Mystery: Invincible In Ten Consecutive Draws At The Beginning

Chapter 963 After All, It's Just An Old Helper, You Still Don't Practice Enough

The old dean is really doubting himself now.

He is much stronger now than before, especially in terms of artistic conception, with the help of the broken soul and skull of the Dao King.

The old dean felt that he was not afraid of anyone except some old monsters.

But Tang Chen, a pervert, not only showed a calm and natural demeanor, but also was completely unaffected by any outside influence.

His experience with human beings and his smooth handling are incredible.

"Impossible, how could the dean of my dignified Longyuan Academy be defeated by a junior!" The old dean's pupils shone like a torch, and his voice became colder and lower.

His shoulders trembled, and the majestic Immortal surged up like boundless clouds, chanting words in his mouth, the situation changed suddenly, and everything changed.

The wind and clouds were turning, as if the shape of the vortex in the depths of the sea was changing, and the suppressed divine might forced the minds of everyone.

"Fist, kill the enemy;"

The old dean's voice was like thunder, echoing in the Nine Heavens ten places.

The short four words contain the mysterious and unpredictable power of boxing.


The cloud and mist were broken, and the Wanzhang Divine Fist showed a jet-black luster, and its appearance was more like shining with a metallic luster.

In the eyes of the students, this is not a manifestation of boxing, but more like a natural disaster created by Taoism.

Ten thousand feet of divine fist fell down, the wind and thunder roared, accompanied by it, and the domineering interpretation was vividly and vividly.

Tang Chen looked up at Wanzhang Divine Fist and said softly, "The palm is ever-changing; it is a spear and a knife, and it can also push time;"

He slowly pushed out his own palm, which was as white as jade and crystal clear, as if carved from a piece of peerless precious jade.


Such a relaxed and comfortable palm contains thousands of evolutions in the eyes of countless people, which is extremely terrifying.

This strike, there is no earth-shattering divine power, and there is no earth-shattering roar, and some are just performing the palm road.


The way of fist and the way of palm intersected, like a comet hitting the ground, and it completely exploded.

Tang Chen under the fist of the gods seems to be an ant facing a natural disaster, and has no resistance.

There was a sneer at the corner of the old dean's mouth, and he moved his divine fist and pressed it towards Tang Chen.

Such a visually striking scene was deeply imprinted in the eyes of everyone.

But when Wanzhang Shenquan was wrapped in the force of wind and thunder, it collided with Tang Chen's palm and shattered suddenly.

With a click, a large number of cracks continued to spread, and the fragmented Wanzhang Divine Fist exploded like glass.

The majestic Immortal air shook the sky, the clouds and mist disappeared, and the blue sky was restored, shining on everyone's faces.

"Tang Jiao is returning to the basics."

"How on earth did he manage to be himself in so many great ways?"

"It's unbelievable, erudite and understands its essence, a top talent."

Countless people gave great praise and praise to Tang Chen's performance this time.

The old dean groaned, his figure kept retreating, his pupils vibrated violently.

After many defeats, the mood in his heart began to change.

"I have refined the broken soul and skull of the Dao King. It is impossible for me to lose to this person. I am obviously stronger!" The old dean suddenly raised his head and roared.

Everyone was shocked. After hearing this, they understood why the old dean was stronger than before. It turned out that he had obtained the treasure of the Taoist king.

Tang Chen stood with his arms folded and jokingly said: "So what, even if it gives you more treasures and doesn't make good use of it, you are just an old helper after all."

"If you make a move, I will break you!" The old dean said with red eyes and gritted teeth.

Tang Chen showed a thoughtful expression, but didn't make a move.

The students, the elder, the teacher, and the people who came to watch the show and eat melons all looked at each other, what happened?

Haotai saw from a distance that Tang Chen didn't make a move, and taunted: "Why, the donkey's skills are exhausted, so don't roll down quickly."

"There are too many, I'm thinking about what way to abuse your dog owner." Tang Chen said a little annoyed.

The audience was silent, and immediately there were expressions of dissatisfaction and envy on the faces of countless people.

Some people even said in unison with twitching corners of their mouths: "Actually, we also want to get this kind of trouble."

"I really know how to pretend, I want to punch him." Jin Zhan muttered.

Xiaomeilong has already started to punch at own Xiaofan, ready to hit Tang Chen as soon as he comes.

The old dean was not the same, but instead showed a ferocious look.

This is obviously a kind of contempt and ridicule for him, too arrogant.

Tang Chen danced lightly with black hair and smiled lightly: "I thought of it, use the dark way I just mastered recently."

Saying this sentence in a relaxed and ordinary tone, not to mention the old dean, everyone else thinks it's too arrogant.

"Darkness is the enemy of light; it takes away the five senses, and fear eats its soul;"

His star pupils opened and closed, his pupils turned pitch black, and his voice was faint and cold.


Tang Chen snapped his fingers, and within a radius of 10,000 miles, he suddenly fell into endless darkness, as if an oil lamp had been blown out in the dark night.

Darkness is coming, covering everything.

The old dean sneered and said, "An worm-carving trick, An dare to perform it in front of me!"

"Fire is light;"

His pupils lit up like daytime.

The darkness in all directions was continuously dispelled, like a pile of firewood burning, illuminating a faint light.

However, the darkness did not completely disperse, and even continued to devour the fire path of the old dean.

The old dean trembled in his heart, this is impossible!

Just as he was about to continue to use the power of the avenue, the light that he could see in front of him disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, his vision, hearing, touch, smell, and taste disappeared one after another.

The old dean was completely lost in this emptiness of darkness.

Indistinctly, a trace of fear eroded the old dean's soul like a demon, dragging it to the end of the abyss.

"No, I am the righteous ancestor of Wuqing, how can I be afraid of the dark!"

"I can't see, I can't hear!"

The old dean shouted wildly.


The dull heartbeat sounded, he couldn't hear it, but he could feel it.

From this moment on, the high-ranking old dean, Dao heart began to go towards the level of collapse.

The heart seemed to pop out of his throat, pulling on the nerves of his whole body, suppressing and terrifying.

"Let me out, I don't want to be here again!" The old dean screamed hysterically.

Roaring and screaming, it seems like endless years have passed, and finally his Dao heart completely collapsed, and he passed out with a scream.

At the moment when the old dean fell into a coma, he only heard the snap of his fingers, and the darkness was like an illusory bubble, and he suddenly woke up.

With a bang, the old dean smashed into the mountain of Feihongtai, looking extremely embarrassed.

When everyone saw this scene, they couldn't help but swallow their saliva. This dark avenue is really weird.

"Darkness is the illusion of falsehood and deception. You still don't practice enough." Tang Chen looked down at the old dean and smiled lightly.

There are not many people who dare to say that the old dean has not enough practice, but Tang Chen is absolutely qualified to say it.

He unilaterally suppressed the old dean!

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