Mystery: Invincible In Ten Consecutive Draws At The Beginning

Chapter 965 1 2 Of Heaven, 1 2 Of The Underworld, The Avengers Collapsed

East Ming domain.

After Tang Chen stepped into this world, he felt that the concentration of Immortal Qi here had dropped a lot.

Sure enough, the concentration of Immortal Qi in the higher realm is even more different, but fortunately it does not have much impact.

Blood Robe Tang Chen knew where the Avengers were, but he didn't plan to break in directly.

Because at that time, everything that Mu Yi has seen will be seen by the overlord of the alien clan, and it will cause a situation.

In order to avoid accidents, Xuepao Tang Chen had to save Mu Yi's life in the development of the alien tribe.

"Then change the shape." Blood Robe Tang Chen smiled lightly.

He pushed his black hair with the palm of his hand, and his sturdy body instantly turned into a giant sturdy man with a height of about 10 feet.

As far as Tang Chen's current appearance is concerned, no one can see his original appearance, and he is not afraid of being recognized.

With a flick of his eyes, he found the right direction and rushed out, like a savage dragon born, rampant, attracting the attention of many people.

"Is this a real dragon born?"

"I don't know, I've never seen such a number one person before."

"Generally big people don't come to places like us. Is it a vendetta?"

The cultivator secretly guessed.

Piaoyu Valley.

Falling flowers and rain, thousands of trees swaying, and a ticking sound resounded in the valley, washing away the filth in the hearts of living beings.

The new base of the Avengers was built here, but it has cultivated a lot of disciples.

But some people died unintentionally, for unknown reasons.

Stepford carefully guided the children, hoping to become talented as soon as possible, one is to deal with Tang Chen, and the other is to defend the Three Thousand Domains.

Meng Na's face was full of worry, and she whispered, "Why does he want the blood of the children, Blood Essence, I don't understand."

"Hey, he's become more and more weird recently." Jue Zhe couldn't help but sigh.


The next moment, there is a roar in the Piaoyu Valley, the smoke is filled with dust, and the rocks are flying in the sky.

After the Avengers and other powerhouses heard this movement, their pupils shrank, and they sensed an inexplicable and repressed power fluctuation.

A majestic and mighty figure stepped in, with a grim smile on his face, and said deeply, "So there are people here."

"Who are you and why did you break into our territory!" Mu Yi appeared and asked in a cold voice.

The world behind him is pitch-black, and if there is a grievance, it deeply hurts the hearts and souls of the children.

The visitor was Xuepao Tang Chen, grinning: "Your territory? I also want to say that you are blocking my way!"

"I don't know how to live or die, kill him!"

Mu Yi raised his eyes, full of ferocity and rage, and shouted angrily.

He was bullied by Tang Chen from the beginning to the end, could it be possible that he could be beaten by someone who didn't have any fame! ?

With an order, Shi Difu, Meng Na, Juejia and others all shot and killed Tang Chen in the blood robe.

Mu Yi himself even displayed a holy image.

Change the world!

Within a thousand miles, all turned into a black world, extremely cold, eroding the bones of life.

Seeing this, Tang Chen in the blood-robed robe narrowed his eyes, and his big hand stretched out an immortal mountain and river seal.


The ground cracked, and the terrifying power swept out like a hurricane, instantly destroying the Avengers.

At the same time, Tang Chen in the blood robe reached out and moved the children taught by the Avengers to a distance.

They were almost killed by Mu Yi accidentally.

Puff puff……

Steph and the others spurted blood and looked sluggish, and were almost killed.

The black world is more like a glass crack, and more than half of it collapsed.

Mu Yi is really going crazy, why is it that anyone who appears at random can beat the own Avengers to pieces?

"You seem pretty good, come again!" Xuepao Tang Chen licked his lips and laughed.

Mu Yi roared, "I fought with you!"

However, the blood-robed Tang Chen came first, and the iron fist contained the supreme divine light. When it blasted out, the air was compressed.


Mu Yi looked hideous, his arms were in front of him, but he was beaten and flew hundreds of miles away, his muscles and bones were broken, his internal organs burst, and he was almost dying.

The blood-robed Tang Chen didn't even look at the others, and went straight to catch up.

One second heaven, one second The Underworld, the Avengers collapsed!

Trees cracked, mountains collapsed, Mu Yi lay on the ground and vomited blood, mixed with pieces of internal organs.

When he was about to recover from his injuries, the blood-robed Tang Chen stood ghostly in front of him.

"Who are you!" Mu Yi roared fiercely.

Blood-robed Tang Chen said softly, "Think about what your master did back then."

Mu Yi was stunned, what did Master do, how did he know?

The next moment, the blood-robed Tang Chen shouted angrily.

With a thunderous shout, it exploded at close range, and Mu Yi was shocked and lost consciousness on the spot, and passed out in a coma.

"Just think about what I say, it's so stupid." Xuepao Tang Chen pouted.

He healed Mu Yi's injuries, and then put the thought pair ring on the latter's finger.

Then, Tang Chen in the blood robe took out the world biological transfer device, which was a very huge machine.

"Location selection: outside the world."

"Precise transmission location, please choose the host."

The world bioshifter made a mechanical sound.

Blood-robed Tang Chen was in a bit of trouble, and he had never been to a place outside the territorial strange clan, how could he know the location and so on.

"The host's troubles are detected, and three locations are provided to teleport."

"Cangming Realm, White Bone Realm, Dead Dragon Realm."

The transfer device is very humanized to solve the helplessness of Tang Chen in the blood robe.

The blood robe Tang Chen was overjoyed and said directly: "Cangming Realm."

The world biological transfer device shone brightly, and the nodes and coordinates in all directions began to be disordered.

Mu Yi, who was lying in the middle of the machine, was still in a coma and did not wake up.

"Have a good life over there." Blood-robed Tang Chen waved his hand while pretending to cry.

If Mu Yi knew the real situation, he could scolded Tang Chen with all his might on the spot.


The divine light soared into the sky, and the node coordinates were in an instant turmoil, sending Mu Yi to the Cangming Realm outside the world.

The world biological transfer device crackled, emitting a burnt smell, and completely collapsed under the gaze of the blood-robed Tang Chen.

"Disposable stuff, it's absolutely amazing." He pouted.

If he can use it a few more times, Tang Chen in the blood robe really wants to send himself over there, and forcefully gather the strong there to capture the enemy's rear.

It's really tragic that the Avengers collapsed before they really developed.

Blood-robed Tang Chen took all these children away without even looking at them.

He sent the children to distant places such as Sect, family, and demon clan, and they also had a brand new environment.

After solving these matters, Tang Chen of the blood robe set off to return to the realm of heaven.


Ten thousand worlds outside the realm, Cangming world.

In the wilderness, the space is trembling, and the coordinates and nodes are strangely reorganized.

With a humming sound, Mu Yi's figure was sent here safely, without even attracting the attention of the powerhouses of the alien clan.

After an unknown amount of time, Mu Yi slowly woke up, feeling pain all over his body, tattered robes, but no injuries.

After he got up, he felt the familiar and unfamiliar aura around him, and suddenly climbed up his face.

"Where am I? Who am I? What am I going to do?"

Mu Yi seems to be a little mentally retarded and asks himself three times in a row, completely bewildered.

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