Mystic Dominator

Chapter 121: A chance encounter at home

After handing the reward to Ronald, the nun folded her arms in front of her chest and bent down slightly.

After finishing the salute of the local church, she turned and left.

So far, this nun who has always maintained a gentle smile has never appeared in Ronald's field of vision.


Quietly watching the other party leave.

Before getting up and leaving Lierdel Cathedral.

Ronald first opened his pocket and looked at his salary.

Probably because he was only a temporary worker, his weekly salary for this week's work was not as much as he imagined. For a simple comparison, it was one-fifth higher than the salary at the train station.

"It's alright..."

Counting his salary and carefully putting the purse into his pocket, Ronald got up from the bench.

He stroked his frilled clothes, and then walked out of the church.

After being busy for several days, it's time to go back and rest.

Taking advantage of the gradually setting sun, Ronald left Lierdel Cathedral and walked to the pension he rented.

It's business as usual on the streets of Burrenwich.

Pedestrians who come and go have their own lives, and at first glance, there is nothing special in the vision of the past.

If it wasn't for his work in the Bureau of Investigation, it would be difficult for Ronald to realize what was happening in the darkness of the city.

In a sense, this kind of calm is the most dangerous situation.

It's like just looking at the calm river water. If you don't stop talking, it's hard to perceive what kind of undercurrent is lurking beneath the surface of the water.

Walking slowly alone, Ronald returned to the pension peacefully.

There are no twists and turns in the whole process.

Standing at the door of the apartment, Ronald took out the key and opened the door to enter the house.


With the clear sound of the door opening, the landlady who was sitting on the chair on the first floor noticed Ronald's movement and raised her gaze from the sweater above her knees.

After confirming that it was her tenant who came back, a smile appeared on the quiet face of the landlady's wife:


"It's Mr. Ronald."

"Have you been so busy with work these two days that you haven't seen you back much?"

Ronald threw a smile at the landlady and then explained:

"You're right."

"I was really busy at work a few days ago."

"But starting today, it shouldn't be like the previous two days."

"That's right..."

The landlady didn't think too much. After listening to Ronald's explanation, she simply nodded, and her vision returned to the sweater she was knitting.

After chatting for a while, Ronald walked towards the second floor where he lived.

clap clap-

At this time, he heard footsteps walking down from the third floor above.

Out of curiosity in his heart, Ronald stood where he was and did not open the door, but glanced up with his head.

Immediately, he saw a familiar figure.


The tall and straight girl is dressed quite casually at the moment, not even those trademark platinum blonde hair is not tied up, but draped loosely around her shoulders.

She was wearing loose-fitting uniforms and warm slippers under her feet.

She is walking downstairs.

While scaring the stairs, she seemed to be planning to ask the landlady on the first floor:

"Excuse me, here's..."


At about the same time, Patricia saw Ronald.

The words in the mouth range from doubt to confusion.

The two fell silent together.

On the stairs between the second and third floors, they stood opposite each other, staring at each other.

Obviously, it was quite unexpected to meet the person in front of you at the residence.

After several seconds, Ronald tentatively asked Patricia:

"Are you the new tenant on the third floor?"

Patricia shrugged:

"There should be no one else but me..."

While talking, Ronald actually understood everything in his heart.

Thinking of when he first arrived in Burrenwich, for the sake of convenience and comfort, he found some houses with relatively close distances and a good environment through intermediaries.

The pension that Mrs. Hudson runs herself is the result of his careful selection.

——And what about Patricia?

As a foreigner who came to Burrenwich alone, if she, like herself, got off the car and looked for an intermediary to rent a house, then this kind of pension with fairly good accommodation conditions would naturally become her first choice.

It would be better to say that the two of them lived in the same building by chance, and they only met for the first time today.

This is the real low probability event!


"Should I go down to find something to eat first?"

After looking at each other for a few seconds, Patricia spoke first and glanced downstairs with her eyes.

Look at her casual dress now and the same tone of voice when chatting with friends. Ronald generously gave way to the stairs, and politely watched her go downstairs.

It was not until Patricia's back disappeared at the corner of the stairs that Ronald opened the door and returned to the house.

Just hang the hat on the hanger.

Ronald thought for a while before deciding to put the coat in the closet by itself.

Referring to the current situation of Burrenwich, he doesn't plan to walk outside dressed like this in the next few days.

After probably finishing his Ronald sat at his desk.

Spreading out the letter that Ms. Mapel sent to him, he immediately placed the raster card on top of the shadow on the envelope.

Immediately, the text appeared in the shadow of the Moiré fringes.

In just a few sentences, the arrangement for Ronald's subsequent work was recorded.

——The content is very simple.

After all, Ronald was just a temporary worker in the Bureau of Investigation.

In such a state of emergency in the city, it should be impossible for him to be entrusted with important tasks by the Bureau of Investigation. As for Ronald's future orders, just a few simple words.

Every day, pay attention to the news delivered by the postbox, and then patrol the streets near the residence. If you find anything abnormal, go directly to the street to the designated location to notify the eyeliner of the investigation bureau.

That's all, nothing more.


Silently memorizing the contact address on the letterhead, Ronald took out a match and lit it.


Blue smoke rose from the flames, and he quietly watched the burning pages gradually turn to ashes.

At the same time, the questions in Ronald's mind also changed.

Since Patricia lives upstairs, how should I discuss with her what happened today?

bang bang bang——

Just then, the door rang.

It didn't take long before Patricia's voice appeared outside the door.

"Ronald, didn't you just come back?"

"Let's have something to eat together?"

"Very happy."

While responding to Patricia.

Ronald immediately got up and walked to the door to open the door.

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