Mystic Dominator

: Testimonials on the shelves [please click here to see]

The novel is about to be put on the shelves. As usual, let’s talk about your thoughts first, right?

First of all, I would like to thank my editor. After all, they signed my book, so it is only natural to thank me.


how to say?

Let’s talk about future novel creation!

It can be regarded as a friend who has not subscribed to this book yet, and explain the future creation of this book in advance. If you think it is not suitable, you can also avoid lightning in advance.

In the beginning, this book was actually set for the protagonist to collect a book of magic books, and then they all turned into cute girls, doing things together in a different world.

But after thinking about it, I finally gave up.

As the author, I have a very clear understanding of my creative ability. The writing, the construction of the plot, and the grasp of the plot are not in place. This is a problem that I have realized from the beginning.

So later, in the process of writing the novel, I hope to solve these problems, and make a special plan for this.

After all, writing 'writing a story that can move people' is one of the requirements of writing.

First, with purposeful planning, I set myself a three-stage goal.

The first one is the [Mysterious Dominator] I am writing now.

This book has a complete world structure, basic world view settings, and some miscellaneous things, which are all set from the beginning, and setting these contents is what I hope to create in this book. , to exercise their ability to write storylines.

As for being cool, fighting monsters to upgrade, pretending to be...

Those things are secondary reference targets, and there shouldn't be too many in this book.

Therefore, the content of the following book is simply a novel formed by splicing together stories one by one. Of course, the main line that really runs through the main body also exists, and now it's just a small beginning.

This is the original intention of this book.

In the following words, the kind of books that make readers feel good and make their minds feel good, there are also plans to write, and the ability to grasp the plot and enhance the ability to feel good is among them.

Of course, that's what happens after the book ends.


There is also a question about some of the details in the novel.

It is basically impossible for me, who lacks talent, to make absolutely no mistakes while ensuring at least a few thousand words of updates every day.

So I will definitely make some mistakes in my creation. If some readers see it and point it out, I will be very happy to accept it and make changes.

It's like the opening of this book. Some readers suggested that the candles in the village could not illuminate the whole village, and that was my misnomer. I am very grateful to someone for pointing it out, and then I will change it.

Then....what should I say?

Oh, right!

Let’s talk about Jiageng, there are often people urging it.

Regarding this matter, Jia Geng will definitely have it, but I have to wait until I have time...

And I don't want to get the order wrong.

In my opinion, when writing novels, what I wrote makes everyone happy, and then readers are very happy to give me a reward and vote for me. This is what I can be satisfied with.

But if you want readers to vote first, reward authors first, do all kinds of things, and then I will pay back and add more.

This kind of thing is putting the cart before the horse, so I don't plan to do it.

To put it simply, I will guarantee stable updates in the future, and if I am happy, I will add updates from time to time.

Everyone is happy to see it, you can vote and subscribe, and the author will be very happy.

Of course, this is just my opinion.

It doesn't involve the right or wrong of other people and problems, you can treat me as lazy and don't want to make more excuses.


This is probably the case. Today is the first day on the shelves.

Only one better doesn't seem right.

The computer at home is broken again, and I will go out to the Internet cafe to code words later.

The above, once again thank you readers for your support of this book.

December 1, 2020.

A lost solar sail.

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