Mystic Dominator

Vol 2 Chapter 1484: Wall of Thorns

The latest website: The forest is still the same forest as before.

At night, huge trees can be seen everywhere.

After Ronald encouraged Costa to look around, he found that there was almost no difference between here and before the singing, and the quiet night reflected in his eyes perfectly corresponded to the chaotic vision.

— Only the birds on the tree are no longer visible at this moment.

Only then did people clearly recognize the reality, that they had come to a brand new place.

The picture in front of him reminded Ronald of [Infinite Negative Number Field].

The world used to seal the wizard of the Barrier Mountain is similar to the scene in front of him, but there are certain differences in the details.

So, this is also a special aspect that has undergone a transformation?


Its name is Styx,

The black water flowed down to the foot of the dark and steep cliff. "

The switching of the world made some spells start to fail.

Ronald recited the spell and rearranged the abilities he needed, such as searching for humans and reconnaissance of terrain.

"Huh?" Ronald Tong Kong froze.

The spells of "Astronomical Achievement" and "Divine Comedy" were cast smoothly, and their strength was consistent with that of the outside world. But there was a problem with the scope, and the detection ability was limited to the inside of the woods they were in.

"Sir?" Kostat cast a questioning look.

"The range of the spell is limited, let's go to the edge of the woodland." Ronald issued an order directly and put it into action.

He took Kostat with him, and the two headed for the edge of the woodland at great speed.

However, before they reached their goal, they found that there was nothing in the distant sky, and dense thorns and vines emerged from the void. They went up to the sky and down to the surface, forming a giant curtain that was far larger than a giant tree with a height of 100 meters. And even grander!

Ronald's expression changed, and he immediately pulled Costa back a step.

This thing appeared strangely.

It makes people feel very dangerous.

The wary move took the two out of a certain line.

In the next second, the thorns and vines enveloping the world suddenly disappeared, and the woodland returned to the quiet and peaceful atmosphere.

"Sir, those vines...?" Costat looked down at Ronald and grabbed his hand, no longer raised his head, just asked.

Ronald watched the front solemnly, and had already made a decision in his heart:

"Not sure about the situation right now."

"Kostat, I'll go ahead and check the situation. You wait in this safe area. If something happens to me, you can use the spell to manipulate the air flow to pull me out."

As soon as the words fell, Ronald let go of Kostat's palm, and stepped forward cautiously. Crossing the boundary of the distance again, thorny vines reappeared like a background curtain.

The maid behind her looked up.

Her eyes turned from faint bewilderment to seriousness, and then carefully observed everything happening around Ronald.

One meter, two meters, three meters...

Ronald moved forward steadily, and the thorns that appeared in the void gradually became clear.

These plants look like Rhamnaceae plants, mixing the qualities of vines and shrubs, but beyond the concept of normal plant growth.

After approaching the edge of the woodland, you can see that these red, green and green plants are rooted here. The impenetrable structure blocks the front like a city wall, and the blackness of night is only exposed in the extremely high sky.

"No response?" Ronald was a little curious.

He was ready to fight these thorns, but nothing happened.

"From the relationship of the whole earth and sky, we will start to form our cognition."

So Ronald chanted the spell, let the spell take him upwards, and tried to pass through the sky.

However, only a few meters into the air, Ronald fell back to the ground with his mouth curled up.

Because as his position rose, thorns began to appear in the originally clean sky, and the speed was exactly the same as when Ronald was flying.

In other words.

These thorns and vines already exist, but they are usually hidden and only appear when the observer gets close to a certain distance.

Ronald already had some calculations in his mind.

If as expected, this vine should be the culprit that enveloped the entire woodland and restricted the range of his detection spells!

"Sir, is something wrong?"

At this time, Kostat's shout came from behind.

Her position is different from that of Ronald, and she cannot see the appearance and disappearance of thorns.

Witnessing Ronald's action of flying a few meters before landing, he was worried about such a half-way move, but he was also undecided whether to take action immediately.

"I'm fine here, just keep watching!"

Ronald replied loudly, reassuring Costat's worries.

The unresponsiveness of the thorns and vines fueled his desire to test, so Ronald's fingertips lit up with flames, and then flung them towards his eyes.


[Power of the Sun] is attached to the vines, and it will go out immediately after the magic power is exhausted.

The flames from the sun can't ignite these plants, as if the thorns are just their appearance, not the real inner substance, so they are not flammable and naturally cannot be burned.

What was even more speechless was that Ronald took the initiative to attack, and the thorns and vines did not respond.

It seems that they are really pure dead things, without any active response to the outside world.

Right now [Original Sin of Greed] is still in use, how can we find out the details of this thing?

"Costat, lamp!" Ronald quickly made up his mind and shouted again.

[Lantern of the Absolute Sea] was thrown high by the maid, and was escorted down to Ronald by the air current of magic.

"The negative energy ion flame should react, right?"

Ronald murmured in a low voice, and then poured the flame in the [Lantern of the Endless Sea] towards his face.


In an instant, the thorny vines that were still standing still just now began to burn.

The swaying flames spread rapidly, forming a wall of fire as towering as a mountain, and then continued to burn the thorns with hidden forms in the distance.

In just a few seconds, the fire completely enveloped the world, turning it into a birdcage of flames covering the entire forest.

Not just thorn vines actually.

The negative energy characteristics allow the flame of [Extreme Sea Lantern] to burn some substances that exist in the real world. The earth and giant trees are also within its burning range. Ronald can completely destroy everything.

It's just that he thought it was inappropriate to let himself lose his foothold, so UU Reading deliberately controlled the burning area.

Burning with terrible flames.

Ronald gradually felt that the thorn vines were tens of meters thick.

And as the burning progressed, thorny vines on the outside continued to curl inward, trying to fill in the damaged holes.

This recovery is extremely fast.

But after all, he was no match for the power of [Lamp of the Endless Sea].

Under the absolute oppressive propulsion, the flames finally burned through the thorns and vines, and the entire sky covering the forest showed a broken state, looking like a tattered old rag.

So Ronald saw it.

Behind the high wall of thorns is a complete black nothingness.

And with the burning of the thorns and vines, this piece of nothingness collapsed and overwhelmed towards the woodland! Mobile phone users please browse and read, palm reading is more convenient.

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