Mystery: Invincible In Ten Consecutive Draws At The Beginning

Chapter 964 Dean Tang, The 10 Star Thought Pair Ring

The old dean failed miserably!

This is a complete slap in the face of the elders.

Because they feel that the proportion of the old dean who can win is higher than that of Tang Chen.

However, the truth is always so cruel, some people were directly swollen, including Ye Hetian.


Even with the roar of the tsunami, most of the students were willing to have Tang Chen become the new dean.

Huang Ping'er and the little brother Qilin looked at each other and smiled, clapped each other's hands, and finally let the master sit in this position.

The still stunned King Liuli suddenly reacted and wondered: "Doesn't that mean that from now on, he will be able to teach us righteously?"

"Isn't that a good thing?" Someone laughed.

Immortal Dragon King and the others rolled their eyes, and now they are at a loss.

In the past, they could still be sneaky, but now they listen to the lectures aboveboard, and they have to face it!

Just because these people are considered peers for the time being, peers teach peers, it's really not very honorable to speak out.

"Then what did I say as his brother?" Jin Haoran pouted.

Xiao Meilong muttered: "Don't talk nonsense, the master is the teacher, hurry up and call the dean."

"President Tang!"

Xiao Qilin coaxed and bumped Huang Qi with his elbow, and the two shouted loudly.

"President Tang is mighty!"

"Hahaha, the popularity of the new dean is much higher than that of Wu Qingyizu."

"That's not right, who would be willing to accept the guidance of an old helper."

Suddenly, everyone shouted Tang Chen's new title.

Tang Chen smiled and shook his head, the title of dean is optional, and he doesn't care that much.

The key is one point, what can be prostituted?

This is the top priority!

One after another, the shouts spread throughout the Longyuan Academy, announcing that a new dean would be in charge of the guidance here.

The Chen family, the Ye family, the space beast clan, etc. hated and hated Tang Chen's forces, and their faces were completely darkened.

They didn't know how Tang Chen would treat themselves later.

In fact, they were overthinking it.

Although Tang Chen really wanted to exterminate the space beasts, it was the most wrong choice.

In the face of right and wrong, he sees very clearly.

It is not too late to deal with them after the matter of the extraterritorial strange clan is resolved.

Killing may be late, but never absent!

Haotai below held Wu Qingyizu, the old dean who had just abdicated, with a bitter face.

It took a long time for Wu Qingyizu to wake up. Looking at Tang Chen standing on the sky, he knew the situation.

"Can you take it?"

Tang Chen stood with his hands behind his back and asked lightly.

Wu Qingyizu's eyes were gloomy, and his chest was about to explode with anger.

But he didn't say much, just nodded.


"The host has fulfilled the mission requirements, is there a lottery?"

system hint.

Tang Chen was happy in his heart: "Lottery draw."


"Congratulations to the host for drawing a ten-star reward: [Thinking Ring]"

[Thought pair ring: It is divided into mother ring and child ring. The mother ring can control the thought of wearing the child ring, but it is not pure slavery. It can impose its own thought on the person who wears the child ring. 】

When Tang Chen saw this reward, his eyes lit up, the system was really great.

"It seems that my plan can be started." He smiled in his heart.

Originally, Tang Chen planned to send a person to the outside world. It would be better if he could control it.

And Mu Yi was the first choice.

But recently, because he was too busy, he didn't even notice what Mu Yi was doing.

When Tang Chen reacted, he realized that countless people were watching him.

He smiled and said, "Tomorrow, I will explain for the students, but come and listen to the scriptures."

The crowd cheered and boiled.

This battle is more lively and prosperous than the previous Wuqing Yizu time.

When Wu Qingyizu saw this scene, his face was ashen, and he was really useless to the extreme.

Ye Hetian came over with disdain and contempt in his eyes, and said in a low voice, "My family is extremely disappointed in you."

After saying that, he turned around and left, returning to the Vientiane Domain.

When the Ye family heard about this, they felt that they had lost their wife and lost their soldiers.

"President, what should we do in the future?" Haotai still didn't change his mouth and asked extremely bitterly.

Wu Qingyizu wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth, squinted at Tang Chen, and said coldly, "Let's see if the Immortals are willing to come, I may still have a chance."


into the night.

Tang Chen sat in the corridor, took out the void looking glass, and meditated on Mu Yi.

After a while, Mu Yi's figure appeared on the mirror.

Since the Avengers were destroyed, Tang Chen secretly gave them some resources to re-develop.

But this time they were not so smooth, and they were still climbing hard.


When Tang Chen stared at Mu Yi, he frowned slightly.

Mu Yi's current appearance is no longer the skin color he once had, and his body is covered with black lines, and his body also permeates some kind of aura unique to the alien race.

Tang Chen muttered to himself: "The torso of Immortal with black lines completely assimilated him."

Mu Yi and Immortal are perfectly integrated, and they can no longer be the creatures of the Three Thousand Realms.

The Avengers are developing in the Earth Immortals-level lower realm at this time.

However, Mu Yi asked them to collect the Blood Essence of a special bloodline, which hurt the lives of many creatures.

"Mu Yi, why did you let us collect so many Blood Essences?" Steph asked in confusion.

Mu Yi's eyes were pitch black, and he couldn't see the joys and sorrows. He smiled lightly: "You will understand later, let's go."

Steph and the others hesitated to speak, and finally sighed helplessly.

After the gate of the hall was closed, Mu Yi's face gradually became hideous, and he said: "When the alien tribes are killed, I will sacrifice Blood Essence in exchange for status and kill Tang Chen!"

However, he had no idea that in the extremely distant Longyuan Academy, Tang Chen was observing.

"It's a good idea, but I saw through it." Tang Chen said softly.

Originally, he was still thinking that it would be a little inappropriate to send the No. 2 Gu insect to the extraterritorial strange clan, after all, it was a creature from the Three Thousand Territories.

But now that Mu Yi's complete assimilation, Tang Chen no longer has this scruple.

He sighed lightly: "Your Realm is too low, play your best role."

It is very important for Mu Yi to go to the world outside the territory, that is, to see through the combat power of the alien tribe and whether there are any secret weapons or the like.

Therefore, the No. 2 Gu insect bears a heavy responsibility and has the magical effect of restoring the Nine Thousand Great Realm.

the next day.

Feihongtai not only has students here, but also has teachers and elders.

But some people did not come, and they all had a great hatred with Tang Chen.

Ye Aotian, Ye Tianming and others saw Tang Chen, their faces were full of complexity and helplessness.

The character who once thought he could be destroyed and crushed has now become the dean of Longyuan Academy.

Human beings are not as good as God, fate is also!

"Then let's start." Tang Chen smiled lightly.

His arm shook gently towards the void, and the faint bloody glow flew out without attracting anyone's attention. It was the body of the Dao.

The blood-robed Tang Chen galloped around the world, mastered the world's biological transfer device and the mind pair, and went to discuss with Mu Yi a profound philosophy of life.

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