Mystic Dominator

Chapter 103: solving issues

Now I can't stop it.

Not to mention waiting for the engraver to come over to repair the technique, the second floor of the front desk smashed down, and the door was crushed into ruins.

A good building just exposes a large gap.

If it weren't for the special treatment of the building of the headquarters of the Investigation Bureau, it would be normal for the entire building to collapse even if it was damaged to this extent!

At the same time, with the loss of the ability to expel idlers from the front door.

This scene is also completely exposed on Long Beach Street.

But all the pedestrians passing by here are all shocked by this exaggerated scene.

Right next to the police station.

The building actually collapsed?

Looking at the investigation bureau building that collapsed like a bean curd project, it was impossible for anyone to ignore it.


In the silence, Ronald looked at the investigator beside him.

These people who stayed at the headquarters obviously did not expect such a thing to happen.

The Bureau of Investigation doesn't look like it's just an ordinary building.

But in fact, there are definitely a lot of defensive techniques left inside, and the building materials are also specially reinforced. To directly collapse a large piece with such an exaggerated effect is basically whimsical.

The only explanation is that the other party has made corresponding preparations in advance.

The acid that erupted from the corpse that was detonated just now should be specially processed for the defense of the Bureau of Investigation.

Contact the investigator Erwuzai that I met last night.

It seems that the preparation of these cult warlocks is not a matter of one or two days.

Of course, the people who stayed in the Bureau of Investigation were not completely helpless.

Faced with such a situation, in less than a minute, someone walked out of the building behind the Bureau of Investigation and then quietly entered the police station next door.

After about ten minutes, the two sides communicated.

Official bright-faced forces appear.

The police originally stationed at the office of the National Police Agency were dispatched quickly, and they soon pulled up a blockade on the side of the Bureau of Investigation building.

At the same time, guards to prevent ordinary people or unscrupulous reporters from approaching are also in place.

Seeing this posture, ordinary people can only walk around.

About ten minutes later, Ronald noticed a hurrying figure walking in the distance.

—It’s the investigator who left this morning.

In the morning, many people went to the cemetery in the suburbs to hold funerals, and they came back at about this time.

Because he was on duty at the front desk, Ronald remembered that this was one of them.

As for why only one person came here, it's actually quite easy to explain.

In the current situation, the investigators returning to the bureau with great fanfare will inevitably attract more ordinary people's attention.

It would be better to send someone to sneak in and deliver the news.

The person walking towards the headquarters should be in charge of this task.

Soon, the investigator successfully bypassed the cordon and came to the building.

Nodding gloomily to Ronald, he walked straight into the dilapidated building.

The investigators acted very quickly.

After a few minutes of information transmission, almost everyone who stayed in the headquarters had their own new tasks.

Or guarding the broken front door, or guarding the more important materials or items in the bureau, or inspecting the damaged hall to study the other's ins and outs, except for the database guards who are not easy to leave the post, there is no one in the whole building. is idle.

Even temps like Ronald.

Also got the job of 'go to inform Detective Swift and immediately go to the investigation bureau to forge the scene'.

After packing up his belongings, Ronald officially entered the working state.

First, go around to the back door of the Bureau of Investigation building.

As early as the early days of the explosion, someone was already guarding it, to beware of unidentified people entering and leaving the building of the Investigation Bureau.

Immediately, Ronald stepped forward and said:

"Please open the door, I'll go out for an errand."

The investigator guarding the back door looked at Ronald.

After confirming that the person in front of him was a companion who had worked at the front desk for the past two days, he naturally stepped aside:

"Come on, be careful on the road."

"no problem."

Nodding to the investigator in charge of guarding the back door, Ronald stabilized the hat on his head before quietly leaving the building that had become the focus.

Swift Lewis.

Ronald had met on the Dongfeng before, and occasionally had contact with the famous detective of Burrenwich.

At the same time, in private, this detective is also a relatively well-known existence on the mysterious side.

Due to the influence of his career, Swift often cooperates with the Bureau of Investigation, or provides some help. It is reasonable to invite him to come over in a situation like today.

Ronald has all been in touch with Swift before.

Naturally, he knew the location of the other party's studio.

After more than half an hour, Ronald crossed a few blocks to a commercial street in Burrenwich.

— 12 Ruby Street.

In front of him is a simple two-story building.

Like most famous detectives in detective novels, the place where this great detective works is also his residence. The first floor is used for office and the second floor is used for living.

In addition to himself, there are two of his assistants working together here.

Stepping forward, Ronald politely opened the door three times according to local customs.

bang bang bang —

"Is Mr. Swift there?"

"Hold on."

A young voice sounded from the door.

After a few breaths, the studio door opened from the inside.

Standing in front of Ronald was a young boy in a white top and suspender jeans. He didn't look over twenty years old, and because of the increasingly cold weather in Burrenwich, he was also wearing a coat.

Ronald knew the child.

He is an apprentice Swift owes a contract, and his name is Carol.

Seeing Ronald standing in front of the door, Carroll left the way to enter the studio:

"Mr. Ronald?"

"Why are you here today, do you have anything to do with Mr.?"

Ronald shook his head and didn't go in.

"I have an urgent matter with Swift. Is he convenient now?"

Hearing Ronald's hasty tone, Carroll scratched his chin with a troubled expression:


"Mr. Swift left the studio early this morning."

"He just happens to have a case to deal with involving an inheritance dispute."


"Did he tell me when to come back?"

"No." Carroll shook his head. "When this kind of thing is clarified, it is often necessary to seek a notarization. According to the past situation, Mr. Swift should be back very late."

Hearing this, Ronald could only continue to ask:

"Tell me the address and I'll find him."

Carol immediately shook her head:

"Mr. Ronald, we as detectives need to protect the privacy of our employers."

"I can not......"

"You can!"

Ronald simply interrupted Carroll's dodge, and at the same time stepped forward, looking directly at the other party with his eyes solemnly: "I'm not here today for facts, but to pass on a very important task to Swift!"


"Okay... okay."

In the face of Ronald's strong attitude, Carroll honestly explained Swift's whereabouts.

"Ron Avenue."

"He's at Mrs. Case's house at 51 Ron Avenue."

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