However, many disciples did not dare to come to check. After all, where Xiao Yun lived, only second-generation disciples were eligible to go.

Golden Monkey was completely speechless, his eyes flashed with golden light, he looked in the direction of Biyou Palace, and hummed, "It's quite courageous to actually run under Sage's eyes, but that's not enough."

Now that countless years have passed since the Lich War, the Ancestral Witch has become a legendary existence, so there is not much left of the Ancestral Witch Blood Essence.

The jade-faced scholar immediately explained everything honestly, and told Xiao Yun's situation again.

Therefore, every drop of Ancestral Witch Blood Essence is very precious.

The golden monkey sneered.

The jade-faced scholar hurriedly smiled and said, "I'm not here to report the situation to Brother Monkey."

"Take my avatar and go to the battlefield of gods and demons together." After the golden monkey said, he waved his hand to tear the space, and kicked the jade-faced scholar and the young man transformed by the monkey hair into it.

What's the matter, it's been so many years since the Tang Emperor's birthday banquet, that kid can kill the corpse of King Ashura, and you've come to report to me?

"There's no way, some geniuses can't be compared, like Brother Monkey, I'm not interested in getting stronger." Yumian Scholar continued to eat bananas with a face full of indifference.

"If you don't work hard to become stronger, even if Shizun can achieve eternity, you can't wait for that day."

Especially for those who practice body training, the Ancestral Witch Blood Essence is the most precious treasure, and its value is comparable to the Innate Spirit Treasure.

"Only eternity can truly immortal last forever. Master, if he wants to devour another world, he wants to be promoted to Eternal Realm."

After the golden monkey finished speaking, he pulled out a monkey hair.

The Mother of Wudang was shocked, and some dared not believe: "There is also Samsara in Chaos? What will happen when Samsara comes."

"Then why did you go to Chang'e?" Jin Monkey sneered.

The main hall of Biyou Palace.

The immeasurable catastrophe is not one catastrophe, but countless catastrophes come one after another, and finally is the final Samsara catastrophe.

The jade-faced scholar swallowed a banana in one gulp and scolded the sky: "Old Jade Emperor actually sealed my marshal of Tianpeng to someone else, and it's too bad for me to put in one's eyes, hum."

Lingbao Tianzun said solemnly: "If the master is not eternal, we will all have to die in the end, and Sage will not be able to escape the chaotic Samsara."

Our Lady of Wudang smiled and said, "The Jade Emperor is very generous this time, even the Ancestral Witch Blood Essence."

Huaguo Mountain, Shuilian Cave.

Madonna of Wudang turned pale.

Lingbao Tianzun and Our Lady Wudang were talking when they both sensed Xiao Yun's cultivation movement.

The golden monkey glared at him and scolded, "I didn't even see you feel ashamed!"

He still remembered this very clearly. After all, it was recorded in the small book, and it was very detailed.

"Everything is silent, chaos returns to nothingness, until it is born again." Lingbao Tianzun said solemnly.

It's almost a mortal situation.

The jade-faced scholar blushed when he heard the words, then he picked up a banana and ate it again, humming: "Anyway, the immeasurable calamity is coming, even if I am promoted to the quasi-sage, it is useless, the old pig is completely flat, Live a while before you die, and it's not in vain."

The golden monkey glared at the jade-faced scholar when he heard that he hated the iron, and then shook his head helplessly, this stupid pig is completely helpless, forget it, he is too lazy to care, this pig is right, immeasurable The robbery is coming, and the mere quasi-sage is nothing.

"Stop talking nonsense, tell me what's going on with that kid." The golden monkey scolded immediately.

"Brother Monkey, since you are so interested in this kid, why didn't you just accept him as your apprentice? That kid Talent is not bad. Now he can kill the corpse of King Ashura. He is stronger than the old pig. It's incredible." The jade-faced scholar was also a little unbelievable.

The jade-faced scholar said with a serious face: "Chang'e Immortal has a deep affection for me, and it is rare to go to Heaven Court once. Of course, I have to talk to my old friends, which is normal."

"How was that kid last time? I asked you to take a look, but you actually ran off to pester Chang'e again, and took my words off your ears?" The golden monkey suddenly looked at the jade-faced scholar and said coldly.

Even Sage is just a slightly larger cannon fodder.

When the Virgin Mary heard the words, her heart became more and more heavy.

Lingbao Tianzun sighed when he heard the words: "Everything has Samsara, so does the chaos world."

The jade-faced scholar quickly explained: "You said, I am also an old Heaven Court person, how much do I have to give my old boss some Faces?"

The army formed a formation, and even if it encountered a quasi-sage strongman, it could retreat safely.

"However, immeasurable calamities will not come instantaneously, but will advance step by step. Before the final appearance of Samsara, there will be various calamities to come."

Your special code scumbag ran to entangle others, and said that they loved you dearly. The thickness of this face is comparable to Innate's treasure.

Chaos returns to nothingness, which means that all living beings will die.

"Hehe, Sage!" The golden monkey sneered in his heart, those Sages didn't know how pitiful they were.

Madam Wudang asked softly, "Master, what exactly is Infinite Tribulation?"

"Hey!" The golden monkey sneered, completely speechless by the pig's cheeky skin. If Chang'e hadn't secretly summoned him to 'pick up' the pig, he would have believed the pig's words.

The jade-faced scholar glanced at it and looked at the golden monkey doubtfully: "Brother Monkey, what are you doing with a clone out of nowhere?"


"The younger brother is young, and it's good to have some experience in the God of War Legion." Our Lady of Wudang was not angry that Xiao Yun joined the God of War Legion. She was worried about Xiao Yun's safety after entering the battlefield of gods and demons, but if there is a God of War A group of subordinates of the War Legion, then the safety is guaranteed.

Lingbao Tianzun smiled lightly, then looked in the direction of Heaven Court, and said faintly: "Those two little guys also want to be holy, God of War Legion? Hey, since it's useful to Li Yun, then forget it."

"You are a big Luo Jin Immortal, why do people want you to put in one's eyes?" A golden monkey wearing a crown leaned on the throne and mocked the jade-faced scholar.

"It's just a drop of Ancestral Witch Blood Essence. If Li Yun performs well, next time I go to Master to exchange for a drop."

"Brother Monkey, this is not my intention to delay the time. After I attended the Tang Emperor's birthday banquet, I immediately received the invitation to the Peach Party from the Queen Mother."

According to the meaning of Lingbao Tianzun, if they are not strong enough, they can't even wait for the final catastrophe to come.

The monkey hair fell to the ground and turned into a young man.

"Let's see how far this kid can go. Unfortunately, the immeasurable calamity is coming, and there is not much time left for him." Lingbao Tianzun looked beyond the chaos, his eyes were deep.

"It's really bad luck!"

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