Mystic Dominator

Chapter 132: both sides of the night

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The other side of the plant maze under the night.

The leader of the cult warlock is directing his subordinates and continues to pursue the team of investigators on the opposite side.

These chaotic growth of plants seriously hindered their progress, and also made the atmosphere among the group of cult warlocks a little depressed.

In the face of such a situation, the face of the cult warlock leader looked very bad:

"Hurry up!"

"And Igomore and Nike, you two come back with bloodstained powder, and burn all these **** vines in a while!"

While yelling at his subordinates.

The feeling in the heart of the cult warlock leader was far worse than the expression on his face.

In the face of the serious investigation bureau, the pressure they face in this shady organization is actually exaggerated. It is reasonable for a church composed of members with distorted personalities and bad spells to fall apart.

And in this period of suppression, tonight's ambush is of great significance.

—This is after the raid on the Bureau of Investigation building.

The cult warlock has the best chance to seriously weaken the Bureau of Investigation!

In fact, for tonight's event, they have considered many aspects of the Bureau of Investigation, and it is an important action that can only succeed and not fail.

It takes this thing to succeed.

The cult warlock has a great momentum here, and at the same time, the Bureau of Investigation loses its elite-level combat power, and its strength will also be seriously damaged.

- But no one can count as God.

When these investigators were carrying out their mission, they actually invited a priest from the church in the city!

Only when facing the opponents of these religious schools.

That kind of flame circle with the ability of mental pollution will be ineffective.

However, it is this small variable that gives the opponent the opportunity to resist.

In a sense, although there is no obvious loss of combat power on their side, they are also inadvertently approaching the abyss of failure.

This level of 'unlucky'.

It was the culprit who really disturbed the leader of the cult warlock.

As a mysterious side danger who has successfully survived to the present.

He strongly believed in the interference of fate in the development of the current situation.

And the investigator invited the priest to help tonight if there was divine help, and successfully escaped their deadliest ambush. According to the fate school, the goddess of fate is now on the other side.

If you don't take on the heavy responsibility of the organization yourself, you must achieve your due goals in Burrenwich.

- The leader of the cult warlock can swear to the sky.

He ran away a minute ago!

When faced with danger, fleeing immediately is the way for people like them to survive.

A cult warlock who is active in the dark side of society, how can he bite the bullet and kill the investigator to get the reason!

This is the invincible monster loyal to Queen Daantrian.

Grid's official state power!


Suddenly, the leader of the cult warlock noticed a somewhat peculiar situation.

Among the subordinates who were climbing the vines at the forefront and at the same time paving the way for others, there was an inexplicable stop.

He just stood there stiffly, not moving.


After a quick review of the information he had obtained in his mind, the leader of the cult warlock suddenly changed his face, almost shouting to others:

"You all pay attention to me and control your emotions!"

"In the opposite team, there is a caster who can attack according to human emotions. If you don't want to live, continue to mess around!"

Being yelled at by the leader.

Others noticed the motionless guy.

In the gap between the surrounding vines, wisps of fine black mist hid under the shadows between the vines, and then wrapped around this guy.

That's what really caused the cult warlock to become incapacitated.

Even at the same time, there are other cult warlocks who are about to spread the black mist.

- Ronald's spell was still discovered.

Even most investigators don't know the fact that the power of "rage" can control people's actions.

And these cult warlocks actually know this!

Soon, there were two cult warlocks around, trying to rescue this companion whose mind was controlled.

After a tossing can't work.

Finally gave up on this unlucky guy.


On the other hand, Ronald and the others were the same as they had imagined.

While the cult warlock was still blazing the trail, they reached the position where Lamer and Patricia were fighting.

There is no doubt that the girl is engaged in a tense and decisive battle with the devil.

This is the first time Ronald has seen.

Patricia's appearance when she attacked with all her strength.

The silver blade reflects the starlight in the dark night, and it shuttles back and forth between extremely thorns, and its sharpness is reflected in the air like lightning. The attack speed, which is difficult for ordinary people to catch up with, leaves arcs of light, as clearly as the light path of charged ions reflected back and forth in Wilson's cloud chamber.

And in front of Patricia, it was Lamer who had transformed into a demon.

The demon with three **** wounds already appeared on his body, trying his best to block Patricia's attack.

The sturdy body is close to three meters, and the developed muscles bring great strength.

At the same time, UU reading www. The demon's movements are still sensitive, and there is no sense of insensitivity when fighting.

Every time a fist is thrown, a powerful attack will arouse the sound of hunting, and ordinary people will die immediately after being hit, which is almost no doubt.

Yet all this.

It's pointless to face Patricia.

While the girl slashed and slashed with her sword, her figure was constantly changing around Lamer. Between the silver light returning to the blade, her steps arrived at the most suitable position, and the sharp blade always attacked at the most delicate timing, at an angle that was difficult for the devil to resist.

Every move seems to have been calculated with the utmost precision.

Even the chaotic environment brought about by the complex vines could not affect the rhythm of Patricia's confident shot.

By comparison.

Although Lamer is a strong demon and his movements are not slow, he has always been unable to successfully fight back against Patricia.

The three bloodstains on the body have proved the results of the previous battle.

As long as this devil has any time, even a second of hesitation!

I am afraid that the body will be stabbed by the icy blade immediately.

Under the storm-like attack, it brought a suppressing force that did not see any gaps.


"Is this Nicklaus?"

Witnessing the battle in the night, the priest who arrived on the outside of the battlefield couldn't help but sigh:

"I... have never seen such a powerful swordsman..."

At this time, Spencer on the side shook his head.

His tone was a little emotional, and he said without concealing his admiration:

"As you can see, this is the power of the strongest school of swordsmanship in this country."

"Especially Miss Patricia, who is still the best among Nicklaus."

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