Mystic Dominator

Chapter 144: Mistletoe Manor

An hour before nightfall.

On the road where No. 29 Linzhong Road is located, many private or rental carriages frequently come and go, and then stop here.

Now is the time for the celebration party of the Investigation Bureau.

The mysterious people who interact in all walks of life are naturally endless.

Due to the natural advantages of their own abilities, they are more likely to be promoted than ordinary people. Therefore, in order to appease these special Berronwich middle and upper classes, the Bureau of Investigation chose to hold this banquet.

It is said that it is a banquet, but in fact it is also to stabilize people's hearts.

At this time, a very common rental carriage came slowly from the street in the southeast.


As the coachman braced the horse, the carriage stopped steadily beside the road.

Soon, a man and a woman jumped up.

As soon as these two party participants came together, the guards and guests at the gate of the manor couldn't help but focus their attention on them.

After all, this is a man and a woman.

Both the image and the temperament are too outstanding.

The male looks about 20 years old, tall and straight, with handsome face; while the female is vigorous and beautiful. The two of them just stood together like this, just dressed up a little, and even without makeup, people can't help but turn their attention.

The man and the woman were naturally Ronald and Patricia who went out together.

Having said that, Patricia's outfit tonight was surprisingly similar to Ronald's.

The upper body is a slim short-sleeved jacket that wraps the shirt inside, and the lower body is a pair of boots over the capable breeches.

There are no earrings, necklaces or rings on the whole body.

In the clear temperament of the girl, the dress is also clean without a trace of impurities.

"Sir, this is your reward."

He turned around and handed the driver the reward.

The two looked at each other and smiled, and Ronald immediately stretched out his right arm:

"Okay, let's go in."

"Of course."

Patricia responded, and immediately took Ronald's right arm generously.

The two then walked into the manor at No. 29 Linzhong Road together.

The first impression of this manor named after mistletoe is that the area is quite open. Even in a high-end urban area like Linzhong Road, it also has a jaw-droppingly wide territory.

Walking into it, the first thing you see is the lawn laid on both sides of the road. Even if it is winter, the owner of the manor has also found turf that can keep green, and has covered the open courtyard neatly and comprehensively. .

Let this place give guests a pretty good visual experience even in the cold winter.

And follow the flat road that connects the gate and is paved with bluestone.

A calm and gorgeous manor appeared at the end of the field of vision.


The time Ronald and Patricia arrived at the scene happened to be in the middle of the admission stage. Ordinary mysterious people who are invited to come here are almost here.

Without the qualifications to enter the manor, they communicated and chatted with each other on the outside turf.

There is also their social atmosphere there.

But to talk about the really important people, I really haven't seen a single one here.

At least for the Bureau of Investigation.

Except for the most basic low-level staff who maintain order and safety, none of the official members are here.

In this case, the mysterious person here is naturally observing the guests who enter the venue.

Ronald and Patricia.

It should have become the focus of the audience.

Those who have seen Ronald are well-informed and naturally aware of his performance outside Burrenwich City some time ago, so they understand that this man is a powerful mysterious side caster.

And those who have met Patricia, let alone.

For the family that has lived here for generations, they know what a Nicklaus means.

So the two took a few steps, not even reaching the banquet area on the lawn of the manor.

On the left and right sides of the bluestone promenade outside, someone from the mysterious side who was communicating and discussing took the initiative to speak up.

"Miss Patricia, it's an honor to meet you."

"Mr. Ronald, what a pleasure to meet!"


For this kind of social activity, Patricia showed a very skilled attitude. Whether it was a brief greeting or some utilitarian approach, she responded one by one, and at the same time, her tone was polite and elegant.

At first glance, this familiar attitude is a skill honed through many social occasions.

By comparison......

Ronald is not very good.

Although he had some social experience, at most, everyone would sacrifice the year-end bonus and form a group to travel to Antarctica at a public expense. He was really not used to such a serious occasion.

For example, people come up and ask: 'My family's XXX used to have **** with XXX in Yoiz, you are really XXX, Mr. Ronald. ’

He didn't know how to answer at all!

Fortunately, with Patricia on the side as cover, Ronald finally didn't make any jokes. However, after walking down such a road, Ronald became familiar with the mysterious side circle of this group of Burrenwich.

When doing some things in the city in the future, maybe it will be a lot more convenient.


After finishing this somewhat novel journey, I stood in front of the main building of the Mistletoe Manor.

Ronald glanced back.

The mysterious people who came to attend this banquet did not wear fancy clothes like in fairy tales where witches and witches gather in one place. Instead, they all chose quite exquisite and gorgeous costumes.

If there is no announcement to the outside world, ordinary people passing by and seeing this place will only regard it as a gathering of high-class people.

After all, the one who has mastered the mysterious side knowledge.

After the veil is lifted, it is just a human being who lives here.



Unconsciously, there was a bit of real emotion in the polite smile. Ronald shook his head gently, and then walked into the gate of the manor building with Patricia.

As soon as he passed through the porch, everything in front of him suddenly became clear.

As a manor building capable of hosting such large-scale banquets, the Mistletoe Manor only walked through the front porch, and was greeted by a banquet hall with an equally large area.

The splendid interior decoration abounds, Ronald probably took a look around, and even had a feeling of being in a baroque building.

At the same time, probably because the host of the banquet tonight is the Investigation Bureau.

In the vicinity of the splendid interior decoration, you can often see some added animals or plants inlaid, which adds a mysterious temperament to this place.

As for the guests who have already arrived...

Different from those who could only be on the lawn of the manor before.

Most of the people who can have a seat here look confident, and both men and women have a calm attitude on their faces.

in other words.

This is the top social circle on the mysterious side of Burrenwich.

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