Mystic Dominator

Vol 2 Chapter 1488: Olaer

"Really... that's fine too..."

After Costat hid himself, Ronald immediately wanted to ask why he didn't do the same for himself. After all, the spell to manipulate air flow is different from original sin of jealousy, and there is no limit that can only be applied to oneself.

But after thinking about Costatter's new personality, Ronald still didn't say much.

In this way, one person changed his appearance, and the other disappeared.

The two had their own ways, and they walked towards the settlement ahead together.

Ronald walked around the hill in front of him, stepped on the vibrant grass under his feet, and walked into it after a while.

— Hardly anyone noticed Ronald's arrival.

Apart from gathering together to form a tribe, these orcs appeared to be quite backward in other aspects. There was no clear division of responsibilities among the people, and no one was even responsible for guarding the settlements.

Ronald only ensured that he was not so conspicuous, and he didn't take the initiative to talk to people, so he went around this settlement very smoothly, and everything went very smoothly.

Especially in this success.

It was he who could understand the language of these orcs.

The language and characters used by these guys are probably inherited from some kind of human language system, and general knowledge of language is also effective.

Ronald managed to collect a lot of information just like taking a walk.

First of all, this place is called Aurel, and it is a land under the rule of a certain monarch.

The orcs with ancient customs respected and obeyed the king, but they usually did not undertake duties such as taxation. Especially this settlement is the most frontier tribe on the land of Aurel.

Under the influence of many factors, there is a very low degree of regularity here.

Even settlements themselves were gradually formed because group life was more conducive to survival.

"This scale is not small at all..."

After getting certain information, Ronald probably knows the scale of this world, probably not under the realm of infinite negative numbers].

He didn't doubt whether the ancient holy capital was here.

But to find the location of the holy capital here, I am afraid it will not be possible in a short time.

Look at the orcs in the surrounding settlements.

At least among these isolated and marginalized population, Ronald didn't think he could get any news about the holy capital.

"Sir, what should we do next?" At this moment, Costattle asked cautiously in the air beside him.

"Try one last time, and then we will leave." Ronald said his plan, and then added, "Do not reveal our arrival as much as possible."

After the words fell to the ground, Ronald continued to act.

He has already heard a lot of information while walking here, so he naturally knows that those people have a higher status and are suitable for sniffing out information.

So he picked a guy with a head shaped like an owl, and looking at the guy who was pleasing to the eye, Ronald walked over.

As Ronald's target, the orc naturally sensed his approach.

So those jet-black eyes surrounded by a circle of yellow immediately locked on Ronald.

Just don't wait for it to open its mouth to ask.

The command voice with the power of speech sounded in this guy's ear:

"Follow me and don't attract other people's attention."


The orc's eyes froze, completely unable to resist Ronald's verbal control. Immediately afterwards, with a calm appearance, he followed Ronald's voice and walked out of the settlement.

Ronald didn't want to draw attention to himself.

So they didn't leave too far, only found a low-lying place on the side of the hill, and then started the final inquiry.

"Holy capital of humanity—have you ever heard that term, or anything like it?" Ronald asked.

"Unheard of." The orc immediately vetoed it.

"Why do you live in the world of Song Zhonglin?" Ronald asked the second question.

"We..." The orc paused for a few seconds. He had never thought about the meaning of living here, and finally he could only shake his head and give a non-answer answer, "Our ancestors have been living here for generations."


Ronald didn't expect to get any important news, but the orc's reaction still made his heart sink.

After adjusting his mentality a little, Ronald continued:

"So, do you know Song Zhonglin?"

The orc didn't hesitate at all this time:

"have no idea."


Don't you even know what's going on in the world you live in?

At this point in the conversation, Ronald had basically given up the possibility of getting more information, so he asked the final question:

"The center of Aurier, that is, where is your king, how far is it from here, and how to get there?"

In this inquiry, the orc finally gave Ronald an effective message.

It pointed to the inland direction, and said with certainty:

"Going this way, depending on the speed of different people, it takes about two weeks to one and a half months to arrive."

Ronald nodded with satisfaction.

The travel time given by the other party was very long, but considering the different shapes of orcs in the settlement, individual differences would inevitably bring about such a result.

Converted to the speed of Ronald and Costa, UU Reading may be able to reach the place in the mouth of the other party in two or three days.

"Okay, you go back."

"Forget everything that happened here and live as usual."

Ronald ended the questioning.

The controlled orc also stood up, turned back to the settlement alone under the last command of the spirit of speech, and quickly disappeared in the low-lying place of the hill.


At this time, several air currents spread around.

After the breeze died down, Costat's hidden figure reappeared, and his eyes of asking for instructions naturally passed to Ronald:

"Sir, the situation is not clear at the moment?"

Ronald expressed his opinion:

"The lives living here don't know what the environment they are in is likely to be the result of the ruler's deliberate control. In a sense, this is also an answer."

Costat murmured, his eyes thoughtful:

"So, is that king deliberately blinding his people?"

"This kind of thing must take a lot of energy, and I don't think it's something worth doing."

Ronald was not too entangled in this, shrugged and said:

"After all, this is a sealed world. No matter for reasons of stability or governance, it is possible to make such a decision. Besides, the long time is enough to make changes."

"In short, let's go on to the place where the king is. As the ruler of this land, we can get some information there."

Having said that, Ronald showed a slight smile to Costa.

Although it is unlikely, but out of the idea of ​​adjusting his mentality, he proposed a very lucky idea:

"And if we're lucky, we might bump into the guy from the Nine Rings Secret Society directly?"

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