Mystic Dominator

Chapter 131: transfer the battlefield

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Just a few breaths.

The situation became completely different from before.

The flame circle of the cult warlock, the protective barrier erected jointly by priests and investigators.

The spells performed by both sides in the battle gradually disappeared under the darkness of night.

--the reason is simple.

The huge group of vines that Nicole inspired the vines to grow has spread rapidly in this vineyard, forming an intricate plant maze with no normal path to follow.

Fierce plants cast green shadows on the ground and between each other, lit by the dots of remnant flames.

In the dark night, the surrounding scenery is the most direct visual perception, which makes people shudder.

In a blink of an eye, the vineyard has almost become a strange land.

In such an environment, both investigators and cult warlocks have lost their precise perception of the enemy's location.

Ronald couldn't help looking at Nicole on the ground.

This little girl, who was at most a high school student on Earth, was the origin of everything in front of her eyes.

It's really complicated...


"Ronald, put Nicole on your back first."

At this time, on the investigator's side, Spencer took the initiative to assume the responsibility of command.

While instructing Ronald to carry the unconscious Nicole on his back, he walked to the priest and another investigator Kate at the same time:


"Can you continue to fight in your current state?"

Hearing Spencer's serious tone, the priest immediately shook his head.

He was breathing heavily, and his words were broken and said:

" words, I'm afraid it won't work."

"The evil flame just now caused a very serious burden on my spirit."

"To be honest... If it wasn't for Miss Nicole's technique that interrupted the battle, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to last long."

On the other hand, Investigator Kate is in a better state.

Although his face was pale, the investigator still spoke indifferently:

"I can still hold on to my current state."

"However, I am more inclined to leave here than to continue fighting."


Spencer was silent for a few seconds, frowning stiffly:

"It seems that these guys are still not small in maintaining and infiltrating Burrenwich..."

The Springs investigator's message was very simple.

——There are also enemy ghosts in the investigation bureau.

The reason why he thinks so is also very straightforward.

In the battle just now, these cult warlocks' means of defense against their own sonic attack.

Although worked in Burrenwich a few years ago.

But no matter then or now, Spencer kept secret the effects of his spells. As a mysterious person who had betrayed the country and fled, he was confident that his precautions were in place.


What's going on with these cult warlocks?

It must be someone inside the Bureau of Investigation who witnessed him on a mission and passed this information on to the cult warlock.

So tonight, the other party can make such a perfect response.

And the previous war situation, the cult warlocks also fully proved how perfect their preparations are.

Ambush - lure the enemy - attack.

From Ronald and others entering the winery, every link is orderly and progressive.

It's not just for Spencer.

Even if the investigators are experienced, the effect of the technique is outstanding.

But once faced with this constructed cult magic circle, the green flames can still successfully interfere with their state.

At the moment when the intervention was successful, the investigator's defeat was already established.

Fortunately, things have changed today.

The fact that Nicole temporarily brought the priest over was the turning point of the battle tonight.

The determined church members recaptured the opportunity for them to cast spells on the premise of the formation of the cult warlock magic circle, which led to the current situation.


While thinking about it, Investigator Kate shook his head at Spencer:

"There is no doubt that there are still inner ghosts in the bureau. But this group of cult warlocks has already set up such a big battle, I am afraid they will not let us leave..."


"Woman, are you crazy!"

At this moment, a shrill voice of a man suddenly interrupted their conversation in the distance.

Everyone present knew the owner of this voice.

—It's Lamer.

After the botanical garden was covered with a large number of vines, Ronald and the others were indeed isolated from the cult.

But that's not the case with Patricia and Lamer, who are fighting fiercely!

Outside the flame circle, their battle has not stopped, and the growing vines have not been able to interrupt the two close combat opponents!

And at this moment, I heard Lamer's shrill cry...

It seems that when the battle situation changed suddenly, the two may have made a very dangerous confrontation.

As a result, Patricia has the upper hand!


There was another very obvious collision, and the sound of vines shattering was mixed with Lamer's angry roar.

It was obvious that the demon was struggling at this moment.

The Nicklaus family is not stupid.

After a clan member has been assassinated to death, the person sent to deal with this matter is naturally a strong person who can absolutely be trusted!

At this Ronald realized something.

In Springs, the capital of this country, Patricia is probably quite a powerful person.


"Come on, let's go over there first!"

"no problem."

Hearing the movement over there, several people quickly exchanged opinions.

Then he rushed towards the position where Patricia and Lamer were fighting.

Considering their previous positions, they were closer to the battlefield on Patricia's side than those cult warlocks. In this complex terrain, getting closer means being able to get to the location faster to deal with the enemy.

Ronald naturally has no opinion on such a decision.

He just quietly directed the black mist to shuttle back and forth between the cracks of the vines, ensuring that while hiding, a wisp of black mist would remain in each position.

Ronald can feel human emotions after all!

So it is clear that those cult warlocks are approaching this side little by little.

The other party really did not intend to let them go.

And Ronald wasn't going to let them go.

The next path for the opponent to come to the battlefield is to test the ability of this group of cult warlocks to deal with traps!

between thoughts.

Ronald picked up Nicole's delicate body.

Ignoring the identity of the other party's elite investigator, especially Nicole is still wearing regular clothes.

On his back, Ronald's reinforced body bears almost no burden.

When she was in a coma, the investigator girl really looked like a child who was still in school...


Shaking his head slightly, Ronald's eyes were a little complicated.

Immediately, he lay down on the vines twisted in groups and chased the companion in front.

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