Mystic Dominator

Chapter 104: estate disputes

Ron Avenue?

Hearing the name that he happened to visit yesterday, Ronald left immediately after saying goodbye to the detective apprentice.

Considering the time issue, he even took off his hat and opened his coat, pretending to be an ordinary pedestrian and calling a taxi on the side of the road.

The speed of riding in a carriage is much faster than walking with two legs alone.

It didn't take long for Ronald to arrive at 51 Ron Avenue.

Handing over the fare to the driver, Ronald pulled his collar and glanced around.

This is only a short distance away from yesterday's leather shop.

But the amazing thing is that the environment of the surrounding streets has changed very obviously after walking by the road no more than 200 meters.

The number of workers walking on the road has been greatly reduced, and even the sanitation conditions on the road have changed dramatically, with clean streets, a quiet environment, and rare passers-by.

The area of ​​about a dozen households is in stark contrast to other locations on Ron Avenue. Obviously, most of the other locations are the areas where private traders or workers work, but this is the only one that is completely different.

Looking at this special residential complex located in the working block, Ronald sighed silently.

Living in such a place, it is no wonder that there will be inheritance disputes.

Without any hesitation, Ronald took out his folded hat and put it on, then stepped forward and knocked on the door.

bang bang bang —

"Is anyone here?"

After a few seconds, he heard footsteps approaching the door in the room.

With a 'click' sound, a small window embedded in the door was pulled open from the inside.

There is no invention similar to the door mirror in this world, so the function of this thing is to help the people in the house to observe the outside world safely.

At this moment, a pair of cloudy eyes were looking at Ronald outside through this opening.

After watching for a few seconds, the other party asked:

"Sir, who are you...?"

Ronald nodded, and took two steps back to let the other party see his whole face before he said:


"I've come to Mr. Swift. He has urgent matters at home that need to be notified."


"Wait a minute, I'll call him."

After thinking for a few seconds, the other party simply replied Ronald, then pulled down the small window, and then disappeared behind the door.

This time, it took about two minutes for Ronald to hear the sound of someone coming towards the gate again.

This time, the 'click' sound of pulling up the small window was the first to sound.

But as the window opened, the person who appeared inside was Swift.

Through the small window, the detective raised his eyebrows in surprise when he saw Ronald, who was clearly dressed as an investigator, in a coat with a wide hat.


"How did you come?"

It is also because of the sensitive nature of detective work that Swift guessed that there was a special event happening. Before Ronald could answer his own question, he opened the door first.

"Come on, let's come in and talk."

Ronald stepped into the house in two steps, then looked around.

Except for the old man who accompanied the detective to the door, there were no other superfluous guys nearby.

Immediately, he stepped up to Swift and whispered:

"Time is tight, you'd better leave quickly."

"This morning, the cult warlock launched a surprise attack on the headquarters of the Bureau of Investigation. The scene is chaotic now. The bureau needs to use your identity to cover up and help look at the situation."


Mr. Detective exclaimed in a low voice, puzzled.

Hearing what Ronald whispered about the situation, he once thought he had misheard.

Someone dared to attack the Bureau of Investigation?

From his work at Burrenwich...  

No, it should be said that since Swift was born in this world, the Burrenwich Bureau of Investigation has never had anything like this.

As a violent law enforcement agency on the mysterious side of Grid, the prestige of the Bureau of Investigation has always been like the sword of Damocles hanging over the heads of the mysterious side.

Only others have always avoided the Bureau of Investigation, how could anyone dare to attack such an institution!

But looking at Ronald's serious expression and his special dress as an investigator, Swift also had to choose to trust him.

After thinking for a few seconds, his eyes quickly swept over the old man beside him.

After confirming that the other party was not eavesdropping, he also asked Ronald in a low voice:

"How about the specific situation, can you talk about it now?"

Ronald responded immediately:

"Let's talk about the specific situation on the way. In short, the expulsion technique at the gate of the investigation bureau has completely failed, and it is impossible to even repair it."


"That's really bad enough."

Swift could almost imagine the exaggeration.

It can make the technique at the gate of the investigation bureau fail to the point where it cannot be repaired, and the situation at the scene is likely to be extremely bad.

At the same time, considering the location of the Bureau of Investigation on Long Beach Street...

No matter from which perspective, this is a real disaster!

Turning to look at the old man who was watching them, Swift immediately said:

"Mr. Jin, this friend and I have something urgent to deal with."

"Please help to inform Mrs. Case, after I..."

"Mr. Swift!" Hearing what the detective said, the old man changed his previous silence and said urgently, "Madam, she invited you here to perfectly handle this inheritance dispute."

"Excuse me to guess..."

"'re not going to run away, are you?"


Hearing such a question, Swift raised her eyebrows ill-naturedly.

He no longer explained any further, but directly invited Ronald next to him:

"Ronald, don't you mind watching a good show before you set off?"

"It only takes a few minutes."

Ronald nodded and said:

"Of course, no problem."

Seeing Ronald's agreement, Swift didn't intend to continue to pay attention to the old man beside him, UU reading www. turned around and took the lead into the house.

Following Mr. Detective into the house, Ronald saw a complicated scene in the hall.

Around the table in the hall, there are a full six people waiting here.

There are men and women, old and young.

Looking at their black and white outfits, it was obvious that an important member of the family passed away soon.

In addition, there are two people in formal dress standing by.

After all, there was a problem with the distribution of the estate, and this should be a guy with duties like a notary.

And when Swift brought Ronald into the room, the woman sitting in the main seat immediately said:

"Mr. Swift, are you done with your business?"

"Ms. Case." The detective first nodded politely, and then said, "Today, I have something very urgent to deal with."

"Can you allow me to postpone it a little bit?"

In the words, Swift emphasized the tone of 'urgent', and at the same time, he begged the other party with very sincere eyes.

However, after hearing the detective's words, someone on the side immediately shouted in dissatisfaction:

"Mr. Swift!"

"We invited you to come here to solve the problem as soon as possible, and don't make everyone unhappy!"


Swift glanced at each other with extremely indifferent eyes.

Immediately, he looked at the woman on the main seat again:

"Madam, what do you think?"


After pondering for a while, although the woman's eyes were a little tangled, she finally said:

"Mr. Swift, let's help us solve the problem first."

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