Mystic Dominator

Vol 2 Chapter 1486: true intention in the song

Hearing this song, Ronald stopped in place with a delicate expression.

He has used the ability of [Original Sin of Greed] many times, and even detected extraordinary existences at the level of great existences.

But today's situation where the information is not listed, but the singing is heard...

That was really the first time I encountered it!

"The forest in the song... is rooted in the forest in the song, and feeds back information with singing. Although it seems bizarre, it makes sense." Soon, Ronald smiled with relief.

Looking back on the scene when I entered here, I know that the spell used to seal the ancient holy capital really has its own unique features.

At this moment [Original Sin of Greed] Feedback is a rare situation.

It is just one of the various specialties revealed in this superb skill.

"Sir, you seem to have gained something?" When Ronald smiled lightly, Costat, who was on the side, approached him and asked.

"That's right, but this harvest is different from before." Ronald admitted with a nod, and then explained in detail, "Original Sin of Greed" did not give me specific feedback like in the past, but presented a lyrics."

Costat's eyes became curious: "The lyrics...?"

Ronald didn't say much, and directly sang what he had just gained:

"Singing surrounds the forest, here and there."

"The unchanging voice, the unchanging person, the road to the atrium extends from here..."

Costat thought for a while, and immediately analyzed:

"Sir, this song is similar to the court songs I've heard in the dark age, but it's different from what the lady sang just now."

Ronald didn't care about the difference in the style of the two songs, and directly expressed his opinion:

"The woods that are born in the song—something that's so interesting and mysterious, it'd get lost if it was limited to a certain genre."

Costa was no longer entangled, and immediately asked for instructions:

"So what do we do now?"

Ronald pointed to the woods around the two:

"In that case... let's try singing."

When he entered the forest of songs last time, Ronald had already made excuses for himself. Costatter gained experience, so he tried to sing a cappella following the tone of this type of ballad in his memory:

"Singing surrounds the forest, here and elsewhere..."

The maid sang softly, and was a little out of tune at first. Analyzing the type of music with only lyrics is actually quite powerful, and it is even more difficult to restore its own tune.

But Costa is different.

Although she has gradually turned to a personified mode of thinking, her ability to think in Gestalt has not been completely lost. After just a few lines, she actually sang an excellent melody along the lyrics.

Ronald stood aside, listening to Costat's singing like a clear stream flowing through the forest, as if singing elegantly, and also like the sound of some kind of ritual.


As Kostat sang, the trees in the forest made sounds following the beat. Looking up, you can see that the branches and leaves of the treetops are moving without wind, as if the singers are singing.

Evidently, it was Costat's singing that had caused some change.

Soon, the voices of the trees in the forest became louder and louder. The sound that follows the beat is continuous, but there are obvious ups and downs in it, as if it has broken away from following the rhythm of the melody, but is singing by itself.

This trend is intensifying and progressing extremely fast.

In just a few seconds, they covered Kostat's voice and Ronald's vision.

The singing voice that has already formed is also the scene reflected in the two children of Ronald, which is the canvas where everything is plunged into dark green.


The two stood where they were, and Kostat obeyed the order and continued singing without stopping.

Ronald did not intervene either.

Because he understood that they made the right choice, and at the same time, the instinct spells had no warning of the crisis.

Time passed, the singing gradually died down, and the dark green surrounding the two also faded from the peak.

Just like when the two entered the forest of songs, the surrounding scene became clear again.

After a song.

The world where the two stand is no longer the forest in the song before.

Although the woods just now looked normal, the sunny sky above told them that the situation was different now.

In an instant, doubts and a sense of crisis arose spontaneously.

—Are they going back to their original world?

——The difference in time is because the time flow speed of the two worlds is different?

"..." Seeing this situation, Ronald raised his eyebrows and immediately made a decision, "Let's go out and have a look."

The maid followed closely behind without saying a word.

The two walked through the woods at an extremely fast speed, and soon came to the edge of the woodland.

This time they didn't encounter any obstruction from thorns and vines, but passed through the border of the forest smoothly all the way, and saw the scene outside.

The reality that caught their eyes caused the two of them to fall into silence together.

What appeared in front of my eyes was not the place where I entered Songzhong Forest at the beginning, but a hill with glistening green all over the ground.

Ronald raised his position, and his vision swept across the open world. In the distance, a river was flowing on the ground, like a curvy and soft ribbon tied around a girl's waist.

He knows the river.

Before entering the forest of songs, Ronald remembered the surrounding terrain, so naturally he would not forget such an important reference.

The shape of the earth now is different from before, UU Reading www. Although the river has also changed, the general flow direction can still be identified.

In this song, as soon as the forest enters and exits, the outside is full of vicissitudes?

The worst possibility emerged in Ronald's mind. As a place to seal the ancient holy capital, any kind of dangerous spells left by the predecessors may be possible, and the means to act on the speed of time may not appear!

At the same time, Costa also followed Ronald, and the maid came to the same conclusion as the master:

"Sir, this seems to be where we came in, but it's different in many places?"

Ronald looked at Costat after hearing the sound, and at the same time used the "Bradshaw Railway Guide" to determine the time.

The result was a relief.

The time the two were in coincided with the time when they came in. They didn't fall into some kind of terrible time trap, but simply the difference in location.

"Kostart, don't worry."

"The time we are in is normal, but the location is a little different..."

Suddenly, Ronald's voice began to drop.

He stared at Costeta next to him, recalling the ballad sung by the maid just now, and the information he obtained earlier.

Looking at such a scene, Lenovo's meaning in the song.

A lot of information came together, and Ronald immediately understood that the words in the singing were actually the key to the real goal!

"Ha ha-"

Ronald couldn't help laughing, shaking his head while feeling emotional:

"Singing surrounds the forest, here and elsewhere..."

"So it is!"

"The singing of Lin in Songs is singing after all. What it shows in reality is only a one-sided cognition. The real singing can be in people's mouths, in people's ears, in people's hearts, and it will never change. This is what it brings us The fundamental ability here!"

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