Mystic Dominator

Chapter 133: Swordsman's Blade

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Now, new problems arise before Ronald et al.

They did come to the place where Patricia and Ram were fighting.

From the frontal battlefield where the two are fighting, you can enter it by climbing over two or three walls of vines.

But between the girl and the demon, the dazzling frequency of attacks did not allow anyone to get in the fight.

If you dare to intervene.

It's hard to say whether this is helping Patricia or hindering her suppression of Lamer.


In this hesitant situation, it was Spencer who made the first move.

Also from Springs, the investigator briefly met with members of the Nicklaus family.

Based on the experience of previous missions.

He raised his metal stub, and poked at several places on the demon's body.

click, click, click—


The invisible sound wave smashed the vines in front of him and charged towards the demon's body.

Immediately, the corresponding part of Lamer's sturdy body immediately made a low and thick impact sound.

Several dents visible to the naked eye emerged on his sturdy body.

Even the hair covering the body surface had shock waves in the shape of a ring.


Faced with real damage.

Not surprisingly, Lamer roared again.

This demon has indeed noticed the arrival of Ronald and others.

At the same time, the movement made by Spencer was also found.

But the problem is-

In the face of Patricia's stormy offensive, he was flawless at all!

Therefore, the sound waves that happened to arrive in the attack gap hit him firmly, causing Lamer's already weak physical ability to drop down again.


Patricia, who was attacking, had no intention of showing mercy.

Pay attention to the situation in front of you.

The long sword that she had stabbed directly at the opponent's shoulder suddenly lifted up in the air, and then took advantage of the situation and swiped behind her.

Patricia's movements were undoubtedly extremely fast.

In an instant, the blade slid around her body under the darkness of the night, and the power of the body's center of gravity was applied to the blade at the same time, and finally it slashed back from Lamer's diagonally downward.

The silver-white blade reflects the starlight, forming a round full moon in extremely fast motion, and the regular steel arc seems to follow the rhythm of the music and turn in front of the enemy.


The sharp and icy blade went up from the bottom up, and the sword strike that shone with the brilliance of the stars slashed without hindrance.

The full power of its own, and the inertia added by the rotation.

Under Patricia's full blow, Ramo's entire right arm and half of his shoulder were cut to the ground.

If it weren't for this demon's reaction, it was too quick to turn his head in time.

I am afraid that when this sword passes, half of his head will be lost!


Immediately, something interesting happened.

When the demon's right button and arm landed on the ground, it was still **** at first.

But soon.

These things all turned into black mist, and then gradually dissipated into the air.

No traces were seen again.

The cry of the devil resounded in the gladiatorial arena surrounded by vines:

"Human, you are seeking your own death!"

Lamer's roar was mixed with very obvious pain.

Although the words in the mouth are quite strong, the actions are not deceiving.

While trying to dodge Patricia's follow-up attack, his eyes were already flickering left and right.

this devil.

Now thinking about how to get out.

At such a close distance, turning into a crow is equivalent to losing the ability to resist. I am afraid that before I can fly two meters away, I will be completely cut into two pieces by Patricia.

And to maintain the current state, the physical ability of the demon is not the opponent of the person in front of him.

As for casting spells...

How can there be such a gap now!

Does he seem to have no other options?


Seeing that the support from the cult warlock has not arrived, he can't see any chance of victory.

In his heart, Lamer suddenly howled loudly.

Accompanied by his pained roar.

A red-black airflow spurted out of the demon in an instant.

At the same time, however, his sturdy body wilted at a very noticeable rate.

This is not the transformation from human to crow just now.

It is the loss of flesh and blood, and the weakening of the gods.

Just now, it was still a huge body that was almost three meters tall, like a balloon that had been punctured, and instantly shrank to a short, skinny, less than one-meter-five height.

And Lamer got it at the cost of his own serious damage.

It was this black airflow that quickly filled his body, and even filled the duel space that he and Patricia had created together.

The girl who was attacking was hit in the face by the airflow with almost no room to dodge.

In an instant, Patricia's feet softened.

She quickly put the blade on the ground to support her body, and she almost fell directly to the ground.

Good thing Patricia knew.

Today, she is here to chase down the murderer of her So before going out, she naturally made complete preparations for protection.

In a gap of breathing, an unknown amulet in the girl's arms came into play, and in a blink of an eye, it helped her regain some of the physical strength that was taken away by the black airflow.

But wait for Patricia to look up again.

What happened that made her very speechless...

With the demon spewing out red and black airflow at all costs, she was not facing the opponent's free-handed, Jedi counterattack.

The purpose of this demon so desperately...

Just to make Patricia lose her athletic ability!

Taking advantage of this blink of an eye, Lamer has once again turned into a black crow, mixed in the airflow and flew into the distance.

Patricia is very clear.

In the distance, the vision of several people on Ronald's side was blocked by the red and black airflow, and they couldn't see the flight path of the crow at all.

And once the distance is drawn.

Under the dark night, trying to catch a black bird that leaves is nothing but a dream.

Make quick decisions for yourself!

Thinking of this, Patricia threw the long sword in her hand without hesitation.


The cold metal pierced the air, and Patricia's only strength was poured into the blow by her.

For a moment.

The sharp silver blade pierced the crow's body precisely.

Then, with inertia, he nailed the bird with a noticeably smaller wing to the vine.

At this time, Lamer could no longer maintain the appearance of a crow.

Hanging on the wall surrounded by vines, he gradually turned into a thin and thin appearance of more than one meter. After struggling twice, he stopped moving.

The fierce battle before, and the casting of spells trying to escape.

All the physical strength of this demon has been exhausted.

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