Mystic Dominator

Chapter 145: invite

Unlike the crowd outside, very few people in the banquet hall left their seats to chat with each other.

They seem to follow some established rules.

Before the banquet officially started, no one left the table too eagerly to communicate with others.

After Ronald and Patricia entered the venue, they were immediately led to the prepared seats by the service staff after reporting their identities.

This is the seat on the left side of the dance floor in the banquet hall, quite close to the podium.


After sitting down, it was a boring waiting time.

The two of them entered the venue for about half an hour, and the situation finally changed.

It was at the entrance of the banquet hall. The investigators in charge of the banquet tonight arrived.

Ronald could see that the Bureau of Investigation attached great importance to this banquet.

The people in the Bureau of Investigation were vaguely divided into men and women. The leaders were Mr. Willard and Miss Maple, and after that, elite investigators like Nicole could also be seen.

Since they have left the confrontation with the cult warlock in the city, they now put on the investigator's iconic coat and wide hat. The eight people went to that station together, which naturally became a deterrent to the mysterious people on the field.

And behind them, in addition to the Burrenwich investigator Ronald, also knew one person.

Investigator from Springs.

- Spencer.

The investigator was still dressed in his own suit.

However, compared to when he first came to Burrenwich, the number of Springs investigators following him has decreased from four to three.

Predictably, during this period of time, there was a place that could not be seen from Ronald's perspective.

Investigators still paid a corresponding price.


Under the gazes of the people around, the team of investigators crossed the dance floor in the lobby to the podium, and quickly settled in their respective positions.

Immediately, Mr. Willard stepped forward.

With a loud voice, he pressed his hands towards the audience out of thin air:

"Ladies and gentlemen, please take your seats first."


After waiting for a few seconds, when everyone in sight was seated, Willard spoke again with a serious expression:

"Everyone, I believe you have already inquired about the purpose of inviting you today through your own relationships."

"As you have heard and seen, this cult warlock rebellion in Burrenwich is now completely over, and Her Majesty's wise decision has once again declared victory!"

"And our Bureau of Investigation is also involved in this incident..."

What followed was Willard's rather formulaic set of announcements.

Everything was exactly what Ronald knew.

And when the announcement was about to end, the other party also praised Ronald and Patricia for their contributions.

But probably because Ronald didn't choose to join the Bureau of Investigation.

After only one mouthful, Willard didn't say anything more.

It was during the speech.

Ronald clearly saw Nicole winking at him on the stage, and at the same time slightly waving the palm of his hand under the coat to him, indicating that he is in pretty good health now.

Obviously, Mr. Willard's serious speech attitude cannot interfere with this free investigator girl...

Finally, after ten minutes of rotten and long speeches.

With the words in Willard, 'Now, please enjoy this banquet to the fullest! ' as closing words.

The waiter at the side of the hall went to the back and called out the band that was already ready to start playing.

And among the seats in the venue, people also stood up and applauded.

——The banquet started.

The moment the crowd became active, an old man with white hair came to Ronald and Patricia.

Looking at the men and women in front of him, the old gentleman first put his eyes on Ronald:

"Excuse me, Mr. Ronald."

"Excuse me, your girlfriend, Miss Patricia, do you have time to accept my invitation?"

Ronald turned his attention to Patricia, and the girl immediately replied:

"It's Sir Kidd!"

"of course can."

Patricia obviously recognized the other party, and immediately got up and walked out with the old gentleman.

And the two people left for less than thirty seconds.

A group of fancy-dressed girls smelled the smell and immediately gathered around Ronald:

"Mr. Ronald, can you dance with me?"

"I have also heard of your recent heroic deeds. Can you tell me in detail?"


Such words of flattery, even bold temptations of actions.

In an instant, Ronald was submerged in it.

——And even worse.

It is these girls who not only have good looks, but some even prepared natural charm techniques!

When faced with Ronald, who is the best choice in both strength and appearance, these mysterious girls obviously don't mind showing their abilities to conquer the men in front of them.

At most, Ronald, who has intrigued with businessmen or customs, has never seen such a battle!

In just a few minutes, he could no longer resist.

While activating the power of 'evil lust' and 'gluttonous' at the same time, he hurriedly made an excuse to go to the bathroom and ran up to the second floor of the manor alone.

When I walked to a balcony here, I hurriedly closed the curtains and balcony door behind me.

Hiding in the shadow of the balcony on the second floor, Ronald breathed a sigh of relief.


"This is more tiring than fighting..."

Standing here with emotion, Ronald's eyes drifted downstairs unconsciously.

On the outer lawn, there are also people who come to play music, and the mysterious people with lower status are celebrating and dancing below.

Compared with the situation in the manor building, he felt that the atmosphere outside was much more cheerful.

Of course, Ronald's favorite right now is to blow his hair alone on this balcony.

At least until Patricia returns, his thoughts will not change.

ding ding ding-

After being alone on the balcony for a few minutes, the sound of glass being knocked suddenly came from behind Ronald.

Looking back, it was a fat middle-aged man who opened the gap in the curtains.

The other party is holding a wine glass in his hand and is inviting him:

"Mr. Ronald, would you mind having a chat?"


Ronald didn't say much, and simply opened the balcony door.

The man in front of him had a serious expression, and he was obviously not the same as the group of girls who were aiming at his body before.

"Introduce yourself, I'm Everton Virginia."

"A businessman."

Ronald nodded and said:

"As you can see, Ronald Adler."

The middle-aged businessman then continued:

"Mr. Ronald, everyone already knows the power you have shown in Burrenwich recently. I really didn't expect that a powerful spellcaster like you is still concentrating on the study of spells and not in the world of surprises. Profit and prestige."

"You're overrated, I'm just doing what I should do."

Ronald still nodded in response, and the politeness in his tone was quite contrived.

Seeing the man in front of him make this gesture, Everton, a businessman, naturally understands what kind of person and what kind of attitude to negotiate with.

After a short He immediately shifted the topic to his own purpose:

"I wonder if you've heard of the Virginia Private Collection Exhibition to be held after Burrenwich?"

"Of course."

Ronald nodded.

Since arriving at Burrenwich, he has seen the name of this collection exhibition in the newspaper more than once.

Judging from the other party's surname, it should be the true master.

Immediately, the middle-aged businessman said as expected:

"Then, for this upcoming collection exhibition, do I have the honor to invite you to do a garrison job?"

Ronald raised his eyebrows:

"Generally speaking, isn't this work that should be entrusted to the Bureau of Investigation?"

The businessman smiled and said:

"The situation is special at the moment, so I personally feel that I need to invite additional staff to help. A strong person like you is quite a good guarantee."

"In this case..."


The next second, Ronald's words got stuck in his throat.

His original intention was to shirk it casually. After all, he didn't have to get involved in everything.

However, this middle-aged businessman had foresighted the moment Ronald opened his mouth, and immediately took out a check that was so large that it would flash even without the blessing of the mysterious side!

"In this case...I think I can."

Ronald accepted the commission.

Ask yourself, he is definitely not because this friend gave too much.

It was the friendly attitude of the other party that moved me.

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