Mystery: I Have An Epiphany Of The Chaotic Body

Chapter 987 The Attraction Of The Treasure

in the palace.

Xiao Yun couldn't wait to grope for this acquired treasure, the Cauldron of Time and Space. It was indeed the imperial soldier of Heavenly Emperor. It actually contained 45 Restrictions.

You must know that even among Innate Spirit Treasures, those that can contain more than 45 Restrictions are considered Innate Treasures.

However, thinking of the origin of this treasure, Xiao Yun was relieved.

His cheap master is the number one powerhouse in Jiuxiao Continent, and the imperial soldiers built are naturally top-quality materials.

And this tripod has been refined by Hongjun Daozu, so it is normal to be able to reach the level of acquired treasure.

"This cauldron integrates attack and defense, and also has a space-time Realm to suppress the enemy. It is simply an all-around Magic Treasures."

Xiao Yun felt the power of the Cauldron of Time and Space, and was very happy.

This treasure is simply tailor-made for him, after all, this is the imperial soldier of his cheap master.

"However, the sword is more suitable for me!"

As soon as Xiao Yun's mind moved, the Cauldron of Time and Space in his hand had transformed into a peerless divine sword, exuding a sharp breath, and spitting out a fiery Sword Ray.

This tripod has the ability to change into anything. It can be said to be suitable for anyone.

Xiao Yun prefers swords, so he named it the Sword of Time and Space.

This sword is much stronger than the Immortal sword on his deity side. This is the Magic Treasures used by the Sage level powerhouses.

"I didn't expect Lingbao Tianzun to give me this treasure, really..." Xiao Yun felt a little ashamed.

He is very clear about how high the status of the acquired treasure in the prehistoric world is.

A peerless sword like Lu Dongbin, Immortal, cannot possess an acquired treasure.

In the prehistoric world, only some Heavenly Dao Sages, as well as the first disciples of Sage, as well as old antiques such as Zhenyuan Da Immortal, the demon master Kunpeng, and the ancestor of Ming He, have acquired treasures.

A 'newcomer' like Xiao Yun who only joined the Intercepting Sect is not qualified to possess the acquired treasure, even if he wants to give it, he will give it to the Virgin of Wudang.

But Lingbao Tianzun gave it to Xiao Yun.

It was just because of Xiao Yun's 'ambition' that Tianzun Lingbao admired him very much.

This is simply impossible in other Sages.

However, it was also because of this that Xiao Yun felt ashamed. After all, he was a spy who intervened in Intercept.

"Forget it, the big deal is that in the future on the battlefield between the two realms, instead of killing the people who intercepted the sect, help to eradicate the few traitors who had intercepted the sect." Xiao Yun thought to himself.

Immediately, he began to refine the acquired treasure of the Sword of Time and Space.

Magic Treasures of this level cannot be refined after a while.

When Xiao Yun was able to mobilize the Hunyuan Jindou, it was just a simple use. After all, it was Yunxiao Immortal's Magic Treasures, and he couldn't refine it.

But the sword of time and space is his own Magic Treasures, and naturally it needs to be completely refined, which will naturally take more time.

Fortunately, Xiao Yun originally wanted Insight's original law of time and space, and when refining, he happened to be able to Insight by the way.

Epiphany opened, Xiao Yun directly entered the Closed Door Training state.


There is no airtight wall in the world, the battle of gods and demons is about to open, and the news of many rewards soon spread throughout the entire prehistoric world, causing countless Immortal demons and Buddhas to move.

Wa Palace.

An old man with a Calabash hanging from his waist kneeled respectfully outside the hall.

At this moment, a gentle voice came from the hall.

"Lu Ya, this time, the master has used the Eastern Emperor Bell as the biggest reward on the battlefield of the gods and demons. This is your only chance to get the Eastern Emperor Bell. If you miss this time, you will never have the chance to get the Eastern Emperor Bell again."

Lu Ya kowtowed, "Thank you for your advice!"

Respectfully retreating, Lu Ya turned around and raised his head, looking at the sun star outside the sky, and some ancient memories emerged in his mind.

"Father, Donghuang Uncle, I will definitely revive the demon clan."

Lu Ya thought to himself.

He is bound to win the Eastern Emperor Bell.

Because this Innate treasure meant so much to him.



Guangchengzi, Yang Jian and Nezha left the Yuxu Palace together.

The three looked at each other and saw a touch of heat in each other's eyes.

They didn't pay attention to the place where "genius" was selected in the battlefield of gods and demons. After all, they no longer belonged to "genius", but were the powerhouses at the top of the prehistoric world.

But this time the reward actually included the legendary 'East Emperor Bell', so the situation was different.

"You two have to remember that this treasure must belong to the line of my teaching." Guang Chengzi looked at Yang Jian and Nezha and said solemnly.

"What the uncle said is." Yang Jian nodded lightly, but he didn't take it seriously. He would not give in to this kind of treasure, even if the other party was his uncle.

Nezha lowered his head and didn't speak. The allure of the treasure of the Eastern Emperor Bell was too great, and even brothers and sisters from the same sect might turn against each other.


The west.

The two Sages, Zhunti and Yingyin, were also meeting with Western religious leaders such as Tathagata, Maitreya, and Raneng.

At the foot of Lingshan.

The two powerhouses of Jiuxiao Continent have put down their butcher knives and become Buddhas on the spot, becoming two future eminent monks of Western religion.

"Master, that Pantao is really awesome. I've stepped into the Immortal Realm so soon, and put it on the Jiuxiao Continent. This is the Zhundi Realm."

A young bald monk with a face full of excitement, he is the eminent monk Liu Jie.

The monk Jin Guang next to him was his master, the eminent monk Zao Wou-Ki.

"Shut up, keep your voice down, how many times have I told you that you have to forget everything about Jiuxiao Continent here, and don't mention anything about that side." Zhao Wuji put away the golden light special effects and glared at Liu Jie.

Liu Jie sneered: "It's not nobody."

"Idiot, who knows what god-tier skills those Sages have. As far as our Cultivation Base is concerned, we can't sense it when people check it out." Zhao Gaoseng snorted coldly, he seemed very cautious.

The main reason is that he has almost reached the Great Luojin Immortal Realm now, and the value of this clone has greatly increased, and he does not want to destroy it.

"Master, why hasn't the master come to guide us in cultivation recently?" Liu Jie asked immediately.

Ever since he followed Zao Wou-Ki through 9,981 hardships and came to the Western Lingshan Mountain, he has been worshipped by Da Shizhi together and has become Da Shizhi's disciple and grandson.

The general trend is also very optimistic about his disciple and grandson, and has been instructing him to cultivate during this time.

"The meeting has gone, and the big bald Tathagata called all the quasi-sages to the meeting. It is estimated that something big is going to happen." Zhao Wuji looked at the magnificent palace on the top of Lingshan Mountain, and was also a little curious.

At this moment, a golden light lasing came.

Zhao Wuji's expression was shocked, he sensed the aura of the general trend.

Sure enough, when the golden light hit the ground, they saw Da Shizhi walking over with a smile on his face.

"Teacher, Tusun, let me tell you some good news!" The general trend came in stride and told Zhao Wuji and his disciples the news of the battlefield of gods and demons.

Zao Wou-Ki and Liu Jie's eyes lit up after hearing this.

This battlefield of gods and demons is indeed good news for them.

On the side of the prehistoric world, it is difficult to leapfrog battles, but it is not very difficult for the people of Jiuxiao Continent.

Especially when they walk together, the leapfrog battle is as simple as eating and drinking.

It is conceivable that their master and apprentice will definitely be able to take advantage of the opportunity of the battlefield of gods and demons to become the CEO of Buddhism, marry Bai Fumei, and reach the peak of Buddha life.

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