Mystic Dominator

Chapter 105: return

The moment Ms. Keyes said these words from her mouth.

The aura of the whole house has changed.

There was hardly any hesitation, Swift's eyes became cold and ruthless, and the whole person just stood there with a very strong sense of oppression.

He took two steps back and walked to Ronald's side. He stared at the others without any emotion, and then said in a bad tone:

"As far as I know, in the three months prior to his death, Mr. Case's health had not deteriorated in any inexplicable manner, nor had he been attacked by illness or business troubles.

Thirteen days ago, three days before Mr. Case died.

The sewage in this mansion was drained smoothly, but someone hired a plumber who could not be found on the market in the name of repairing the water pipe. The workers near Ron Avenue have proved that the guy is not a worker in the block.

By the way, just now I checked the water pipes of your mansion.

That place is indeed dirty enough.


If I remember correctly, even in the last two days that Mr. Case's physical condition has taken a turn for the worse.

You invited a family doctor for him, but did not buy any medicines. "

Speaking of this, Swift's words as if to declare a crime paused.

After coughing twice, he looked at Ms. Case calmly, and then said in a slightly slower tone:

"Madam, do you need me to continue?"


"No... no need."

Compared to her relatives who were already pale and even trembling with panic, this Mrs. Case's psychological quality was not bad.

Although her tone was trembling, she still persisted and shook her head:

"S... Mr. Swift, your commission will be sent to your studio later."

"Today, I won't bother you anymore."

"Thank you for your generosity." Nodding towards each other, Swift gave Ronald a look, and then the two walked outside together.

This time, the old man named Jin didn't dare to talk much.

He could only stand in place and honestly watch the two leave.

Leaving this room makes it easier for Swift to act.

He didn't need to pay attention to the various details that the investigators were vigilant about. He directly stopped a taxi on the side of the road, greeted Ronald, and sat on it.

Immediately, the detective shouted to the driver behind:

"Long Beach Street Police Department, please hurry up."

The driver's voice immediately came:

"Okay, sir."

When the conversation was over, as the horse pulling the carriage made a cry from the nose, the wheels of the carriage also made a rolling sound of 'Gera, Gera' on the ground.

At the same time, sitting firmly in the carriage, Swift whispered to Ronald:

"The attack you mentioned just now, let's talk about it carefully now."

"Well." Ronald nodded and described in a low voice under the cover of the sound of the carriage, "It was just this morning, I happened to be the front desk in the lobby of the Bureau of Investigation, and when the people in the bureau went to the funeral... ."


The carriage drove all the way to the police station. On the way, Ronald also recounted the complete story of the incident to Swift.

Listening to the entire process, Mr. Detective's reaction was similar to that of Ronald. The cult warlock who dared to take the initiative to provoke the Bureau of Investigation must have prepared in advance.

But originally, things might be even more unfavorable for the Bureau of Investigation.

If there were no incidents that suddenly affected the whole city a few days ago, forcing some cult warlocks to be accidentally exposed, perhaps the Bureau of Investigation would not have had a chance to detect the plans of these cult warlocks.

Then the final result, I am afraid it will become the script of the cult warlock who has completely prepared to launch a surprise attack, and then the investigation bureau will launch a counterattack.

I can only speak of the current situation.

It is the final result of coincidentally splicing together under the coincidences one by one.

A few minutes passed, and Long Beach Street arrived.

Handing over the fare to the driver, the two also got off the carriage.

At this time, the effect of the Bureau of Investigation specially inviting Swift came out.

From the moment Ronald and Swift jumped out of the carriage, the sight of pedestrians on the street was blocked by the two...

Or was attracted by Swift alone.

In the upper middle class of Burrenwich, Swift's reputation as a great detective is definitely loud enough.

As soon as they saw his appearance, people's attention was already shifted from 'the house next to the police station collapsed, did something major happen? ' It moved to 'The big detective enters, tomorrow morning's newspaper headlines, it should be him who solved the case, right? ’.

No matter what era, diverting public attention is as simple as that.

Especially in this world, where newspapers dominate the mainstream of public opinion.

When they walked to the blockade line in front of the investigation bureau, even the police let them go.

Just two steps in, a nervous voice sounded in the shattered Bureau of Investigation building:

"Ronald, are you all right?"

——It's Nicole.

When Ronald went out to invite Swift, some of the investigators secretly returned here, and began to deal with the rest of the work.

And the investigator girl, now sitting on the tattered front desk cabinet.

She stared at the bed she loved in the past with rather bad eyes.

Briefly describe it.

——Her bed couldn't sleep.

That is to say, seeing Ronald's whole body appearing in front of Nicole's bad eyes got a little better.

Seeing the other party's appearance, Ronald immediately said to the detective beside him:

"Mr. Swift, you can go directly to the conference room."

"You saw it too, I have something to do."

"no problem."

Mr. Detective didn't have much to do, he nodded and went inside by himself.

At this time, Ronald went to Nicole's side.

Looking at Nicole, who was unwilling to come down from the front desk, he scratched his hair in embarrassment:

"I'm sorry."

"This morning's attack was too sudden. I really have no way to keep your things."

Actually it's not just the bed.

Nicole has a lot of personal belongings on the front desk cabinet.

So with this sudden attack, the actual loss of the investigator girl is definitely very serious.

And hearing Ronald's comfort, Nicole also squeezed out a difficult smile:

"It's okay, I don't care."

"After I find these hidden bugs, I have to make them look good!"


At this moment, because Nicole squeezed the front counter too hard, the tattered wooden counter was suddenly broken by her!

Like the last straw that broke the camel's back.

With this sound, the whole tattered front desk cabinet could no longer support it, and it fell down instantly as if the building blocks from the base were pulled out.

Sitting awkwardly in the front desk cabinet that turned into a pile of sawdust on the ground.

Nicole finally couldn't hold back, and the corners of her mouth twitched uncivilized.

"The **** cult warlock!"

"This is not over!"

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