Mystery: Invincible In Ten Consecutive Draws At The Beginning

Chapter 976 This Is A Shitty Way To Pick Up Girls! You Deserve To Be Killed

Soon after, Gao Dafu and the Lord of Blood Sword Domain came to Longyuan Academy.

The former is Tang Chen's good brother, who has experienced the baptism of life and death.

The latter is Tang Chen's senior brother, although he was a little stunned, but his shortcomings are not big.

When these two 'celebrities' were seen in the eyes of many students and teachers, they all felt a little incredible.

"It turns out that they are Tang Jiao's confidant friends and senior brothers."

"The people who are handed over by Tang Jiao are different."

"Look at the Blood Sword Domain Master, he is very powerful, but the Domain Master is a thief."

There was a lot of discussion.

The tall, rich and bloody Sword Domain master didn't know what was going on. He just heard that Tang Chen was looking for them, and he came over without hesitation.

When the Lord of Blood Sword Domain saw Tang Chen, he put his hands in his sleeves and said, "Junior brother, why are you calling me?"

Tang Chen greeted the two with a smile and discussed things together.

"Mysterious and mysterious? Are you trying to harm someone's baby again?" Tall Fu rubbed his hands a little excitedly.

Jin Liezhang and the others rolled their eyes, it seems that he and Tang Chen really do this kind of thing often.

Tang Chen coughed lightly and said seriously, "Don't be rude, this time you need to use your heads."

The two Wolong and Fengchu showed a look full of wisdom, and immediately glanced at the people present, showing a confident smile.

"Hmph, look at each of you, you must have encountered a problem." Gao Dafu said proudly.

The Blood Sword Domain master had an expert expression and said with emotion: "If that's the case, then let us solve it for you."

"Can I kill these two turtle grandsons?" Jin Liezhang said unhappily.

Tang Chen hurriedly stopped, and then repeated the matter of picking up girls.

Gao Dafu suddenly wondered: "Then why don't you come to me, why are you looking for him, a single dog."

The Lord of Blood Sword Domain cried out with a wow, and Fatty's fill-up was getting better and better.

"So who are you going to soak in?" the others asked with the melon seeds.

Tang Chen squeezed his brows and said, "It's not me, it's me... The people under my hand, who are of low status now, want to climb up Gaozhi to marry the most beautiful Immortal girl."

"Well... that is naturally a step-by-step process, step by step, and then get in touch after getting familiar with it." This is Jin Zhan's plan.

"If it were me, I would have to find out what the girl likes, and then attack this area, starting with interest." Li Huang's plan.

"It's all pediatrics, make a big move and imprint this girl's impression of you, stalking." Gao Dafu said disdainfully.

Tang Chen said contemptuously, "If I hadn't helped you back then, do you think you could marry such a beautiful girl?"

All kinds of bad ideas came out of this group of friends, all of which made Tang Chen wonder if they had ever been in love.

In the end, he saw that his senior brother was still depressed, and asked with a smile: "Senior brother, give me a plan."

"As far as you know, Senior Brother, if you want to impress a girl deeply, that is..."

The bloody Sword Domain's long and elated voice.

Everyone stuck their heads out one after another, can this guy have any plan?

He chuckled softly: "Beat her up, or ram her with the most powerful force."

Everyone was stunned, this is a fart way to pick up girls!

Tang Chen gritted his teeth and said, "Tell me, have you used this method to chase girls back then?"

"I used it, and she was chased and killed by her for nearly ten years, and then it was gone." The Blood Sword Domain Master scratched his head a little embarrassedly.

Xiao Meilong said with contempt: "You deserve to be killed, why don't you ask me, this beautiful woman with all kinds of styles back then?"

"I remember everyone's methods, look it up." Tang Chen ignored her and firmly clenched his fists at his brothers.

Gao Dafu and others nodded heavily, waiting for the result.

Xiao Meilong puffed out her cheeks and ignored her, she was angry!


Outside the realm, God of War preparation camp.

Tang Chen used his thoughts to turn the ring and came to Mu Yi's side.

A large banquet was held tonight to welcome many geniuses to the God of War preparatory camp.

Huang Kui Immortal is naturally the focus of attention, a touch of light splashes on her body, her skin is like cream, crystal clear.

In her gestures, she has a noble and charming temperament, which deeply attracts the minds of countless people, and Mu Yi is one of them.

"Actually, I'm not particularly impressed with everyone."

Huang Kui Immortal's female jade feet crossed, her lotus arms rested on her chin, and she exhaled softly.

Everyone blushes and their hearts beat, as if they were born with fascination and seduce their souls.

Prince Nether was the first to react, and said with a chuckle, "How difficult is this, Immortal girl, look at me."

His hands interpret the gorgeous rays of light, blooming in the void, turning into the pattern of the Immortal girl, cute and charming.

"Immortal girl, it is said that you like watching Galaxy Cluster the most, let me take it off for you." A strong man grinned.

He lifted the wooden box in his hand, and the stars were brilliant, converging into a river, bright and flickering, like thousands of stars condensed.

The strong man reached out and caught the starlight rippling beside Huang Kui Immortal like a stream.

Huang Kui Immortal, who is like a group pet, sees so many people pampering her, and she even smiles coquettishly.

At the same time, other cultivators came forward, just to win the Immortal girl's smile.

Mu Yi stood on the spot, lamenting endlessly.

First, he has no treasures to play with, and secondly, he is not handsome beyond imagination. How can he fight against these people?

Mu Yi sighed, "I would actually envy Tang Chen's appearance here."

Tang Chen next to him said that it is impossible for you to want.

"Enhancing the impression? Whether it's good or bad, at least it leaves a deep impression." Tang Chen suddenly thought, it seems to be the truth.

Actually is not saying that he can't pick up girls, but Mu Yi himself prefers to wait for an opportunity.

It's too late to remember a good dish until it is exhausted.

He asked Mu Yi to go up, so that he could get closer to Huang Kui Immortal.

After one performance after another, Mu Yi stood in front of Huang Kui Immortal.

Face to face at such a close distance, Mu Yi's heart beat faster and his nose was sweating.

Prince Nether and the others sneered, what can this poor ghost come up with?

"what do you have?"

Huang Kui Immortal looked at Mu Yi and asked indifferently like a queen.

Mu Yi hesitated: ""

He didn't know how to answer, Tang Chen's mind was also running fast, and finally he remembered his brother's plan, that's all!

The next moment, the sound at the banquet was completely silent.


Just because Mu Yi rushed out like a bull, he just smashed Huang Kui Immortal and smashed it on the grass like a broken kite.

The broken railing floated down in the air and scattered on the ground.

Mu Yi didn't say a word, fluttered his black hair smartly, and left the banquet without looking back.

Huang Kui Immortal girl lay on the grass and stared blankly at the night sky. This way of chasing girls was the first time in my life.

The banquet was silent, and needles could be heard falling.

In particular, Prince Nether and others opened their mouths and couldn't make any sound.

But for some unknown reason, Huang Kui Immortal, after thinking about it, not only was not angry, but was a little... excited?

Immediately, Prince Nether and other Tianjiao and cultivators said angrily, "This Mu Yi is so daring and dares to attack the Immortal girl, we can't keep him!"

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