Mystery: I Have An Epiphany Of The Chaotic Body

Chapter 988 Ancestral Witch Blood Essence

Heaven Court.

Watching Yunxiao Immortal's back.

The Jade Emperor turned to look at the Queen Mother and hesitated, "How do you feel about this?"

"Although Li Yun is a newly promoted Da Luojin Immortal, his ability to kill King Ashura's corpse is enough to prove his combat power. Besides, with his status, he is indeed qualified to be the commander of the God of War Legion. "The Queen Mother said.

The Jade Emperor smiled bitterly and said, "I know he has this qualification. The key is, why does he want to be the commander of this army? A dignified disciple of Sage, there's no need for it at all."

"Do you still think that Senior Brother Lingbao has some conspiracy?" The Queen Mother looked at the Jade Emperor and said.

The Jade Emperor shook his head and said, "If you replace it with Daode Tianzun and Yuanshi Tianzun, then I must be worried, but Lingbao Tianzun..."

For the straight boy BOY, he is still very relieved.

That senior brother won't play any tricks with you. If he doesn't like you, he will kill you with a sword, very direct.

"If that's the case, then why are you bothering? Could it be that you don't want that drop of Ancestral Witch Blood Essence." The Queen Mother said.

The Jade Emperor shook his head and said: "Although the ancestor witch Blood Essence is precious, it is nothing to us. If he can be the commander of this God of War Legion, for us, it is better than the ten drops of the ancestor witch Blood Essence. ."

"Let's do it this way, by the way, make him Marshal Tianpeng. Now that's a good job," the Queen Mother said.

Jade Emperor nodded.


Biyou Palace.

As the power of the law of time descended, Xiao Yun slowly opened his eyes.

As expected of an imperial soldier in the same blood, Xiao Yun realized the profound meaning of time to the Perfect Realm shortly after Insight Sword of Time and Space.

In this way, the seven profound meanings of his universe's kendo were all completed.

Evidence is just a matter of course.

Even the laws of time and space, Xiao Yun will soon be able to comprehend.

"Although the Cultivation Base has not increased, my current combat power has reached a very high level. I am afraid that I will be able to compete with the cultivators in the early stage of the quasi-sanctuary."

Xiao Yun felt the transformation of Universe's kendo in his body, and was secretly excited.

After so many years of cultivation kendo, it finally ushered in the perfect moment.

"Little Master, Heaven Court's Taibaijinxing has something to do with you." Bai Suzhen's voice came from outside the hall.

Xiao Yun got up, put away the sword of time and space, and walked outside the hall.

But in my heart, there is doubt, what is Taibaijinxing doing to find him, is he asking himself to go to Heaven Court to be a Buter Mawen?

What a joke, I'm not a monkey brother.

However, Xiao Yun didn't care, this was Biyou Palace, even if Taibaijinxing was a quasi-sage, he wouldn't dare to be presumptuous here.

After a while, Xiao Yun saw Taibaijinxing outside the Biyou Palace.

This old man is immortal and has a good appearance.

"Taibai fellow daoist came here, I don't know why?" Xiao Yun saw Taibaijinxing and asked straight to the point.

Taibaijinxing looked at Xiao Yun, who was young and outrageous in front of him, and sighed secretly in his heart, this boy is very lucky, he was fortunate to be under Sage's sect, thinking that I Taibaijinxing has followed the Jade Emperor for so many years, and I can be regarded as a senior in The Three Realms Holy, but when you meet this kid, you still have to be a little shorter.

If it were another big Luo Jin, Immortal would have to call senior when he saw him.

But Xiao Yun is a personal biography of Sage, and this status is not comparable to Taibaijinxing.

"Fellow daoist Li, this is what happened..." Tai Jinxing didn't do any messy etiquette, he could see that Xiao Yun was a direct person, somewhat similar to the Lingbao Tianzun, so he also directly explained his intentions.

Anyway, Jade Emperor and Yunxiao Immortal have already communicated in private, and now he is just going through the process.

He can't announce the Jade Emperor's will in public at the Sage Dojo, isn't that a slap in the face of Sage? You must know that Lingbao Tianzun has returned to Biyou Palace at this moment, and the faint smell of Sage makes Taibaijinxing a little frightened.

"The Jade Emperor wants to make me Marshal Tianpeng?"

After Xiao Yun heard Tai Jinxing's words, he was immediately stunned.

Marshal Tianpeng, isn't that Zhu Bajie? Oh, by the way, Zhu Bajie is now the altar messenger of Buddhism. He joined Buddhism, so it is naturally impossible to part-time Heaven Court's canopy marshal.

Speaking of which, this official position is not small in Heaven Court. After all, he is in charge of the Tianhe Navy, and he is also the commander-in-chief of a party, much stronger than Brother Monkey's Bi Ma Wen.

Of course, Xiao Yun was most envious of that drop of Ancestral Witch Blood Essence.

I have to say, Yunxiao Immortal is really powerful, and he can actually let the Jade Emperor reward him with a drop of Ancestral Witch Blood Essence.

You must know that Zu Wu was originally a strong body. What role does his Blood Essence have? Xiao Yun knows no matter how stupid it is.

What else is there to say?

Of course Xiao Yun agreed directly.

Therefore, in addition to the identity of Sage's direct disciple, Xiao Yun also has two identities as Marshal Tianpeng and the Legion Commander of the God of War Legion.

You must know that these two vocations are not vain like Monkey King Monkey King.

First of all, Marshal Tianpeng has 100,000 Tianhe navies. The lowest strength of these navies is Celestial Immortals. Among them, three deputy marshals are Da Luojin Immortals, which is equivalent to Xiao Yun having three 'Heavenly Emperor' Realm's. The strong are under his command, and there are dozens of great emperors under his command.

Of course, compared with the newly formed God of War Legion by the Jade Emperor, the Tianhe Water Army is far behind.

The Jade Emperor formed the God of War Legion to fight the battlefields of the two worlds. Therefore, the Immortal people who can join the God of War Legion have the lowest Cultivation Base, which is also the Xuan Immortal, which is the quasi-emperor level.

And there are 100,000 people.

100,000 quasi-emperors, this strength can easily swept the Jiuxiao Continent, Xiao Yun felt shocked when he thought about it.

Not to mention, there are also a hundred emperor-level 'generals' and ten deputy commanders of 'Heavenly Emperor' level.

"f*ck, am I the most powerful general in Heaven Court?" Xiao Yun returned to his residence, playing with the official seal of his own, while checking the information of the Tianhe Navy and the God of War Army, he was stunned.

He felt that under this situation, he might become the leader of the army that invaded Jiuxiao Continent in the future.

Is this an undercover boss?


Along with Xiao Yun refining the official seal of Marshal Tianpeng, a strong star power descended from the sky.

These Star powers were absorbed by Xiao Yun's body, not only Ascension of his perception, but also to speed up his cultivation speed.

Xiao Yun's eyes lit up.

No wonder Rogue Cultivators like to join Heaven Court. Heaven Court is in charge of the power of Star. For the poor Rogue Cultivators, this is the only way to speed up cultivation.

Of course, this is also optional for Xiao Yun, and it is not very helpful.

Xiao Yun's eyes quickly settled on the drop of Ancestral Witch Blood Essence.

Stop refining the Sword of Time and Space for a while, Xiao Yun is going to refine this drop of Ancestral Witch Blood Essence first, and then talk about Ascension Cultivation Base first.

The battle of gods and demons is about to start soon, he is only in the early stage of Luojin Immortal, and he still needs to Ascension Cultivation Base.

Although he is very confident in his own combat power, the prehistoric world is vast and rich, who knows what powerful geniuses are hidden, not to mention, this time there is the temptation of Donghuangzhong, and even those quasi-sages will intervene, so he has to be cautious. .


With the refining of the ancestor witch Blood Essence, Xiao Yun felt as if his body was in a furnace, every cell was burning, and the violent power was raging in his body.

The Ancestral Witch Blood Essence can also be said to be the Pangu bloodline, which is the most powerful bloodline between heaven and earth.

Xiao Yun felt that his own body was transforming, and quickly cultivated "Eight Nine Mysteries".

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