Mystic Dominator

Chapter 101: underground cave

Compared with the hall behind me, here...

How to describe it?

Apart from the Evil God Altar that can be seen as soon as the secret door is opened, the space behind is surprisingly calm.

Stepping down a few steps from the secret door to the ground here, there is an unusually clean and flat field around.

However, as far as I can see, there are no floors and no load-bearing stakes.

This empty space can almost be regarded as a natural underground cave.

Except for the evil **** altar built in the center, there were no mountains of corpses, no harsh and terrifying living sacrifice platforms, and no strange-shaped evil sculptures.

Even compared to the primitive underground space, even the burrowing insects are invisible.

——Complete silence.

Of course, this does not mean that this is pure land.

On Ronald's right hand side, there is a large pool.


Wait, the pool?

Ronald was suddenly alert.

According to the mythology of the gram system, isn't Cthulhu the one who sleeps at the bottom of the sea, Lalaiye?

Although this place cannot be the South Pacific.

But the spells of this group of cultists might be closely related to things like water flow!

Thinking of this, Ronald quickly took two steps back.

The black fog that spread in the hall all poured into this underground cave in an instant, covering all the places on the ground first.


Ronald looked around quietly.

In the silent underground space, hardly any sound could be heard around.

The cult warlock didn't know what to add to the candle, which caused the candle to illuminate a wide range, and then it was still a very penetrating green.

In this way, accompanied by the strange flickering candlelight, there is complete silence here.

No, the cult warlock has already died on it.

He controlled his nervous emotions like self-hypnosis.

Ronald sank his heart and began to carefully feel the touch from the black mist.

Bypassing the evil **** statue that must be problematic, the surrounding ground was quickly explored.

But the result...

Still haven't found any clues. .

So now the last place left is the pool over there...

His eyes turned, and his eyes fell silently on the pool over there.

The faint green candlelight hit the water surface, and the immobile water surface was like an emerald buried in the ground. Although the mirror-like pool water had no ripples, it seemed that there was some kind of monster hiding in it.

If it wasn't for the crime of 'Rage' that still reminded Ronald that there were no sober living people here except him, then he must have been thinking about how to deal with the raid.



——The previous body modification technique.

Anyone with a little knowledge in this area would find the pool suspicious.


At this moment, Ronald heard the sound of approaching footsteps behind him.

He looked back and saw that it was Patricia who had descended into the cellar. .

Because of the depth of this underground cave, Ronald is now standing a lot lower than the previous cellar hall.

So from Patricia's point of view, Ronald behind the secret door only had his upper body staring at him.


"Are you OK?"

While asking, the girl walked into the underground cave without hesitation.

When she saw the black mist on the ground, she frowned:

"This should all be influenced by your technique, right?"

"That's right."

Ronald nodded, then recalled the surrounding black mist into his hands.

"I've probably checked it all here. Except for the pool over there and this statue, there shouldn't be anything else worth noting."

"Is that so..."

Following Ronald's words, Patricia looked around the cave.

The whole cave is like Ronald said, there is really nothing worth noting out.

The focus of the underground space is entirely on the sculpture of the evil god.

This is also in line with the style of the cult warlock.

On the other hand, the appearance of this underground pool on the side is somewhat incomprehensible.

Could it be that this group of people also have a hobby of hiding underground and gathering together to take a bath?

Patricia has not been obsessed with this aspect for too long.

After looking around, the girl cast her eyes on Ronald again.

With a serious tone, she said:

"Ronald, the people from the Bureau of Investigation should come over to investigate the situation soon."

"If you don't want to expose your abilities, you'd better withdraw now."

"It's just that I found out what happened here. You have gone home by yourself today."

"I can handle the latter for you."


Ronald was silent.

To be honest, he didn't expect Patricia to mention this.

He is indeed extremely vigilant about such a behemoth as the Bureau of Investigation. He knows how difficult it is for an organized and established institution to deal with it, coming from a modern society.

But Patricia would suggest a cover for herself. He really didn't think about that. It was a well-intentioned choice to not reveal the original story at Burrenwich Railway Station.

After thinking for a few breaths, under Patricia's gaze, Ronald chose to leave here:

"Since that's the case, then I'll withdraw first."

The girl nodded and responded:

"Don't worry, I won't have any accidents here."

Ronald then turned and left.

But before walking out of the cellar, he still did not forget to remind Patricia:

"By the way, Patricia, be careful about that Besides the altar, I think that thing should also be paid more attention."


After finishing the final conversation, Ronald returned to the ground from the entrance on the side of the courtyard.

The snowflakes in the sky fell tirelessly.

In a corner of the courtyard, the umbrella that Patricia threw out was still lying on the ground, but the snow had already covered its original color.

Even the traces left by the cult warlock's self-destruction on it could not be seen at all at this time.

Subconsciously, Ronald looked up at the sky.

There is no light in the dark colors, and the night sky is as cold as the winter cold.


"Go home, go home."

"That's it for today."

Thinking about it carefully, he doesn't need to worry too much about what's hidden here.

There is absolutely no problem in finding out when I go back to work at the Investigation Bureau tomorrow morning, or asking Patricia later.

Dealing with this group of cult warlocks is actually the common responsibility of the mysterious side of Burrenwich.

He himself is only a part of it.

Slowly walked out of the yard.

Ronald saw the carriage that Patricia chased back.

The cult warlock who thought he had escaped successfully before, is now honestly tied inside and unconscious.

these guys.

I'm afraid it's the worst luck tonight...

After silently adjusting the control effect of 'Rage' on these people, Ronald shook his head and walked into the distance.

His footprints on the snow.

Just a few minutes later, it was completely buried by the falling snow.

leaving no traces—

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