Mystery: Invincible In Ten Consecutive Draws At The Beginning

Chapter 962 I Believe In Tang Teaching, I Can't Shake It

The news of Tang Jiao and the old dean discussing Taoism spread, and the entire Longyuan Academy was thoroughly boiled.

The former is the youngest leader of the sect today, slaying alien tribes, guarding borders and living beings, and his achievements are unparalleled.

The latter founded Longyuan Academy and taught many famous strong men. Although their reputation has been damaged recently, they are by no means weak.

These two are going to compete for the position of dean, which is definitely what countless people want to see.

Cao Chonghua, who was unhappy with the old dean for a long time, played a big role, covered up his subordinates, and almost hurt Cao Chonghua.

But there are also many people who hate Tang Chen, and are even more reluctant for him to be the new head of the house.

Therefore, after hearing the words, the powerhouses of many forces rushed over one after another, all wanting to see how this ancestral Immortal discourse was.

the next day.

Feihongtai gathers students and teachers Elder from all directions, as well as strong men who have made a special trip.

Under the sunny blue sky, there was a slight breeze blowing through the sleeves of everyone, waiting for the start of the discussion.

"What do you think?"

"Standing and watching, what else can I see, anyway, I believe in Tang Jiao more."

"Old Dean, I suspect that he has been hiding his clumsiness. He is not as generous as Tang Jiao is, and he is an old helper."

There is an endless stream of voices discussing, these are the views of the juniors.

The elders are more willing to believe that the old dean can win.

Without him, the reputation, age and identity are there, and it would be strange if the old dean really lost.


Suddenly, in the distant sky, auspicious clouds appeared, auspicious colors were flying, and the way they transformed was like swords and swords, with a sonorous sound.

The qi of the golden way is unparalleled in its sharpness, piercing the clouds above and breaking the yin and cao below.

The old dean had fluttering white hair, a highly respected and self-generated appearance of Taoism, a true carrier of Taoism, overlooking all living beings.

Under Yunyun, he dominates.

How many people saw this scene, it was a bit horrified.

"Has he made a breakthrough?"

"Yes, it is stronger than before, especially the state of mind and the understanding of the Dao."

"No wonder he dared to challenge Tang Jiao, so he was sure."

Some people were surprised.

Cao Chong Caocun of the Dynasty of Heaven and Earth looked at the ancestor of Tianyong, and asked worriedly: "Ancestor, it should be alright."

"I believe in Tang teaching." Ancestor Tianyong nodded with a resolute expression.

Haotai stood behind the old dean, arrogant like an old dog, as if he had forgotten about Cao Chonghua, who had almost hurt him before.

He said loudly: "Where is Tang Chen, is it possible that you don't dare to fight?"

"If you make a mistake and still dare to yell, I don't know who gave you the guts." Jin Haoran sneered.

Jin Liezhang Rare Yin & Yang said angrily: "It wasn't given by someone else, or it was picked up anywhere."


The crowd burst into laughter.

Haotai's complexion was ashen, his face was still twitching, and he was extremely angry.

At this time, in the sky on the other side, a heroic and stalwart figure appeared.

He didn't have any strong fluctuations, and he didn't have any dazzling colors, just like the most common breeze in the world.

However, his Immortal face has amazed the years, with an elegant and indifferent temperament, as if the immortal immortal came, deeply imprinted in the minds of everyone, and became that indelible beauty.

Tang Chen stood with his hands behind his back and confronted the old dean.


The void vibrated, which should have been a collision without breath and fluctuation, but it was filled with an aura that made the soul tremble.

It seems that the invisible field is squeezing and pushing, affecting the judgment of everyone present.

When everyone saw this place, they all showed a solemn expression.

"It's said that you are extremely proficient in the world, and today the old man is going to take a lesson." The old dean's voice was slightly cold, and he was the first to speak.

Tang Chen flicked his sleeves with his fingers and smiled, "Yes."

With such a calm and generous attitude, it seems that Tang Chen is the elder and the old dean is picking War Practitioner.

"The spirit of the Five Elements, the Western Shinto, and the transformation of the Golden Way are all beneficial."

The old dean's brows were bright, his pupils were like stars, and his voice was like the chanting of God's chanting, which reverberated in Nine Heavens ten places.


In an instant, in the west of Longyuan Academy, the mountains surged, like a giant dragon moving.

A wisp of white divine light shot straight into the sky, containing the golden energy of the Five Elements that was just as bright as the sun.

Sharp intent, shocking the world!

This situation further reflects the old dean's deep understanding of the way of gold, shaking the hearts of others.

Tang Chen's star eyes opened and closed, if the Milky Way was disillusioned in his eyes, he said softly: "Five Elements all things, prying into their hearts, the original meaning is fire, which can ignite Yin & Yang."


The next moment, his heart seemed to light up a flaming Star, bursting out with a fiery and frenetic high temperature.

Fire gold!

The scarlet flames swept away with Tang Chen as the origin, burning the sky and boiling the sea, gushing endlessly, with boundless terror.

How much gold qi came and was destroyed on the way.

"This... the power of the old dean's avenue to control the energy of the Western Gengjin, this is already a good method." An old man said in surprise.

The ancestor of Tianyong was shocked and said: "But the Tang religion regards itself as the fire, and the heart belongs to the fire, and it instantly swallowed up the gold energy of the righteous ancestor of Wuqing. It can be said to be an exquisite confrontation."

Others were completely stunned, this kind of method is really not what the general Immortal realm should have.

The old dean frowned deeply, why was it broken so easily?

Tang Chen ignored the old dean, holding the simplest dragon seal in his left hand and a phoenix seal in his right hand.

Long Dao and Feng Dao turned into supreme gods in the eyes of everyone.

The sky and the earth are azure Immortal glowing clouds and rain, and the majestic and ancient dragon energy is shaking.

A piece of heaven and earth is a red glow, and the shadow of a luan and phoenix is ​​pregnant with it, as big as the sky, and one side of it can be seen through the red glow.

Dragon and Phoenix were born, interpreting the power of the avenue that was born with Yin & Yang.

"He used the Dragon Phoenix Celestial Immortals bone to the extreme." Xiao Meilong said in surprise while drinking milk tea.

She originally wanted to give Tang Chen a chance, but she didn't expect him to use the Dragon Phoenix Celestial Immortals bone so well.

All the creatures present felt that there was a suppressing effect on their soul or blood, and looked at the dragon and phoenix in awe.

The old dean also felt the pressure doubled, and shouted: "The emperor slaughtered the dragon and the phoenix!"

The power of the dynasty pervaded, and he transformed into a majestic figure who stood upright in the sky, wearing a crown, wearing a golden shirt, and holding an imperial sword.

The majestic figure raised his head and glared at the dragon and phoenix, and slashed towards the sky with the imperial sword.


The light of the knife is majestic, its light is dazzling, and it is extremely dazzling to cover up the colors within a thousand miles.

However, with such a powerful blow, the dragon and phoenix images melted into the rhythm of Yin & Yang's operation.

At the moment of contact, it turned into a light butterfly floating in the sky.

The majestic figure is fragmented, unable to withstand this field.

The old dean's face turned pale, he groaned, his pupils vibrated, and he lost again! ?


Tang Chen snapped his fingers lightly, and the dragon and phoenix images dissipated, restoring the colors of the sky and the sky.

"I know you're not satisfied, come again." He looked at the old dean with a faint smile and said calmly.

There was no sound at the scene, such a strong and terrifying old dean, couldn't even shake him a single point in front of the Tang Sect?

When Ye Hetian stood watching from a distance, his smile gradually disappeared, wondering if he had dug up the broken soul and skull of a fake Taoist king.

It can only be said that Tang Chen, who has been hanging up to now, has never been afraid of anyone.

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