Mystic Dominator

Vol 2 Chapter 1490: surrender

The blade of the sword swung down, and the flames of the Solar Power flew into the air.

Costa, who was chasing and fighting with the enemy, reacted the moment he heard Ronald. The maid controls the violent compression and expansion of the airflow, changing the direction of the wind holes one by one, forming countless circular airflows in clockwise and anticlockwise directions.

Changes are made in an instant.

This new airflow structure, with layers of wind rings rubbing against each other, is far more powerful than cutting with a knife, like a huge aerial pulverizer!

However, the enemies who fought Kostat were not afraid.

He could directly resist the airburst just now with his strong body, and the cutting at this moment is also easy.

Even without the impact of those blasting impacts on the action, his speed is a bit faster than before, and he can even close the distance with Costa at a slow speed.


It's just that before the enemy caught up with Costa, the cooperation between Ronald and Costa had already produced results.

The flaming power of the sun] attached to the strong spiral airflow, immediately spread upwards at an undiminished speed, and quickly covered all the airflows.

In an instant, the dark sky was lit up with the golden red color of the flames.

The huge fire tornado waved wantonly in the air, and the surrounding temperature continued to rise. At first glance, it looked like a doomsday purgatory, which made people feel horrified.


Outside of the fire tornado, Ronald's expression did not relax.

He stared at the battlefield that was completely surrounded by flames and air currents, his expression was full of thoughts.

Although the field of vision has been completely enveloped by flames.

But Ronald's keen hearing was still able to hear the sound of fighting in the fire tornado.

There is no problem for the user of the spell Costat, who is in it.

But what is surprising is that the enemy who is launching a surprise attack can not only resist the cutting of the strong airflow, but also completely ignore the burning of the flame of the solar power]!

"I know it's not that simple..."

After confirming the situation, Ronald sighed with emotion in a low voice, and then he tightly grasped the right hand of the long sword, and rushed into the storm of flames that filled the sky.

—The environment in the fire tornado is extremely harsh.

Even though Ronald's flying spell is powerful enough, the moment he stepped into it. He was still affected by the airflow, which distorted his movements while flying.

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Fortunately, this interference soon disappeared without a trace.

Costa, who controls spells, is fully capable of multitasking, so the second after Ronald entered here, the maid made targeted changes to the impact of the airflow.

Then, it was the scene in front of me.

In the fire tornado, it is impossible to see anything clearly with the naked eye. Only in a very close state can the shadow of a mold lake be discerned. Ronald can only capture the position of the enemy in the fire tornado by virtue of his perception of the source of magic power and his keen hearing.

Pause for a few seconds and process the information gathered in your mind.

After confirming the positions of Costa and the enemy, Ronald quickly moved upwards.

Before coming close to the opponent, Ronald held the hilt of the sword of Saint Caterina with both hands in advance, put the weapon between the waist and abdomen, and at the same time, the tip of the sword turned outward, posing the most powerful posture for a straight stab attack posture.


In the next second, the enemy's figure faintly appeared in the flames, and then the pitch-black blade touched the opponent's back.


Ronald immediately felt the sensation of the blade piercing into the object, but soon felt the blade deflected upwards.

The Sword of Santa Caterina does deal effective damage.

Even this enemy with a terrible body was surprised at the first moment after being injured, and reacted quite violently.

He resolutely accelerated upwards, using the speed brought by the relative position change to get out of the reach of the blade. For this reason, he even did not hesitate to let the sword of Santa Caterina draw a straight downward blood groove on his back.

At the same time, Ronald didn't stop. He had just made one attack, so it was naturally impossible to let the opponent go.

Also activating the spell, chasing after the opponent, Ronald deliberately strengthened the strength on his arm with magic power

The successful attack just now gave him a clear understanding of the physical strength of the enemy. In order to suppress the opponent in a normal one-on-one battle, he still needs to continue to strengthen his own strength!


The enemy flying upwards in the air also collided with the oncoming Costa.

As the master of the air flow, the maid knew everything that happened in the fire tornado, so she naturally knew Ronald's success and the enemy's choice of evasion.

So she blocked the opponent's way forward, preparing to hold this guy down and form a pincer attack with Ronald who was chasing from behind.


In an instant, the enemy caught in the middle let out a powerful roar.

There is a kind of spiritual oppression in the furious voice.

Even though Ronald and Costa had prepared their defenses well, it was inevitable that they would lose their minds briefly at this moment.

In the next second, the two of them recovered from the influence of the roar. UU reading

Then he found that the enemy who had let out a terrible roar just now, as if he was going to fight to the death, turned in the air, escaped from the area covered by the fire tornado at an astonishing speed, and then started sprinting towards the ground.

This guy... he ran away? !

One second he was still fighting fiercely, fighting for life and death, but in the next second he decisively abandoned the battle and ran for his life.

Such a change even made Ronald a little speechless for a while.

"Kostat, chase!"

Of course, this is not a reason to let the enemy go.

Ronald simply said Costat, rushed out of the flames first, and followed closely behind the enemy's figure.


After rushing out of the flame tornado, Ronald's eyes locked on the opponent.

At this moment, he discovered another powerful ability of the other party - the rapid recovery ability of the body.

This human-shaped enemy, the wound on his back that was just torn open, is closing itself at an unimaginable speed. Right before Ronald's eyes, the dazzling sword wound disappeared without a trace.

If Ronald came out a second later, he would not have seen this scene.

Then when he noticed the intact back of the opponent, he might even feel that his previous attack was all an illusion.

"Strong body, exaggerated self-recovery ability, really a guy who specializes in body strengthening..."

With such a strong body, it is also expected to have the same excellent recovery ability. Ronald was not surprised by this, but immediately had a solution to the other party, and then he was about to chant the spell.

As a result, at this moment, the fleeing enemy in front suddenly stopped.

He stood on the ground, turned around to face Ronald, and then raised his hands high:

"Stop, stop!"

"Stop fighting, humans, we won't fight!"

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