Mystic Dominator

Chapter 99: full of stars


The sound comes from the meandering stream,

Down here through a hole in a rock,

The hole was formed by the corrosion of this tortuous and sloping waterway.

The teacher and I followed this dark path,

Returning to the bright world again,

Without resting or caring, we climbed up together,

until I pass through a round hole,

Seeing the splendor and brilliance appearing in the sky,

So we walked out of here and saw the sky full of stars again. "


The voice gradually died out, and Ronald's eyes moved to the end of the "Hell Arc".

After that, there is no content.

That's right, the content of the original script ends here.

In Ronald's gray pupils, his expression was a little hesitant, a little doubtful, but also a little bit of reason.

This newfound power...

It is somewhat different from Ronald's previous estimate.

The ninth floor at the bottom of **** where the betrayers are imprisoned, as well as the Cain, Antenor, Dolimer, and Judah worlds in the ninth floor are the four great worlds of extremely important significance.

It did not bring him any means of using 'betrayal' to impose punishment on people.

Adultery, gluttony, greed, anger, heresy, rape, fraud, betrayal.

Let's count the Lingbo Prison at the beginning.

Of the nine powers shown in "Hell", the final ending is the "betrayer" from the bottom of hell.

The last sentence of the psalm, "the sky is full of stars", also echoes the end of the whole book.

The acquisition of this ability is only related to the last sentence.

——The sky is full of stars.

There are important words and phrases in the three parts of "The Divine Comedy", which correspond to their respective endings.

What it brings to Ronald is a comprehensive strengthening of the body, soul, and spirit, and the effect is permanent.

For a single round of physical fitness, he was considered a trash fish in the past.

But now, he can be called a well-trained soldier.



There was a soft noise between the back cover and the pages.

Standing in the snow for a long time, The Divine Comedy - Hell Chapter in Ronald's hands closed again.

The mark on the wrist flashed, and the black scripture disappeared into the air.

This seemingly reasonable ability brought Ronald a lot of things worth thinking about.

First of all, the "Hell Chapter" cannot simply be regarded as an independent magic book.

Obviously a wrong idea.

Next, among the nine-layered abilities, there are still lewd, gluttonous, heresy, and fraud that have not been collected.

But Ronald already had a foreboding.

With the completion of the four abilities, the abilities that "Hell Arc" brings to him will probably undergo earth-shaking changes.

Even one day in the future, if the three parts of "The Divine Comedy" can be brought together.

Think of the symbolic meaning of the book "The Divine Comedy".

There is a high probability that unexpected things will happen!

But well...

These are all things from a long time ago.

Thinking of this.

Ronald smiled and shook his head.

Regarding the location of the other two parts of "The Divine Comedy", he has some guesses in his mind.

But it's not a good idea to pursue power at the risk of exposing yourself.

For the time being, he considers himself not a dangerous person who believes in extreme violence.

Power is just like money, it belongs to the category where it is enough, and you must not be fooled by it, and you will end up with a crazy end in the end.

It is more suitable for one's current situation to act in such a small capacity.

Now, let's see what's hidden in this manor.

During the day, Nicole and herself could find some useful information in the small cult warlock's home.

How could there not be some important things in the cellar where the six people are hiding together right now!


Ronald's eyes suddenly lit up.

He was about to turn around and leave.

Since the power of 'betrayal' is not related to betrayal, then there is no need for him to continue his research in front of the corpse of this 'betrayer'.

But at this moment, the effect of strengthening the body has begun to show.

Even in the dark night with poor visibility, his eyesight can see a lot.

In the sky, the falling snowflakes are clearly visible.

On the ground, Patricia's footprints that she had left shortly after she left were being obscured by the snow.

In front of him, the surface of the blackened corpse of the self-immolating cult warlock.

Ronald vaguely saw something silvery-white.

There is no damage in the self-immolation, this thing should be interesting.

After a moment of silence, Ronald stood there and waved.

The black mist hidden around the courtyard flew directly around his hand, and immediately formed the appearance of the most commonly used gloves.

The palm of his hand was covered by the dark intelligence of 'Rage', and Ronald reached out and touched the white.

The touch still has the residual heat of the corpse, but it can also feel that it is a kind of metal.

Ronald pulled hard.


Very smooth, not a trap.

A silver-white metal tag was easily removed from the opponent's body.

Looking down.

Familiar textures, familiar words.

——【Volume 11】.

Standard English is engraved on this metal plate with standard fonts.

It's so obvious!

This is the school seal of the Bureau of, which is the casting medium of the "Encyclopedia Britannica".

But it's different from my own trainee.

The medium obtained by the cult warlock who has been involved in the investigation bureau for a long time is the right to use an entire volume of this encyclopedia, and the engraved text on it proves this.


Grabbing this school imprint, Ronald couldn't help laughing.

Of course he was very happy when he accidentally got a school imprint.

In the future, if there is still a chance to "study" the contents of "Encyclopedia Britannica", I am afraid that I will start the plug-in mode.

But it wasn't this that made Ronald couldn't help laughing.

That's because an idea popped into his mind:

——The contents of a volume of "Encyclopedia Britannica", how many entries can this guy read correctly?

Ms. Mapel is also an important member of the Bureau of Investigation.

But referring to the extremely weird English, he always felt that these investigators couldn't use too many spells.

Shaking his head with a smile, Ronald was not in a hurry to put the mark of the school into his arms.

Instead, towards the darkness in the corner of the courtyard, he threw this school mark over.

In the blink of an eye, the black mist hidden in the corner surged up, like a beast hiding in the bushes waiting for its prey, swallowing the metal plate violently.

After confirming that the mark of the school was well preserved, Ronald covered his mouth and nose and walked towards the cellar entrance.

Now, it's time to see what's hidden inside.

My own and Patricia's raids were very effective.

In that case, these cult warlocks must be missing something.

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