Mystic Dominator

Vol 2 Chapter 1483: key

The latest website: Song Zhonglin?

[Original Sin of Greed] The feedback information has proved that Ronald and the others are looking for the right direction.

But Ronald's furrowed eyebrows did not loosen.

Because the key to the problem before them is how to find and enter the holy capital, knowing the information itself provides very limited help.

Or more seriously.

The information given by [Original Sin of Greed] cannot advance the actual situation.

"Song in the forest, song in the forest..."

Ronald murmured the news he had just received.

On the huge tree in front of you there are birds in flight. These lovely little creatures have bright green and dark blue feathers, which look beautiful and dazzling with a little moonlight, as beautiful as gems on a ribbon.

They were awakened by the two during the night, but did not appear to be frightened. At this moment, some of them were quietly watching Costa in the air, and some were combing their feathers with their beaks, while at the same time paying attention to Ronald below.

The bird's attention caught Ronald's attention, and he couldn't help talking to these little guys:

"You have lived here for generations, you must know something, if..."

"Ha ha-"

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Ronald himself thought it was ridiculous, and couldn't help shaking his head, thinking to himself—it's a pity that with his general knowledge of language, he can't translate the singing of birds, after all, he can only figure out a way by himself.

The birds don't worry about people, they just watch quietly on the surrounding trees, and even push each other, occupying excellent viewing branches.

Ronald began to think about a solution to the dilemma.

But before he could take any action, a new wave of magic power appeared on Kstatt in the air. The maid's spell did not cause any unnecessary scenes, only the magic power was withdrawn from the body while the light was flowing.

A few seconds later, the traces of the spell completely disappeared in the air.

Costat landed lightly on the ground, looking a little tired, but immediately looked at Ronald in front of him:

"Sir, I tried to take the information carried on the trees. These huge trees have abnormalities in a mysterious sense, but the hidden form is very special, and I can't uncover their details."

Without the spell [Original Sin of Greed], Costait could obtain this level of information, which is absolutely amazing.

Naturally, Ronald would not have any objections. He encouraged the maid and immediately shared the information he had:

"Costat, this place is called Songzhonglin."

"According to the news of the spell feedback, it should be a place based on the ability of the original music. Do you have any thoughts on this?"

"Singing Forest?" Costa was immediately lost in thought.

In hundreds of years of life, Costa has also encountered a certain number of original music books, but the word forest in the song...

It's a pity that she doesn't have any takeaways about it in her head.

Costat's eyebrows were locked tightly.

Although there is a fundamental difference between the way of thinking and before, the maid rummaged through her memory, and finally returned a blank.

— cannot meet the needs of the master by oneself.

Affirming this reality, Kostat's expression naturally began to darken.

Ronald on the side saw the maid's reaction and immediately understood what was going on in the other's mind. He was worried that Kostat would put pressure on the freshmen's personality due to the psychological pressure of 'dereliction of duty', so he quickly relieved:

"Kostat, the last thing you need to do is rush."

"The goal is right in front of you, and being too impatient may waste time. Think calmly, analyze intelligence, and sort out past information. This is what you should do on the right road."

"I see, sir." Costat obeyed Ronald.


Birds chirped suddenly.

Among the birds watching Ronald and the two from the tree, an inconspicuous brown hen slipped down. When it fell, it tried to fly up, and then flew high, circling the trees and singing to other companions, as if it was telling something.


Seeing this scene, Ronald was suddenly stunned.

The movement and sound of the bird seemed to help him knock on a secret door, and he realized a secret in the singing like a song.

A secret he should have realized earlier.

A few minutes earlier, his murmurs to the bird might have been a prophecy.

So Ronald looked at Costat with joy and expectation:

"Kostat, do you still remember the song by Alian just now?"

The maid said without thinking:

"Sir, of course."

Ronald immediately ordered:

"Then sing, sing according to Alian's voice, maybe this is the key for us to move on!"

Ronald actually remembered the words of the ballad.

It's just that he feels that he is a layman with ordinary musical talent, so he trusts Kostat's ability in this area more.

Of course, the maid will not refuse the master's order.

She recalled a little, and Alian's lyrics immediately came to mind perfectly, even including the strength of each breath when the other party sang.

So Costaerta began to sing:

"The night the sun goes down,

The ancient wise elders imprisoned the dark city on the earth.

The cold mist, devouring life,

The long river flows, wears away wisdom,

If it asks your name, remember not to answer.


In the moonlight, in the singing.

The earth stands still, and the towering shades shift their greenness.

Accompanied by the lifelike singing voice imitated by Costa, Lin in the song showed his true face to the two guests.

The green that spreads and spins like ripples lingers in the forest like light and shadow. The intertwined fragments reflect each other, quickly forming thousands of rings.

Eventually the image takes hold and lingers around Ronald and Costat.

Through this ever-changing light and shadow, Ronald seemed to be able to hear the cheerful chirping of birds, which made him grateful.

Ronald knew he was right.

The key to entering the forest of songs is naturally songs.

People who once knew the secret chose to use the sealed ballad to warn future generations not to touch the place where the ancient horror was sealed.

If someone with bad intentions comes here. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Under the premise of not knowing the details of the forest in the song, how could it be possible to use the spread of this warning as the trick to enter it?

In joy, the ever-changing light and shadow began to dissipate. When the melody of the song that reached the climax decreased, Ronald could vaguely recognize the forest that appeared in front of him through the scene in front of him.

With the beginning and end of the singing, this wonderful process also has its end.

A few breaths passed.

When the green finally faded, the environment around the two stabilized, and they saw the forest again.

Costat's singing turned into a question and rang in Ronald's ears:

"Sir, are we... coming in?"

"That's right!" Ronald nodded slightly, his tone full of joy and encouragement to the maid, "Costat, you did a perfect job, we managed to get in!"

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