matter?"

Ronald explained: "There is a magic source in my perception, and it is coming in our direction."

Almost at the moment when the voice of answer fell, Kostat, whose detection ability was only slightly weaker than Ronald, also noticed the approach of this magic power source.

The maid looked up at the dark sky in the distance.

Although the other party's voice has not yet appeared in the line of sight, but relying on the estimation in perception, a preliminary judgment has already been made.

"Sir, the opponent's speed is very fast, at least exceeding the speed of sound. And judging from this flying direction, he is probably not coming towards us, but towards 'us'!"


Ronald directly pulled out the sword of Saint Caterina, and the power of the sun was already wrapped around the sword.

"The comer is not good, prepare to fight!"

Costat immediately broke away from Ronald's flying spell, stood in the air by himself, and the magic power fluctuations on his body became active at the same time.


The night sky was dark and still.

Ronald and Costa stood still in the air, staring at the direction where the magic power source was approaching.

Both of them are the top existences on the mysterious side, and the battles they have experienced are even more uncommon. It's just that when I come to the world of Lin in this song, when I face a completely unknown enemy, I still feel a little turbulent in my heart.

This mentality did not last long.

The speed of approaching their magic source is extremely fast.

So not long after, Ronald saw the shadow of a mold lake shooting towards the two of them in the dim sky.


Ronald narrowed his eyes.

His eyesight is far superior to that of ordinary people, and at this moment he can barely recognize that this is a guy with a human body. It's just the details of the other person's body and appearance, which need to be closer to distinguish...

"Huh?!" Ronald raised his eyebrows suddenly.

Because at this moment, the figure that was about to be seen in the distance suddenly disappeared!

Immediately following.

It's instinct] The warning of the spell—the danger is at hand!

Ronald raised the sword of Saint Catalina subconsciously.


In an instant, astonishing power was transmitted to Ronald's hand through the blade.

Caught off guard, Ronald flew upside down in the air, his body galloping uncontrollably under the night, like a cannonball just fired from its muzzle. The power of the sun on the long sword] The flame was even stripped off at high speed, leaving a bright and straight line of fire.

But it was also at this moment that Ronald seized the opportunity to see the opponent's appearance clearly.

This guy looks exactly like a human! is this possible?

Regardless of the ability to suddenly flash to the front, or the exaggerated strength, Ronald can accept it frankly. But in his investigative spells, targeting human abilities, he didn't respond to this guy.

This should not be human!


The explosion sound followed by an explosion in the air.

Just when Ronald stopped his momentum of flying backwards, at the position he was just now, the air was squeezed violently, and the terrifying impact formed a shock wave around it, which sounded like thunder and drum beating at first glance.

—It's Kostat fighting the enemy!

The moment Ronald was knocked into the air by the opponent, the maid responded immediately.

In order to prevent the enemy from continuing to pursue Ronald, Costat, who had been ready to go, manipulated spells, causing the airflow to shrink and collide rapidly in the air, creating a violent impact and making it heavy overlay.

The dark sky at this moment has been completely covered by the continuously roaring air currents, and one can tell at a glance that it is a place of death without life!

In such a situation, there is almost no possibility for ordinary people to intervene, and even observation is extremely difficult.

But Ronald's excellent detective skills helped him.

Staring at the sky at this moment, he could see that amidst the continuous explosions set off by Costa, the enemy who had just knocked him into the air was now pursuing the attack against Costa.

This guy didn't even make any defenses.

Facing the strong impact of the surrounding rocks, he can completely resist it with only his strong body, and even completely ignore it!

On the contrary, this is the deal between Kostat and him.

Although the explosion of air currents cannot defeat the opponent, with the help of spells, she will not be caught up by the enemy immediately.

At this moment when the two sides are chasing after each other, the maid is already preparing a new spell.

"What kind of monster is this..."

Watching the battle in the air, Ronald couldn't help but complain.

Even with his current physical strength, he didn't dare not defend against such a berserk attack from Costa. It's hard to imagine how strong the stairs are for this surprise enemy.

Think back to the attack that hit me just now...

Can this guy's body really grow out of flesh and blood?


Ronald took a deep breath, and the long sword in his hand ignited flames again, and he also rushed to the fighting air.

Kstatt in the air is still fighting, he absolutely has no intention of standing idly by!

Afterwards, the power of the sun] began to skyrocket.

Ronald slashed at the exploding air with his sword, and shouted loudly at the same time:

"Kostat, use my fire!"

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