Mystic Dominator

Chapter 118: familiar person

After lunch, Ronald was on his way back to Burrenwich.

After returning to the church at noon, the priest has recorded various encounters in the process of completing the task.

If nothing else happens, no more fishermen will die in the town tomorrow.

The matter here is truly over.

However, it was precisely because of the necessary recording work that Ronald told the priest all the discoveries of the magic book, and he made a thorough record.

Ronald didn't intend to keep this useless magic book in his hands.

There is no way to hide the dead blacksmith and the magic wave.

It's just to make trouble for yourself. It's better to go back and hand it over to the Bureau of Investigation.

And if it is identified by real locals, there may be some information that Ronald himself can't see.

With this in mind, Ronald slowly walked down the road.

After dealing with the problems in the village, he personally has nothing urgent to deal with.

And now Burrenwich happens to be in a state of fierce confrontation between the Bureau of Investigation and the cult warlock.

He is very happy to take a walk after dinner, rightly to promote digestion.


Suddenly, there was an unpleasant crow cry in the sky.

Ronald looked up and saw a solitary black bird passing overhead, then landed in the woods not far from the road.


Ronald's mood was a little complicated, and his eyes were a little tangled.

He had seen the animal world when he was a child, and he knew a thing or two about the crow.

The fact is right in front of him, he has no choice.

Without showing any emotion, Ronald summoned the scripture from his sleeve, and then said softly:

"Its name is Styx,

The black water flowed down to the foot of the dark and precipitous cliff.


The verse depicting 'rage' was read out, and the black mist immediately gathered in his cuffs.

However, at this moment, a strange thing happened.

After the black mist formed in the 'Rage' emerged, Ronald gained the ability to perceive, but he did not notice any human beings with special emotions around him.

Except for the pedestrians who were also walking on this official road, he didn't find anyone who was threatening at all!

How is this going?

Is it because he is too sensitive, the crows in this world like to be alone?

Ronald's self-doubt didn't last long.

After about two or three breaths, he suddenly stopped.

Because of the edge of the forest where the crow fell, he saw a figure walking out of it.

It was a burly man.

He was wearing a pure black coat, and his whole body was hidden in the shadows of the woods. At the same time, his low eyes stared at him.

However, the fatal thing is more than that.

Ronald knew the man.


The man who assassinated Nicklaus on the Dongfeng and was hunted down by the military.

He escaped the pursuit of the official forces and is now here.

He was still staring at himself!

- Immediately.

——A more puzzling thing appeared.

Ronald sensed a new problem.

The power of 'Rage' that has been fully summoned is actually unable to detect the existence of this man!

Whether it was a wary cult warlock or a blacksmith who fell into complete madness, it was just that their emotional behavior did not meet the requirements of the spell, so Ronald couldn't deal with it.

But for this man named Lamer, the situation is completely different.

The power of 'Rage' could not detect his existence!

just like......

This guy has no human emotions...

Raising his eyebrows, Ronald didn't worry too much about this issue.

Instead, he quickly went through his own experience in his mind first.

——At present, the first thing to be clear.

It was Lamer who appeared here and stared at his own reason.

Soon, Ronald's thoughts were locked on two things.

The first is Patricia.

This girl came from the Nicklaus family and went to Burrenwich to investigate the assassination of family members. As the culprit of the case, Lamer is likely to be investigating the person who appeared beside Patricia;

The second suspect is the magic book that Ronald just got.

The timing of the other party's appearance was too coincidental, and people couldn't help but suspect that the other party's purpose was related to this thing.


Thinking of this, Ronald simply gave Lamer a bright smile.

At the same time, Lamer, who was standing under the woods, looked at him solemnly.

But in the next second, Lamer's eyes were no longer solemn.

The smile on Ronald's face in the distance was fleeting, and the man Lamer was staring at, immediately ran away!

——Target Burrenwich.

Ronald ran wildly with the momentum to test his endurance and speed limit!

This sudden escape made Lamer standing in the distance, unable to maintain the gloomy and low-spirited aura on his body.

His eyes were a little weird and a little curious.

Originally, I thought that the other party, as an original holder, would come over to compete with me after seeing me.

But the result...

But this guy turned around and ran away?

Is this really what an original master should do?

He watched Ronald, who was gradually moving away, and then looked at the ordinary passers-by who were attracted by Ronald.

Lamer finally gave up and shook his head, turned and retreated into the woods.

At the moment when the figure gradually disappeared into the darkness, the crow's cry of 'quack quack' sounded in the sky, and everything seemed to be calm again.

On the other hand, Ronald didn't have time to pay attention to Lamer, who had He really came for a long run with milk.

Running abruptly all the way back to Burrenwich, he regarded it as a test of his endurance.

But after so many miles.

He was indeed a little out of breath.

Ronald could absolutely swear to God that in his last life and this one, he didn't have the energy to run such an exaggerated distance all at once.


"Sir, do you need help?"

Just when Ronald stopped to breathe, the guards on the streets of Burrenwich saw him and immediately came over to inquire about the situation.

"It's fine."

"I just practice long-distance running, and exercise my body by the way."

Ronald waved his hand to the other party, and at the same time the investigator's certificate in his palm was also displayed in the other party's eyes.

Seeing such a mark, the patrol immediately realized that this person was not the one he should contact.

Without saying a word, he immediately turned and left.

Only then did Ronald straighten his back and look behind him.

In sight, there are only passers-by coming in and out of Burrenwich City, and some residents walking outside.

Lamer in the woods didn't catch up, he should be safe.


Taking a long sigh of relief, Ronald touched his chest subconsciously.

The magic book that lost its effectiveness just stayed there.


Now go back to the investigation bureau and hand in the magic book in your hand.

As for what happened after...

You can contact Patricia, and the two of them will discuss about this Lamer.

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