Mystic Dominator

Chapter 147: password letter

A note?

Isn't it another 'cute' girl who left a date message for yourself?

Can unknowingly stuff the note into his pocket.

The other party is definitely a formidable guy.

The guy on the mysterious side really has unexpected efforts in unexpected places...

Thinking like this, Ronald opened the note and glanced at it.

It wasn't that he planned to rush to the date, he just casually took a look.

Anyway, there is no magic power fluctuation on the note, it is not a conspiracy with mysterious power.

His current actions.

It's like receiving a flyer on the side of the road, and a normal person will more or less cast a glance at it.

However, it was this very casual glance that made Ronald stunned in place.

"What is this stuff?"

Ronald was stunned for a moment.

The four lines of writing were mixed with his own name, and there was no extra information other than that.

Some kind of incantation, or a password, or a local custom?

If it was just a note inviting a date, Ronald would just throw it in the trash at a glance, and wouldn't pay any more attention.

But such a note that looks like a cipher letter is in front of me...

simply put.

The flame of curiosity began to burn in the brain.

Not sleepy at all!

Holding the thin piece of paper, Ronald didn't take his eyes off it for a second, and quickly started walking around in a circle in his room.

He has the confidence to crack this cipher letter!

In front of an adult who has received a modern education, cracking such a thing is simply the basic quality of a human being!


"my name......"

"There are four lines in total..."

Generally speaking, if there is no codebook and only one secret letter, and there is no Laplace's demon-level calculator, it is infinitely close to impossible.

But since the other party quietly stuffed the note into his pocket, it means that this guy intends to tell him something.

Since the original intention is to tell myself information.

Then this password must have the possibility of being cracked for him.

It's just that before getting the information itself, it is necessary to break through a test of the plan setting.

It's like you must pass a medical examination before joining the army, and those who fail are not qualified.


How to crack the password?

Ronald's brain is running at high speed.

From the structure of the note, the focus can be placed in two places first.

One is the beginning of the note, where the number is an extra-large three-digit number that appears only once in the entire content, and there is an independent structural combination of the letter and the number 2 at the back.

Then the second point is his own name.

As the only clear noun that appears in the whole article, the content here may also be the key to cracking.


"No, it shouldn't be my name..."

"The real key point is on the 687 and the C2."

In just two or three breaths, Ronald took the lead in eliminating the numbers near his name.

In fact, he took history as an elective in college.

Based on the experience of quite powerful legendary figures during World War II as a reference, he has organized the most basic logic.

According to normal thinking, the password letter sent by the other party to oneself must be decipherable, so there is a corresponding password book.

Ronald's name should not be found in the codebook, so it can only be written clearly.

From this, the focus is on, the first number is large and only appears once.


Possibly the pages of this book!

As for...


Ronald immediately realized what it most likely represented.

- Typesetting.

Books in this world adopt a double-column layout pattern in dense booklets. In short, a page is divided into two sides from the middle, each with a column of content.

Under the premise of being drawn up as pages.

This, probably refers to the second column on page 687 of a book!

And if you think about it this way, the numbers that follow are much simpler.

Each number is the number of each word, as long as you find it in the codebook.

Thinking of this, Ronald slowly turned his head to look at his bookshelf.

When he lived in Burrenwich, he bought a lot of books because of his personal hobbies. The bookshelves in the house were almost filled by him, and he even stuffed some important newspapers in the gaps between the books.

Which book will it be...?

First of all, some legendary stories or biographical novels can be excluded.

Due to the different publishers of this type of books, the content of the same number of pages is very different.

Secondly, newspapers and impurities can also be excluded.

After all, the number of pages of these things can't reach the page number of 687 pages.

Finally, some geographic magazines and food guides can also be thrown away.

Most of the vocabulary of this type of books is concise, powerful and professional, and there is no rich vocabulary to construct the content that the cipher letter wants to express.

Then came the conclusion.

This codebook.

It is a book that is published uniformly, has thick pages, and is rich in content.

Soon, Ronald's eyes were locked on the bookshelf.

Published this year, this yearbook is absolutely uniform in content.

Regardless of the thickness or the richness of the vocabulary, it perfectly meets the requirements of the codebook!


"You are the one."

Ronald walked over, took out the yearbook, and simply turned to page 687.

In the second vertical column on the side of the yearbook, he pressed his finger on the slightly rubbed page, and immediately began to select the words according to the serial number.

"This is--we--to--you--invitation."

"Dear--Mr. Ronald--we--know--you--are--the--book-master."


"A--kind--reminder--to--you, Warden--is--a traitor."

At the same time as the deciphering was over, Ronald was struck by lightning.

The whole person stood blankly for a while, and then the corners of his mouth evoked a wry smile.


"I hope this is a girl's tryst invitation."

what is this?

The deciphered words and sentences are quite smooth, and every piece of information is very explosive.

His identity as the master of the original scriptures has been exposed to an unknown existence...

No, considering the speed and mode of the other party's actions.

Ronald is more inclined to be an organization. UU Reading

Even if he finds out the 'a certain girl' who slipped a note to him today.

With the other party's method, I am afraid that the final result will be nothing.

Then, there is the warden.

There was not even a description of any redundant words. The other party directly pointed out that the warden was the inner responder of the cult warlock in Berronwich.

—The warden is a traitor.

Ronald's spell exposure involving emotional abilities...

The specific movements of the investigators and the system of techniques used...

Even the cult warlock dared to challenge the Bureau of Investigation, and finally fled in despair...

If the source of all this is the warden.

With the dual sources of information he can communicate with the Bureau of Investigation and his prisoners, as well as his strength as the master of the original code.

Everything makes sense.

Not to mention that tonight, the other party happened to be taking the girls from Montenegro to the banquet.


Sitting down on the chair, Ronald was in a complicated mood.

It is quite simple to crack the cipher letter.

But you always feel that something is not right?

According to the normal routine, did you go a little too far?

Waiting for ten days and a half months to find out the key to cracking the secret letter, is it a situation that should occur in a normal rhythm?

Originally, an ordinary banquet involved so many things.

Call him tonight...

How can you sleep peacefully!

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