Mystic Dominator

Chapter 146: banquet guests

Everton and Ronald made an appointment for a detailed discussion.

Immediately, he stopped disturbing, and soon left the balcony one step at a time.

Afterwards, Ronald blew the wind alone on the balcony, waited for about a quarter of an hour, and finally went down to the second floor to attend the banquet.

After all, the social activities in this world also belong to what he needs to experience now.

You can't hide for a while, you can't hide for a lifetime, so it's better to start contact now.


He walked down the stairs gently and came to the banquet hall on the first floor. Ronald found that the current situation was a bit special.

Although the music and dance party continued, the attention of most people present was basically concentrated on the podium on the side of the hall.

--the reason is simple.

At this moment, a girl and a man are standing there.

The masculine temperament is calm, which Ronald has seen before.

Bach Crichens, a famous and famous man in Burrenwich, the warden.

And beside the warden.

On the other hand, it was a petite and frail girl wearing a pink dress.


"Ha ha......"

Looking at the two over there, Ronald pulled out an embarrassed smile, and immediately mixed into the crowd in the banquet hall.

He didn't want to be seen by the other party.

——After all, this girl.

It was he who 'rescued' with Arida on the Montenegro, the 'daughter' who was nailed to the second floor by the 'mother'!

What should I say...

Ronald has recently been suspicious of the opponent's fate that night in Montenegro.

In the end, I didn't expect to meet again in this way at this banquet today.

In fact, in retrospect, there are still a lot of doubts about what happened in Montenegro.

The 'people' he saw did not match the actual number of people he perceived;

When the 'mother' attacked them, the businessman Thomson was obviously outside the villa, but the trajectory of his death extended from the inside to the outside of the house;

And this book is only one third, where are the other two...

Ronald has been asking questions like this all the time.

He even had this assumption about the sudden outburst of divine magic in Burrenwych more than a month ago.

Maybe it is?

I got it myself in Montenegro, and then came to Burrenwich.

So, is there a high probability that the holder will come to the central city in the southwest of Burrenwich?

He arrived a while later than Ronald, who traveled through the forest and took the Dongfeng train, and then did the same research on the original text in Burrenwich. Finally, the accident caused the power to get out of control?

Although the probability is relatively low, this situation is also possible.

And now, the appearance of this girl seems to indicate the development of things to some extent.

"No way..."

At this moment, Ronald thought of a drama——.

Coincidence and contingency can always reveal their presence inadvertently. It's like the fact that you can't hit someone by shooting yourself, even if you change your body after crossing, there is no improvement.

At the same time, just as he was sorting out his thoughts.

The warden Bach stood on the podium and introduced to the people around him:

"Everyone, let me introduce you today."

"This is my daughter Rumier, who will be the legal heir of the surname Clitches from now on!"

Following the introduction of the warden Bach, the girl also stepped forward and bowed slightly, and introduced herself to the people around her:

"Everyone, I'm Rumil Christians."

"Today is the first time I have attended the social world at the age of 14. Please give me your..."

The tone is calm and the attitude is dignified.

The girl did not show any shyness in the face of the gentlemen and ladies around her. And behind her, a smiling male servant stood here, obviously her immediate butler or something.

Taking advantage of this gap, Ronald asked around.

According to this group of well-informed sources, the warden had released news before the banquet that this Rumil was the child of his distant relatives.

Due to his concentration on the mysterious side of knowledge, he himself did not look for a female partner.

So just a few weeks ago, he adopted this girl under his own name.

Right now, I just take this opportunity to make a real announcement.


"Ah, Mr. Ronald, you are here!"

Suddenly, a distinct scent of perfume penetrated into his nostrils, followed by the degenerate touch of the charm technique.

Ronald looked back, and sure enough, a girl in a long dress was leaning towards him.


This guy's eyes are so good.

It was obvious that he had only been down for a minute.

With a helpless sigh in his heart, Ronald also followed the girl away from here.

Rumil's matter involved the warden, and he couldn't rush over to question him in person.

I can only find a chance to investigate later...

The warden and his daughter didn't stay at the banquet for too long. About an hour later, they were greeted by a private carriage and returned to the Linzhong Road mansion less than a kilometer away.

And feeling that the time was almost up, Patricia, who had returned to the banquet, also came to Ronald's side.

At this moment, Ronald is still dealing with a group of beautiful ladies.

It was also when he saw Patricia coming back that he quickly picked up the plane and left the crowd of the girls.

He watched Ronald, who had struggled to escape from the girl's side.

Patricia, who was originally from the aristocratic circle, immediately showed a rather interesting smile on her face:

"Ronald, it looks like you're enjoying yourself."

"Maybe you are unexpectedly suitable for such an occasion?"

Ronald smiled awkwardly:

"Please forgive me."

"To be honest, I'm really running out of fuel."

Patricia raised her and handed Ronald a handkerchief.

"Oil run out of lights..."

"This adjective is quite interesting."

"Thank you." Taking Patricia's handkerchief, Ronald immediately wiped the strange marks on his body.

Ordinary stains are fine.

The most terrible thing was that a mysterious girl rubbed a small magical thing on him.

He didn't want to stick to this kind of thing of unknown origin.

The banquet continued until midnight.

During the period, apart from Patricia's social activities, Ronald finally had a chat with Nicole.

As expected, after he refused to join the investigation bureau by default.

This organization treats itself as an ordinary mysterious person.

Ronald's previous actions have proved that he is not a dangerous person, and the Bureau of Investigation naturally does not intend to spend any time on him.

Until the dead of night, and Patricia took a carriage back to the apartment house.

Ronald, who was freed from both mental and physical torture, heaved a long sigh of relief.


"My God, today is really..."


The emotional tone came to an abrupt end.

Just as he was taking off his clothes to hang on the hanger, Ronald realized that something was wrong.

It's different from going out at night.

There seems to be a little more stuff in the pocket of your newly bought coat?

She took it out and saw that it was a crumpled note.

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