The banquet was completely fried.

Countless powerhouses were filled with righteous indignation, and they didn't expect Mu Yi to be so courageous!

He dared to ram Huang Kui Immortal girl, and even flung his hair off the spot after finishing it, as if he had done an amazing thing.

"This person is bound to die! As I said, it is not easy for any ancestor to come!"

"What a lunatic, he must not be allowed to leave the God of War prep camp alive."

"The girl I like was hit by him like this, I'm angry!"

The monks were furious.

Prince Nether and the others hurriedly wanted to help Huang Kui Immortal up, but the latter stood up by herself.

She had a flat face and waved her hand: "Maybe she's panicked, I'm fine, everyone have fun."

After finishing speaking, Huang Kui Immortal also left this place.

It's just that when she left, she felt a little bit of excitement and relief from the slight pain just now.

Tang Chen probably did not expect that this high-ranking Immortal girl actually has the potential to shake M.

Everyone watched Huang Kui Immortal leave, but there was still no way to quell the anger in the lower body.

Prince Nether said coldly, "This guy is really despicable. In order to make Immortal remember him, he actually beat people."

"Damn it, I really want to, I won't let him go further in the next ranking match." The strong man said solemnly.

From tonight, Mu Yi has become the enemy of Huang Kui Immortal's supporters in the God of War preparation camp.


After returning to the residence, Mu Yi stood there dumbfounded.

He didn't understand why he did this at all. Instead of trying to please Huang Kui Immortal, he beat her up instead.

"It's over, she will definitely hate me, and she will definitely apologize next time we meet." Mu Yi said in a panic.

Tang Chen sucked his teeth and Hanako next to him. Being a dog lick won't do any good. It's better to find another way and do something different.

After stepping into the God of War preparatory camp, Mu Yi will be trained by the elders and at the same time donate resources to increase his combat power.

However, Mu Yi noticed that everyone looked at him as if he had killed his father's enemy.

"He still has the courage to come out. I don't know how many people are waiting to kill him."

"Anyway, this guy will definitely be challenged by countless people on the day the qualifying starts."

"Tsk tsk tsk, this guy can definitely become a legend, and he will be challenged by hundreds of people on the day the ranking starts."

The cultivators laughed jokingly.

Mu Yi's face was sullen, and he understood that the boat was done, and the only thing he could do was to hold on, and finally seek the favor of Huang Kui Immortal.

Tang Chen is also constantly instilling the idea of ​​not letting him be a licking dog, he must be crazy!

"It's over, dog licking is deeply ingrained, it's up to me."

Tang Chen found that Mu Yi still wanted to apologize, spread his hands, and said depressedly.

As time passed, Tang Chen sometimes returned to Longyuan Academy to discuss the girl-picking plan with his brothers, and at the same time instructed the students.

He sometimes went to teach Mu Yi to make the latter stronger.

Half a month after stepping into the God of War prep camp, the qualifying round finally started.

Some people's rankings are fixed only because they are recognized by their elders.

The top 100 are all talented beings, the Prince Netherworld, Huang Kui Immortal and others are even the top 20.

"Mu Yi, I want to challenge you, you can only accept it but not refuse!"

"I've been waiting for this day for a long time, hahaha."

"Today is not your time to rest."

In an instant, other people's servants or people who were upset with Mu Yi all sent out invitations to fight.

Mu Yi was completely stunned, is his own popularity really that high?

Prince Nether and the others sneered: "This time we will see how you die."

"Have a hammer, as my No. 2 Gu worm, a Sim's character, you must rise up!" Tang Chen said angrily.


In the sky, the gorgeous Immortal glows running, turning into an ancient battle platform.

A majestic and ethereal voice sounded: "The challenge can only be accepted, not rejected. Otherwise, it will be deprived of the God of War reserve camp."


A dazzling golden light fell on the battle platform, revealing a handsome man, covered in golden robes, and exuding a cold air.

He is the Golden Snake Swordsman from the Yang family, with a ranking of one hundred and fifty.

"Mu Yi, come up, I won't kill you." The Golden Snake Swordsman laughed.

Mu Yi is no more than the middle Saint Immortal realm, while the Golden Snake Swordsman has already stepped into the Saint Immortal realm as a half step.

On Realm, there is a huge gap between the two, which is difficult to close.

But Mu Yi took a deep breath and said in a low voice, "I don't want to retreat, let alone retreat, I want to marry Huang Kui Immortal!"

"Well said, let me see your growth." Tang Chen looked relieved.

Mu Yi climbed to the sky in one step, and fell handsomely on the battlefield, his black hair fluttering, and he looked directly at the Golden Snake Swordsman.

The Golden Snake Swordsman carried the golden sword on his back, squinted his eyes slightly, and his body flickered like a golden shadow snake light tossing and turning.

With a clanging sound, the golden sword was unsheathed, and the divine light was shining and dazzling, containing a strong Sword intent to kill Xiang Muyi.

The shot is a killer move!

From this we can see how much these people hate Mu Yi.

Mu Yi quickly backed away, opened his mouth and spat out a purple hammer, facing the storm and rising to meet the sword.


The sound of gold and iron is deafening, echoing in the sky, and the purple hammer is missing a large piece, which is completely different from the material used for casting the golden sword of the Golden Snake Swordsman.

Mu Yi held half of the purple hammer, his face was solemn, and he roared loudly, Immortal gas was like a violent volcano, gushing out fiercely.

His energy skyrocketed, and he swung half of the purple hammer, with the momentum of giving up on me, shaking the entire battle platform, shaking and collapsing.

However, the Golden Snake Swordsman smiled jokingly, his figure was as weak as boneless, and the golden shadow moved, as if evading Mu Yi's attack and killing dangerously and dangerously.

He waved his golden sword, and the golden light was dazzling. If he wanted to split the sky, he would cut off one of Mu Yi's arms.


With his arms flying, blood gushing out, Mu Yi, who was pale and ferocious, backed away crazily.

"Oh, are you an idiot? I've taught you how many times, and you'll shoot when you see it."

"I really didn't expect to be able to play like this."

Tang Chen jumped up beside him, wanting to kill Mu Yi.


The crowd of melon eaters watching the battle instantly burst into an uproar, clapping their hands excitedly, and even shouted, "Okay, cut off his other arm!"

Prince Nether and the others show a smile, that's what they have to do.

"No, you are so good, it seems that the person who taught you is more good." Jin Snake Swordsman said jokingly.

Suddenly, Tang Chen, who was watching the play, narrowed his eyes.

It is common sense to provoke anyone, but you must not provoke Tang Chen.

He showed a kind smile and said, "Let my mind move."

Tang Chen took the initiative of Mu Yi's body without hesitation, the corners of his lips raised, it was his turn.

"Sorry, they said you also want the other arm." The Golden Snake Swordsman sneered.

He was full of golden light, and swept forward like an inch.

But as soon as the Golden Snake Swordsman went out, a frosty face came into view, it was Mu Yi.

The Golden Snake Swordsman was shocked, so fast!

But the golden sword he didn't hesitate to penetrate Tang Chen's throat like a poisonous snake from bottom to top.


Suddenly, Tang Chen dodged the sword lightly, his knees flew up, hit the chin of the Golden Snake Swordsman, and flew out backwards.

The faces of those who were still ready to cheer were stiff, why did the situation change! ?

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