Mystic Dominator

Chapter 120: weekly salary

After walking to the end of the stairs and entering this underground base.

Ronald looked around.

Compared with the previous Bureau of Investigation building, the layout and structure here are actually very simple.

The first thing that caught my eye was a central hall that was dug deep into the ground and was not too large. Around the central hall, this underground space opens up independent rooms connected to it in eight directions.

However, it inherited what Ronald had encountered in the Bureau of Investigation.

Everything in the underground base was surprisingly quiet, and there was no activity at all in sight.

At this time, the nun who brought Ronald down said:

"Mr. Ronald, please wait a moment."

"I'll go and call the people from your investigation bureau."

Smiling and waiting for Ronald to nod in response, the nun turned around and walked to the second room on the right.

Soon, someone familiar to Ronald came out.

It's Ms. Mapel.

Under the leadership of the nun who entered the room, the manager of the Bureau of Investigation walked out of the room with a tired face and came to Ronald, and then looked up and down with a subtle look in his eyes.

After hesitating for a few seconds, Mapel said:

"Ronald, why did you come here so late at night? The Seleface thing shouldn't be so troublesome, right?"


Ronald didn't answer directly, but first glanced at the nun beside him.

Seeing this look, Mapel immediately understood.

She waved her hand indifferently, and she said generously:

"If you have anything, just say it directly, don't be on guard against Ms. Audrit."

"She is our own."


"All right."

Hearing Mapel say this, Ronald had no intention of continuing to hide it.

Pulling out the magic book from the folded coat, he simply handed it over.


Facing what Ronald showed, Mapel was silent.

She originally wanted to directly take over the book wrapped in a shirt, but halfway through the action, a bad idea came to her mind.

He looked at the magic book in front of him, and then looked at Ronald who was close at hand.

Her eyes gradually darkened, and Ms. Mapel said in a somewhat uneasy tone, as if tentatively:

"Ronald, don't tell me this is a..."

"This is a magic book."

Ronald planned for Mapel's hesitation and luck, and simply explained:

"This is what I found later in Celefis."

"Even on the way back from Celefis to Burrenwich, I saw someone I shouldn't have seen."

"Stop! You stop first!"

This time, it was Marpel who interrupted Ronald.

Listening to the more and more explosive information, the management staff of the Bureau of Investigation was completely unable to maintain the previous casualness, and directly stopped Ronald from speaking. She immediately cast an apologetic look at the nun beside her:

"Sorry, I'll go in and talk to Ronald about this."

The nun still kept her smile and nodded without mind:

"You two, please, I'm fine."

In the previous question and answer, the clergyman had almost no expression of excess emotion, just kept staring at the two with a quiet smile. At this moment, after hearing the meaning of Mapel's words, the nun didn't say much, turned her head and walked towards the ground.

Watching the nun leave.

Mapel took the magic book from Ronald's hand, dragged him by the wrist, and walked into the room where she was before.

just walked in here.

Ronald recognized this room that was similar to the Personnel Department of the Bureau of Investigation.

Documents piled up in layers, a large amount of unprocessed data, and a transfer information table compiled by the investigators. All kinds of things prove that this is the place to replace the office of the personnel department.

After walking into the room and sitting at the desk, Mapel was not busy opening the magic book to read, but asked Ronald again:

"Your situation is different from what Willard said before..."

"After they left, you should have encountered something in that town again."


Ronald nodded and said:

"That's right, in fact, the next morning, I was in Celefis..."

Ronald slowly told what happened in the fishing village, and Ms. Mapel just listened quietly.

After she had almost explained the matter, she asked:

"Didn't you just say that you saw someone you shouldn't have seen?"

"Who is that?"

"It's Lamer." Named directly, Ronald then explained in detail, "Ms. Mapel, you also know how I got into Burrenwich. The Lamer I'm talking about now is the The guy who was the culprit of the murder on the Dongfeng before and is being hunted down by the authorities."

"When I took this magic book and returned to Berlenwich from Celefith, that guy appeared in the woods next to it, and the target was staring at me very clearly."

"But I didn't plan to fight him under the circumstances at the time, and he didn't seem to want to disturb ordinary people, so in the end, I just ran back and didn't have any extra fights or negotiations."


Muttering the name in a low voice, Ms. Mapel's eyes became more and more complicated.

Sitting behind the desk and thinking for more than a minute.

She suddenly woke up.

She took out an envelope from the desk in front of her and threw it to Ronald, she immediately waved:

"The arrangements after that are all in it. Remember to destroy it after you've seen it."

"Now, go back and rest first."


Exit from the basement, and then walk out of the confessional.

Ronald did not leave Lierdel Cathedral immediately.

Seeing that there was no one near the circular corridor of the church, he simply picked a bench in a secluded location and sat on it, then slowly opened the envelope in his hand.

Among them is a letter and a translucent card.

Ronald picked up the card and looked at the light.


It looks like a raster card with moiré?

Why did the Bureau of Investigation send this?

Holding such doubts, Ronald pressed his fingers on the words on the pages of the envelope, UU read www. then quickly scanned the content above.

The general content on the page is that every morning, the Bureau of Investigation will send letters to investigators in various residential locations through the post office newspapers in the urban area.

And the letter of this kind of release mission adopts the latest optical encryption method.

If the grating card is not pressed on the letter paper, it is impossible to directly identify the content of the task.


Ronald put away the raster card, the confusion in his eyes was clear.

The Bureau of Investigation's reaction was too extreme.

This is not right.

Judging from his life experience, there is no reason for the power of an official organization to be forced to such a point by a cult organization.

It doesn't matter if you hide in the ground, why are you still using such a covert communication method?

Although it can be considered as the secret nature of the mysterious side.

But at the end of the day, this is going too far.

Ronald believed that in addition to the activities of the cult warlock, there must have been something else happening in Berronwich that he didn't know about. The multiple contradictions and threats made the Bureau of Investigation take such a stance.

So, what would this be...

Just as Ronald was thinking.

The nun who had left the basement before suddenly came over and put down a small bag in front of him gently.

Keeping her quiet movements, the nun smiled at Ronald:

"Mr. Ronald, this is your weekly salary for the previous week."

"It's not convenient for the current investigation bureau to do this, so let us transfer it on our behalf."

Taking the small bag, Ronald thanked the other party from the bottom of his heart:

"Thank you, it's a great help."

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