Vientiane Domain, Tianbao Mountain.

The mountains here are always dark and shrouded in strong winds, making it difficult to walk and few people come.

However, the tomb of the former Dao King was found here by a certain junior of the Ye family.

The ancient tomb was excavated, and the Ye family also suffered a lot of damage when they surveyed it.

Xu Heavenly Emperor stood outside watching silently, expressionless.

Not long after, Ye Hetian came out, holding a crystal clear skull in his left hand, the rhythm of the Tao was self-generated, and the gorgeous glow was shining.

His right hand was wafting with a faint breath of divine soul, as if imprinted with the previous insights of the Dao King.

"Ancestor, this is the most valuable thing in it." Ye Hetian said respectfully.

Xu Heavenly Emperor was greedy after seeing it, but in order to be able to target Tang Chen, he had to leave it to the old dean.

He said softly: "After sealing, immediately send it to Longyuan Academy, let the old dean kick Tang Chen away as soon as possible, and store the entire Longyuan Academy."


Ye Hetian sneered and walked away.

The virtual Heavenly Emperor is naturally concerned about the safety of the Three Thousand Domains, but he does not want Tang Chen to succeed.

It is best for Longyuan Academy to pour most of its resources into the Tianjiao of the Ye family, that's enough.

Xu Heavenly Emperor said indifferently: "How could my Ye family Tianjiao lose to others, and all the alien races will be destroyed under the ancient Sacred Body."


Longyuan Academy.

The old dean met Ye Hetian and said with emotion, "Thank you so much for the care of the Ye family."

"Hehe, what's bothering the old dean recently?" Ye Hetian asked with a mysterious smile and knowingly asked.

When the old dean thought of Tang Chen's appearance, his heart seemed to be filled with uncontrollable anger, his face was cold, and his eyes were gloomy.

He took a deep breath and whispered, "It's okay, he can't help me. When I make a breakthrough, I will let him get out of Longyuan Academy."

"The clan knew about this and specially sent me to help the old dean." Ye Hetian stroked his beard.

He flipped his palm and took out the Dao King's skull and Dao King's broken soul.

After these two treasures appeared, the old dean's eyes revealed that he couldn't sit still with excitement, stood up and said with a trembling voice: "But was that the Taoist king who was famous in the three thousand realms?"

"It is this person who was found by the younger generation of our clan to help the old dean go further." Ye Hetian nodded.

The old dean naturally knew the existence of the Dao King. If he could get his insights and skulls, he would have earth-shaking growth and changes to himself.

He said solemnly: "I will definitely not live up to the expectations of the Ye family, and I will pay back my anger for you!"

Ye Hetian heard the words, nodded with satisfaction, and handed the treasure to the old dean.

What the Ye family needs is loyalty, and they will always only tend to their loyalty.

In the quiet hall, the old dean sat cross-legged on the futon, holding a crystal clear skull in the palm of his hand.

With a serious expression, he held the Dao King's skull tightly, and his heart was calm and at ease, as if he was in a vast and boundless sea.

This sea is colorful, gorgeous and beautiful, representing every kind of esoteric power in the world.

It was the first time that the old dean had this feeling of being infinitely close to the Great Dao, as if he was about to turn into a wisp of dust in the ten thousand Dao.

The broken soul of the Taoist king reappeared, and after refining, it was integrated into the soul of the old dean, and the soul body grew stronger and brighter.

"It turns out that this is the new way."

"I actually stepped into a new mood with the help of broken soul, it's incredible."

He slowly opened his eyes, his pupils were bright, and there was a hint of disbelief.

But what followed immediately was a surprise that rushed into the depths of his heart. The old dean was still thinking that he was slightly inferior to Tang Chen.

Now, he is extremely confident!

The old dean sneered: "Tang Chen, since you want to be the teacher or elder of Longyuan Academy, I will give you the chance to be here forever."

He wants Tang Chen to become a part of the teaching staff, and he will be pressed down by himself for the rest of his life, unable to turn over.

The current old dean, full of confidence, doesn't take Tang Chen seriously at all.

He did not hesitate to call on the unhappy Tang Chen's people, and then call out Haotai, it's time to fight back!


Longyuan Academy, East Immortal Court.

The hospital was not particularly large, but the students who came and went completely packed it.

Tang Chen looked at the crowd and showed the expression Didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Peixia Mingjun's beautiful eyes blinked lightly, but he also didn't expect this scene, so he could only say that the charm of Tang Sect was too high.

In other words, Tang Chen's explanations, lectures, and puzzles are excellent.

One person is enough to support a large number of teachers.

"Tang Jiao, can I ask a question?" The princess from the Heaven and Earth Dynasty raised her lotus arms and asked in a crisp voice.

Tang Chen smiled lightly: "Ask."

"The elders always talk about it, don't touch him, but why do you know anything about any avenues?" The princess asked suspiciously.

The others also nodded.

No matter what kind of questions they asked, Tang Chen was able to answer them fluently and solve their confusion.

Tang Chen rested his chin in his hand, and replied with a strong smile: "What your elders said is right, but for me, it is complex and comprehensive, and it varies from person to person. Don't follow me."

The students are embarrassed, this explanation is really too sturdy.

Jin Zhan sat next to Tang Chen, pouted and said, "I was pretended by this stinky boy again."

"I'm bored with blood, this kid is really evil, he can do anything."

Emperor Li was also there, with a depressed look on his face.

But in the eyes of Huang Pinger's little Qilin, Linchi, and all these people, the master is omnipotent. Isn't this normal operation?

At this time, Zhang Boren walked in from the outside and whispered: "Tang Jiao, the old dean said he wants to see you."

Tang Chen turned his head to look at Zhang Boren with a thoughtful expression, what the hell is this old gang trying to do?

"Go, go out and meet him." Tang Chen got up and said.

When the students saw Tang Jiao go out, they also went out together, noisily and in large numbers.

Outside the hospital, the old dean, Haotai, Chen Ju, and space beast powerhouses stood outside, showing disdain.

Tang Chen walked out, saw the battle raised his eyebrows, and smiled lightly: "Old Dean, what advice do you have?"

"Tang Jiao, you guide students here every day, the place is small." The old dean said with a smile.

The students also came out and whispered.

Tang Chen shrugged and said, "It doesn't matter, it's all about teaching."

"Let's do this, I'll give you a large secluded place after the assessment, how about it?" The old dean asked with a smile.

The people who eat melons are very surprised, this is to accept the Tang religion.

Tang Chen rubbed his chin and said with a smile, "I'm not interested, but if you say you want to be the head of the house, I can accept it with reluctance."


As soon as these words came out, the surrounding people suddenly exclaimed, and Tang Jiao had a really big appetite.

"Okay, let's talk about it. If you win, you will become the new dean. If I beat you, you will always be the lowest elder. I will control everything about you." The old dean narrowed his eyes and said.

The others swallowed when they heard it, it was time to start playing big.

Tang Chen grinned and said, "Okay, that's the truth."

"Tomorrow, Feihongtai."

After the old master said, he took the people away.

When Haotai left, he stared at Tang Chen resentfully and laughed.


"The check-in location is refreshed, Feihongtai."

"Task requirements: Defeat Wuqing Yizu."

With a faint smile on the corner of Tang Chen's mouth, he patted his hands and waited for you for a long time.

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