Mystic Dominator

Chapter 100: good news

Pulling on his collar to cover his nose and mouth.

Ronald went down the cellar alone.

In front of him, the originally entangled black mist spread out along the stairs, and then spread layer by layer on the ground and walls, not letting go of every corner.

Ronald was sure there were no living people in the cellar.

But judging from the behavior of these cult warlocks, there must be something like traps here.

At this time, the black fog covering every corner can help detect.

The fog-like power of 'Rage' can also be of great use in reconnaissance.

Slowly walking, Ronald gradually walked down the steps of the cellar entrance.

This passage is actually not that long, so it extends a few meters underground.

When Ronald stepped on the firm ground, less than ten seconds passed.

Going down here, the surroundings are different from the courtyard in the dark night above.

Since the previous six cult warlocks were still active here, the cellar was brightly lit, and there were basically no serious visual obstacles.

Then at first glance, Ronald saw the source of the **** smell.

It was four men who fell to the ground.

Two of them were of moderate age, and they dressed with particular attention to keeping warm. The expressions of fear and panic before their death were completely left on their faces.

As for the other two...

The same brown coat, the same wide-brimmed hat.

In their dilated pupils, they can still see the confusion and confusion when they were betrayed.

no doubt.

This is the other two investigators who acted together with the inner ghost above who had set himself on fire.

According to the order of the Bureau of Investigation, it should be the action team composed of the three of them, who will be responsible for the cleaning of the cult warlocks in this neighborhood tonight.

It's a pity that the two of them didn't expect that they would be the companions who work with them.

He was actually a member of the cult warlock, and he took the initiative to attack them!



Sighing, Ronald shook his head.

Died in a sneak attack by a cult warlock, the bodies of two coachmen and two investigators all look very...

very indecent...

Turning his head to look elsewhere, Ronald beckoned.

The black mist that spread in the room immediately separated a part of it and lay down on the bodies of the four people, and pulled it roughly, which could be regarded as sorting out the remains of the deceased.

After a few seconds, Ronald felt a strange feeling from the black mist.

It was the feedback that the traces of the spell were found on the corpses of the four.


Sure enough, these cult warlocks placed spells on the corpses.

Although it is not clear what the specific situation is.

But Ronald can be sure that this thing is either a direct attack like a corpse explosion, or a slow effect like a curse.

In short, it won't be a good thing!

Abandoning the four passive corpses, he turned around and continued to look around.

It is different from the cellar of the cult warlock's house that he entered during the day.

This is the same place as the base of the cult Warlock School, but the underground scale is much larger.

The hall you can see as soon as you walk down has an area of ​​more than 200 square meters. Around the long table and benches in the center of the hall, some upright wooden barrels are stacked together, and bulging sacks can also be seen in the corners of the walls.

Ronald walked over and looked.

The barrels and sacks are all consumables such as food, and there is nothing to do with the mysterious side.

If you simply look at this situation.

This cellar, at best, can only be regarded as an ordinary underground meeting place.

It is still a long way from the secret base of the cult warlock.

While pondering, Ronald recalled the situation when he detected the opponent's position before, and then walked to the corner on the right.

When the crime of 'Rage' was investigating the fluctuations of human emotions, there were also people moving down the wall.

But after getting closer, Ronald didn't see any clues.

Except for the wooden piles supporting the cellar, here are the clean walls, and there is nothing special about it.

How should this plain wall be opened?

It didn't take long for Ronald to make a decision.

In the past, he might have to distinguish as carefully as the characters in detective novels, and then he could find out the way to open the secret door step by step.

But now it is different.

He directed the black fog to completely cover the surrounding walls. Under the pervasive fog detection, Ronald quickly found a way to open the secret door.

The switch is in the corner near the ground.

Between the earthen wall and the wooden stake, there is a small groove near the inner side, about the size of three fingers can be inserted.

After the black mist got in, he even directly explored the internal structure.

Simple pulley and lever transmission, no special magic protection.

Half squatting down, Ronald stretched out his fingers and pressed it down.


As soon as the machine clattered, a crooked crack appeared on the wall.

This is like a secret door hidden in a corner.

In an environment like the basement, it is really difficult to find the existence of this thing without deliberately looking for it, especially the position of the door is set at the corner of the wall and the gap between the wooden Without saying a word, Luo Nader pushed open the secret door.

There are also lights in the back, but the atmosphere is completely different from that of the hall.

The first time he opened the secret door, Ronald directly saw an evil altar set up on a stone pedestal.

It is still the familiar tentacles, octopus heads, and bat wings.

The evil **** in Cthulhu mythology, the statue of Cthulhu sits quietly on the altar lit by green candles.

The maker of the statue is extremely skilled, and he abruptly portrayed the statue of this evil **** to life. As long as you see this thing, the sense of oppression and terror of that indescribable thing will come on your face.

But after seeing this, Ronald felt a lot more at ease.

He has read many books in various aspects before, and the novels of Cthulhu's worldview are also within the scope of reading.

So he is very clear.

Under normal circumstances, look directly at the statue of Cthulhu to this extent.

Unless you have a big problem yourself, it will make the brain run into some accidents.

But what about the result?

Ronald is sober now, and his smooth thinking has not been affected in any way.

Looking directly at this evil **** statue, everything is fine.

Then the result is obvious.

These cult warlocks should have obtained the original text of Lovecraft's novels in this world, and then developed a school based on it.

It's just a school derived from the original scriptures, not those evil gods that make people mad at a glance, appearing in this world directly.

Good news, absolutely good news!

After calming down his mind, Ronald stepped into the room behind the secret door.

Immediately, everything around came into view.

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