Mystery: Invincible In Ten Consecutive Draws At The Beginning

Chapter 979 Daddy Is Here Again, Killed By... 1 Punch

The image of the Emperor of the Underworld spreads all over the void, and the gray area seems to be returning from the underworld.

Mu Yi was hesitant to be beaten and vomited blood and flew out, which made many cultivators watching the show very excited, and finally wanted to kill this man.

Because Mu Yi collided with the Immortal girl of Ding Feihuangkui, it was still hated by countless people.

Tang Chen looked at Mu Yi who had fallen below, and couldn't help sighing, that's how he ended up being overwhelmed.

"Hey, daddy's here again."

He used the thought body to warm up with exercise, although it was useless.

The fight between the two sides will not stop until the other side is not heard shouting defeat or abstention.

Prince Nether looked down at the deep pit in the forest below and stretched out his hand.

The gray lightning gathered into a beam of divine light, penetrating the void, and completely destroying Mu Yi below.

When Mu Yi looked up, he wanted to abstain in fear, but he was switched to the initiative at The next moment.

Tang Chen boarded the ship, running qi and blood, swelled like a mighty sea of ​​blood diamonds transpiring, resisting the gray beam.

"So clever, Netherworld martial arts belongs to Yin, so he will use the Yang Qi in his blood to compete!"

Many people couldn't help but look surprised when they saw this scene.

This is the so-called experience difference, Tang Chen can prevent it, but Mu Yi can't.

Tang Chen felt the pain all over his body and wondered: "If I hadn't trained him specially for such a serious injury, he would have died long ago."

"Do you have two personalities or two souls?"

When Prince Nether saw that this man's methods were completely different from before, he asked with a deep frown.

Tang Chen recovered from his injury and grinned: "I am me, a different firework."

call out!

He leaped up like a roc spreading his wings, above the Ninth Stage.

With a bang, the earth-shattering divine might deeply shocked everyone present.

Tang Chen's figure grew wildly in the eyes of everyone, about ten thousand feet tall, it was the giant demon ancestor technique of the giant god and demon king!

"Heavy body collision!"

His huge and oppressive body suddenly flipped in mid-air, turning into a rolling ball of flesh, rumbling loudly.

Shaking the sky and shaking the earth, a majestic aura that crushed everything broke out.

This is the martial art that Tang Chen created for Mu Yi, of course, borrowed from comics.

Everyone's eyes widened, never seeing such a crazy martial arts.

It turned itself into a meat ball, as if a mountain of meat was pressing down.

Prince Nether Realm noticed this fluctuation and said coldly, "Netherland Death Tool!"

The black mist surging behind him turned into a gloomy and icy wall.

This wall is gray-black, and it is filled with utensils contaminated with yin, including swords, spears, swords, and halberds.

Prince Netherworld reached out and took out a spear, turning into a giant dragon under the shaking.

He pulled out the implements one after another, like a torrent of implements bombarded wildly.


When the ten-thousand-zhang meat ball rolled over, it contained indestructible divine power, and it smashed all the ghost weapons out, crushing it like a broken bamboo.

"I don't believe you can still kill me!"

Prince Nether was arrogant and arrogant, and he shouted loudly, not planning to retreat at all.

He took down two shields from the underworld, blocked them in front of him, and made direct contact with Tang Chen.


But at the moment of contact, Prince Nether's expression changed dramatically, the shields in both hands were shattered, and he himself faced the crushing divine power at close range.

Under the watchful eyes of the public, the Prince Netherworld was smashed into pieces, leaving only a wisp of remnant soul lingering.

The audience was silent. After Tang Chen returned to his original state, he stepped on his soul with one foot.

"Not bad, ranked fifteenth."

Tang Chen took out a sign, the number on it changed to 'fifteen', and smiled.

Whether it is Jin Immortal, Xuan Immortal, or Saint Immortal in the God of War prep camp, seeing Mu Yi's eyes, completely changed.

What a character the Prince of Netherworld was, he was killed by the adopted son of the giant god and demon king.

When countless people were shocked by Mu Yi, Huang Kui Immortal appeared, Qiu Mei stared at Mu Yi, which was also somewhat unexpected.

Tang Chen turned his head to see Huang Kui Immortal, and saw the sign hanging from her waist that read: Ten.

He murmured: "Then can I beat this girl and enter the tenth place? At the same time, I can have close contact with her?"

Thinking of this, Tang Chen said loudly: "Sister, in two days, I will fight with you and win you to be my woman."


The audience was boiling, especially the male glares.

Huang Kui Immortal did not expect such a scene, Liu Mei raised her eyebrows lightly and asked, "Then you are going to lose?"

"I'll be your husband." Tang Chen said decisively.

This is what he said on behalf of Mu Yi, not himself.

This sentence made Huang Kui Immortal stunned for a while, and then she laughed.

Either way, Mu Yi won't lose if he wins or loses.

After speaking, Tang Chen left immediately, not wanting to be chased by so many people.


After returning, Mu Yi took the initiative and knelt on the ground with his head in his arms and mourned.

"What have I done, why challenge her!"

"She must hate me to death!"

He wanted to cry without tears.

Tang Chen is quite speechless, how did this guy get a girl in the Three Thousand Domain Realm?

He immediately added to Mu Yi's thoughts, took care of his body within two days, and then defeated Huang Kui Immortal in one fell swoop, so don't waste your time.

There are two advantages to doing this. First, it is simple and clear to ask girls, and the second is to let the old monsters in the God of War prep camp see Mu Yi's combat power.

In this way, he can be included, and he can learn the secrets of the alien clan.

Kill two birds with one stone!

In the past two days, the God of War preparatory camp has gone completely crazy.

The Prince of Nether is destroyed, and Mu Yi will challenge Huang Kui Immortal.

"This guy is absolutely crazy, Huang Kui Immortal is much stronger than Prince Nether."

"Beyond his own power, such Immortal women can't be compared to him."

"Hehe, I want to see how he was tortured to death by Huang Kui Immortal."

Countless cultivators do not look at Mu Yi.

When the time came, the battle platform condensed, and Mu Yi boarded with a burst of boos, his calf twisted, but he remained calm.

Huang Kui Immortal girl was elegant and immortal, and the appearance of the unparalleled beauty caused a burst of screams.

She smiled lightly: "Are you ready?"

Mu Yi was about to speak when Tang Chen took the initiative away instantly.

He didn't say a word, his pupils were bright, the void was shaking, his iron fist was shining brightly, his momentum was like a sea, and he Ascension to the peak at this moment.

At this moment, Tang Chen's divine power shocked the Quartet, like a heavenly king coming to the world.

Huang Kui Immortal girl frowned, but she still faced the battle, her lotus arms stretched out lightly, and a blooming sunflower emerged from the surging black flames, which contained supreme Dao power.

"The light of the Phoenix Road."

She opened her lips lightly, Jade pointed out, and the sound of sunflower popping seemed to be soft, but in fact, divine power swept through it, like a stormy sea hitting Tang Chen.

Tang Chen looked indifferent, took a step forward, and the iron fist contained the power of boxing, and burst out.

At this moment, in the sky and the ground, only fist power is tyrannical, shattering the sunflower, shattering the fluctuation, and slamming the Immortal woman of Huangkui heavily.

The God of War preparation camp was silent, and everyone was dumbfounded.

Huang Kui Immortal girl, was instantly killed by... a punch! ?

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