Mystic Dominator

Vol 2 Chapter 1485: different information

Latest URL: Dangerous!

Ronald's eyes tightened, and he immediately backed away, and the flame of [Lantern of the Endless Sea] was instantly extinguished under his control.

This darkness and nothingness is not an attack, but a certain characteristic of this world itself. In fact, the existence of thorny vines is not to trap people in the singing forest, but to protect the singing forest inside.

The threat Ronald is facing at this moment is as if the diving bell where the diver is located has been destroyed, and the deep-sea torrent carrying huge pressure is rushing head-on!

Alarm bells rang in Ronald's heart.

[Instinct] The danger prediction of the spell has almost reached its limit, and it is only one strength away from when encountering a great existence.


At the very moment, Ronald stomped hard and leaped backwards.

Just as his body was floating in the air, a strong wind appeared suddenly.

The airflow wrapped around Ronald like a tornado, dragging his body and flying back, making his already lightning-quick movements even more advanced, almost super-electric!

It's Costa.

The maid faithfully carried out Ronald's orders.

The next moment when the crisis came, Kostat used spells in the rear to help Ronald leave the dangerous edge of Songzhonglin.


Ronald thanked Costa in his heart, but he dared not take his eyes off the void outside the song forest.

He was thinking about how to keep the two of them safe, or how to deal with this phenomenon in the future.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred.

In the distance of Ronald's vision, the thorns and vines that had just been burned by the flames of the [Extreme Sea Lantern] grew again, surrounding Song Zhonglin again at a rapid pace, completely isolating the void outside in just a few seconds.

After the structure was complete, the hidden effect of the thorny vines also reappeared.

The illusion of a quiet and peaceful forest floats on the edge of the entire world, keeping all horrible things out. At this time, Song Zhonglin completely returned to the appearance when Ronald and the two came in, and his quiet appearance was like the world in the song.


Staring at the scene in front of him, Ronald landed on the ground again.

Before he could turn around, Costat rushed forward and began to check Ronald's physical and mental condition:

"Sir, are you okay! I saw the situation outside the forest just now..."

Ronald waved his hand to indicate that he was fine:

"It's okay, you did a good job just now and helped me a lot."

Thanks to his quick reaction, Ronald was naturally not injured.

After Kostat finished checking and felt relieved, he walked back to the edge of Songzhong Forest. This time the maid followed closely, unwilling to leave Ronald's side even a step.

The two came to the edge of Songzhong Forest again, and the thorny vines reappeared in front of them.

For this kind of extremely fast-growing vine, the destruction just now seemed like a dream. At this moment, Ronald could not see any broken or burned traces on the things in front of him.

Until he noticed where the thorny vines grew from the ground.

"This position is shorter than before?"

Before setting the fire, Ronald carefully observed the situation here, and he also remembered the boundaries of the growth of thorns and vines in his heart.

At this moment, he seems to have discovered that after the danger just now, the range of Ge Zhonglin has shrunk by a circle!

The situation has few redundant possibilities.

Ronald was sure—the land was swallowed by the Void!

If you don't want to continue to squeeze yourself and Kostatt's room for movement, it's better not to start with these thorny vines before you are sure.

Analyzing this in his heart, Ronald took Costat back to the depths of the woods, during which the maid took the initiative to ask:

"Sir, what shall we do next?"

Ronald's movement of turning back explained his intention, so Kostat did not ask why he left the edge of the forest, but directly asked for instructions on the next action.

"I have no idea for the time being." Ronald admitted that he was helpless now, and continued, "Anyway, as far as the current situation is concerned, the edge of this forest cannot be destroyed. Let's look for clues from these trees, maybe I can gain something. If it doesn't work..."

Speaking of which, Ronald's mouth curled into a smile:

"If it really doesn't work, my [Original Sin of Greed] should have reached the time when I can continue to use it—the problem will naturally be solved."


Hearing such an answer, Costa was silent for a moment.

The maid followed Ronald and continued to turn back. She paused a lot on the road, her eyes revealed a conflicted look, and she wanted to speak a few times, but she closed her mouth in the end.

Until the two reached the center of Song Zhonglin.

When Ronald was about to split up and continue to explore this big forest that was almost indistinguishable from the outside world, Costa couldn't help but speak:

"Sir, according to my understanding of your cognition - can this behavior be understood as choosing not to take any intervention measures when facing a problem, and allowing things to develop to the bad side?"


This time it was Ronald's turn to stop and be silent.

He turned his head to look at Kostat with a curious face, controlled his facial expression, and took a long time before he could speak:

"Kostat, when did you learn to talk in such a winding way? I understand what you said just now, what you mean-you are asking me, is this kind of behavior called bad behavior?"

"Sir! I'm not..." Costat immediately tensed up.

However, Ronald did not let the topic continue to run wildly out of control, but immediately opened his mouth to characterize the matter:

"When things predictably go bad, you don't do anything, and that's called shit."

"And now? We're being proactive, and we have spells as a predictable solution. So Costat, this is by no means a bad attitude, we're trying to fix the problem!"

After such a forcible explanation, Ronald immediately issued an order, and the two split up to explore the forest.

Aside from the bloodshot faces after turning around, both Ronald and Costat walked steadily, swiftly and powerfully.

As a result, the two explored nothing.

They figured out everything here in detail, and the song forest in front of them is exactly the same as the song forest outside, except for the birds and beasts that live there.

Even if the two of them were extremely careful, they would not be able to gain any information.

In the end, you can only accept the low morale.

At the scheduled time, that is, the time when [Original Sin of Greed] can be used again, Ronald and Costait returned to the center of Songzhong Forest.


The master and the maid looked at each other, and with just one look, they knew that the other party was just like him.

Ronald scratched his hair to hide his embarrassment, and followed his previous thinking, once again locked [Original Sin of Greed] on the forest in front of him.

Then, [Original Sin of Greed] showed a completely different reaction from before.

Through this spell as a medium, a few beautiful and smiling voices were passed into Ronald's ears like this:

"Singing sounds surround the forest, UU Reading is here, and it is also elsewhere."

"The unchanging voice, the unchanging person, the road to the atrium extends from here..."

[Well, my work is not over yet, but it was updated today.


Because of staying up late for more than ten days in a row, it caused a gout attack, so I can only rest, and then I can update the code...

I thought about this kind of thing at first, but the reason is that of infection and fever.

The world is amazing...

In short, I wrote a chapter before going to bed and posted it. I will wake up tomorrow and think about how to write it later.

Long time no typing...

To be honest, I forgot the original plot...]

(end of this chapter)

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