Mystery: Invincible In Ten Consecutive Draws At The Beginning

Chapter 978 Look At Me Breaking Your Turtle Shell! Hesitation Will Defeat

The situation of the battle changed suddenly like a storm.

When everyone thought that the Golden Snake Swordsman was going to deal with Mu Yi, he was knocked out by the latter with a knee.

The Golden Snake Sword Lord flew up and smashed heavily on the ground. When he stood up, he was a little confused.

Even his own jaw was fractured, and blood kept flowing out of his mouth.

"Hey, when the No. 2 Gu worm can save people's worries, even a broken snake will let me on the number."

Tang Chen recast his arms, moved Mu Yi's limbs, and sighed to himself.

He decided to train Mu Yi frantically after today, otherwise he would fight for the latter every day, that's fine.

The Golden Snake Swordsman shook his head, recovered his chin injury, looked at Tang Chen coldly, and said coldly, "I dare to resist, good, very good."

"I haven't eaten snake soup for a long time, I really want to taste it." Tang Chen said softly.

The Golden Snake Swordsman glared furiously, the golden sword protruded out, and the monstrous sword beam was about to open the sky.

The space is like a broken silk satin, showing the traces of folding.

With such a strong offensive, Tang Chen calmly avoided it as if the breeze was blowing.

Everyone couldn't help but widen their eyes when they saw this scene, how is this possible?

play with swords?

Tang Chen is the ancestor of the creatures present!

Therefore, the sword moves of the Golden Snake Swordsman were all seen through by him at a glance, and he did not need any expression.

Tang Chen seized the gap of the Golden Snake Swordsman, and used the War Saint method to imitate the heroic action of the heavens.

Seeing that the person in front of him had disappeared without a trace, Jin Snake Jianjun couldn't help shouting, "Sword and Snake God Art!"

The golden sword shone with dazzling divine light in his hand, and the power of blood flowed in the sword body, turning into a giant golden snake of thousands of feet, entrenched behind him.

The golden giant snake is lifelike, spitting out snake letters, and its icy eyes are in the shape of swords.

When Tang Chen approached, the golden giant snake wrapped around the golden snake swordsman, completely protecting it.

"Look at me breaking your turtle shell!" Tang Chen shouted softly.

He stepped abruptly, shook the mountains and rivers with his fists, and blasted out, like a giant grinding disc rolling out, shattering the golden giant snake, showing the true body of the Golden Snake Swordsman.

There was a trace of panic in the look of the Golden Snake Sword Sovereign, why did this person suddenly burst out with such fighting power?

Tang Chen's boxing power is infinite, his power is like a broken bamboo, like a cavalry on a high slope, who will attack and kill the Golden Snake Sword Lord.

With a puff, the Golden Snake Swordsman turned into a blood mist on the spot, floating in the air, bloody and terrifying.

The scene was silent, and no one spoke at all, because it was too shocking.

"Senior, Mu Yi killed the Golden Snake Swordsman, isn't that a mistake?" Someone came back to his senses and shouted.

A majestic voice sounded: "Have you not experienced the killing, do you still think you are in a gentle village?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's mouths were blocked, but they also understood that this was not a place to play, but a place to kill.

Tang Chen didn't speak, but felt that the alien tribes were terrifying.

There are so many arrogances who say that they will die without mercy.

But how could the arrogance cultivated in this atmosphere not be stronger than those in the Three Thousand Domains.

Tang Chen can also be considered to understand why it is called the God of War preparatory camp. For example, a group of talented people are surrounded here, killing each other and growing each other.

Anyone who can go out from here is not weak.

"If that's the case, then don't blame me for being ruthless." Tang Chen sneered in his heart.

If this is the case, everyone who fights against him or Mu Yi will surely die, except for Huang Kui Immortal.

Tang Chen said softly, "Who would dare to challenge me."

Originally, those who were clamoring did not speak, and looked at each other in dismay.

Prince Nether narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he really wanted to take action.

Seeing that no one came up, Tang Chen directly returned the initiative of the physical body to Mu Yi, and then immediately formulated a plan for him to train frantically.

Anyway, as long as you can't train to death, train to death!

In the days that followed, Mu Yi conducted an inhumane special training.

Even he doesn't know how he came up with these things, but his combat power is growing little by little.

"This is when I entered the Holy Immortal realm and wanted to sleep." After returning to the residence, Mu Yi said to himself in a trance.

"How can you sleep? You can't sleep without your daughter-in-law?"

Tang Chen complained beside him, "Is there any hope? Get out of cultivation!"

A compulsive thought penetrated into Mu Yi's soul, and the latter almost cried and ran out to accept the attacks of thunder and fire.

At the same time, Tang Chen also asked Mu Yi to take the initiative to challenge others to support the war with war.

Every battle was extremely hard, but it was able to kill the extraterritorial strange clan.

Tang Chen asked Mu Yi to take the initiative to enter the ranking, and he had to step into the top ten, which was related to his own lottery.

After these battles, Mu Yi became more confident, and there seemed to be a lot of followers gathered around him.

This is the charm of the strong, everyone will want to follow.

"Prince Youming and Huang Kui Immortal are so close, they are really maddening me." On this day, Mu Yi squinted his eyes when he saw Prince Youming.

Tang Chen shook his head and said, "Aren't you talking nonsense? You are such a talented and beautiful person, which round got you a monster to make irresponsible remarks."

Mu Yi patted the table and walked steadily towards Prince Netherworld.

If he wants to really step into the top ten, he must challenge these front-runners. Otherwise, it will be impossible for him in his life.

When Prince Nether and others saw Mu Yi coming, they asked indifferently, "I don't welcome trash here, get out of here."

"I'm very interested in your rankings, do you dare to fight me!" Mu Yi, bursting with confidence, asked in front of everyone.

The people around were stunned for a moment when they heard it, and then they couldn't help gasping for air. Is Mu Yi floating?

Prince Nether sneered: "Since you want to court death, I will fulfill you."

The battle platform opened, and Mu Yi and Prince Nether appeared on stage, which attracted much attention.

In particular, some old monsters are also watching secretly, wanting to see if Mu Yi can succeed.


All directions are shaking, dark clouds cover the top, the eyes of the prince of the ghost are like the ghost lamp of the underworld, light up faintly, affecting the minds of others.

He slowly stretched out his arm, and the black mist surged behind him, as if connecting to a side of the underworld.

A thousand zhang rotten arm turned gray and black, and Mu Yi was to be suppressed.

Mu Yi's qi and blood were surging, and he was like thunder and fire. He kicked the ground and smashed it out.

The two sides fought for more than 300 rounds, the battle platform collapsed, and both were injured.

Tang Chen was very excited to see that the Gu worms that he had trained were finally a little capable.

Prince Nether looked gloomy, with blood in the corners of his mouth, and shouted: "Ming Huang Jue!"

A gray light shone around him, and the whistling sound was like the wailing of ten thousand ghosts, and it broke out completely.

Within a thousand miles, there was a cloud of gray lightning, and everywhere it passed, the sky and the ground were torn apart.

Mu Yi showed a slightly hesitant look, and then chose to step back.

Tang Chen slapped his head with a slap, and scolded ironically, "Idiot, will you fail if you don't understand hesitation?"

Sure enough, the gray lightning colluded into a pattern of Emperor Ming about ten thousand feet, slamming on Mu Yi's body, vomiting blood and flying out.

This scene made Tang Chen want to pierce Muyi's ass with a needle, iron waste!

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