Mystic Dominator

Chapter 119: church district

Stopping on the streets of Burrenwich, Ronald really didn't have the strength to continue running.

He beckoned to call a taxi by the side of the road, and after pointing out to the driver Long Beach Street where the Police Department was located, he lazily handed his back to the back.

Squinting slightly, Ronald spied the emotional activities of the surrounding humans.

It turns out that it is safe for now.

The carriage drove down the street until it took him to Long Beach Street, and everything was peaceful as usual.


Jumping off the carriage, Ronald looked around after handing over the fare to the driver.

Before the Bureau of Investigation Building, which was sparsely populated in the past, there are also not many pedestrians today.

He could see a few guys dressed as workers, repairing the damaged first-floor reception, and building materials such as blue bricks, wood, and sand were also piled up around.

At the same time, there was a ring of iron nets around the Bureau of Investigation building for protection.

In the traces of these people, all kinds of construction workers can be seen, but only one type of person is missing.


Just one day after he left, there was a fundamental change on Long Beach Street.

There is no technique for expelling idlers, and there are no investigators who used to enter or leave here. This building next to the police station seems to be completely out of the mysterious side of the past.

"Excuse me, is that Mr. Ronald...?"

Just as Ronald frowned at the things in front of him, a child's voice suddenly sounded behind him.

Turning to look, this is a little boy dressed as a newsboy.

Even though it was almost dusk, the boy still had a wooden box hanging on his chest, in which he could see some small commodities such as matches and cigarettes.

With a hint of doubt, Ronald nodded to the little guy:

"I'm Ronald, hello...?"

Seeing Ronald nodded affirmatively, the little boy immediately said:

"Sir, there was a lady who called herself Nicole before. Let me watch someone like you come here and let me know."

The little boy paused when he said this, then tried his best to imitate Nicole's tone and continued:

"If you want to find me, go to the cathedral."

"By the way, remember to dress casually and don't take it too seriously."

After speaking, without waiting for a response, the little boy turned around and ran away.


Ronald thought for a moment, and the little boy disappeared on the side of the street.

It seems that I don't need to pay this child anymore...

With that in mind, Ronald stuffed the coins back into his pocket.

Now, Nicole asked the child to repeat the words.

He has also heard of Burrenwich Cathedral, which is actually not far from Long Beach Street.

It took about half an hour to walk.

Thinking like this, Ronald turned and walked out of Long Beach Street.

His physical strength has recovered, and he will not hire a carriage this time.

Half an hour later, Ronald came to the church district without incident.

The Cathedral of Burrenwich is the main parish church that belongs to the church and oversees the entire surrounding area of ​​Burrenwich.

The full name is [St. Lierdel Cathedral].

Because there is usually no interaction, this is the first time Ronald has come to this place.

Standing in front of Lierdel Cathedral, he carefully looked at the church in front of him.

This is a stern and towering building.

The simple and high-cold white tone constitutes the main part of this cathedral. The high dome and spire stand under the sunset, giving people a sense of sacredness and inviolability at first glance.

After all, it is the headquarters of a parish.

The number of clergymen who have been working here for a long time is quite large, and there are many believers who come and go.

Even now that the time has reached dusk, the scene of people coming and going is still frequent.

But even though there was a lot of people, when Ronald looked around, he couldn't find what he wanted to see in the crowd.

——There are no investigators dressed up here.


Ronald lowered his head and pondered for a moment.

Recalling what Nicole asked the tabloid to bring him.

He silently took off his hat, then took off his overcoat and folded it, hanging it over the crook of his right arm in front of his chest.

Dressed like an ordinary citizen after get off work, he planned to go to the church.

However, after only a few steps, someone stopped him.

"Excuse me, is that Mr. Ronald Adler?"

Ronald looked up and stopped himself was a nun with a gentle smile.

At first glance, it is obvious that it is a clergyman of Lierdel Cathedral.

Ronald nodded:

"I'm right."

He looked at the nun in front of him.

The other party looked no more than 25 years old, with long golden hair shawls down her shoulders, and the ends of her hair hanging down around her waist were naturally curly.

The gentle and soft facial features give people a good impression at first glance, especially when smiling, that kind of gentle smile seems to be able to soothe people's hearts.

Immediately, the nun looked at Ronald and said:

"Then come with me, it's more appropriate for us to go inside and talk."

The nun did not leave in a hurry. She stood there and waited for a few seconds before leading the way to the church.

Ronald knew the role of church institutions, so he simply followed.

Entering the interior of the church, the nun led Ronald around to the cloister on the side of the church, and then came to the independent hut built around the cloister.

——This is a very common confessional room in the church.

A place where the repenting believers and the clergy are usually alone, and then they pour out their sins and ask the gods to forgive them.

Because of the confidentiality and special location, in the circular cloister of the church, almost no one will pay attention to this side.

Walking in front, the nun opened the confession room door naturally.

Then continue down with Ronald Yes.

Just keep going down!

After the confessional room, there is a staircase that extends downwards.

As expected, the architectural styles on the mysterious layer are all drilled into the ground...

As he sighed in his heart, Ronald was also analyzing what he had seen during the hour.

After the headquarters building of the Investigation Bureau was attacked, apart from the ordinary workers who normally maintain the building and a small number of guards, the important personnel and information at the headquarters of the Investigation Bureau may have been urgently transferred.

At this moment, their location should be hidden in the underground of Lierdel Cathedral.

Being guarded by a church that can detect mysterious people is also a special way to deal with it.

But beyond that, there is something more concerning.

Since Ronald returned to Burrenwich and now, he hasn't seen any guy dressed as an investigator.

what does that mean?

This means that the investigators in Burrenwich have abandoned the standard dress of the coat and wide hat.

When these official personnel take off their coats and wide hats and put on private clothes, they are actually exactly the same as ordinary civilians!

At most, it is a guy who can identify mysterious people, and can see that they are not ordinary people. As long as the spell is not used, no one can tell the true identity of the investigator from the crowd.

Aside from the usual rules, the investigators are just like the cultists, all of them have sneaked into the dark side of society.

Following behind the nun, Ronald's mood gradually declined.

The current state of Burrenwich.

I'm afraid it's more complicated than I expected...

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