Xiao Yun opened the gate of heaven again and let Zao Wuji and the others enter.

Zhao Wuji's face darkened when he heard the words, he was beaten by Xiao Yun last time.

Xiao Tianci, Ao Shuiyao, and Xing Yueling wanted to follow, but were held back by Lin Xiaoya.

Turning to look at Lin Xiaoya, Xi Chunyu, Xiao Tianci and the others, Zao Wou-Ki couldn't help frowning and asked, "Why don't you go?"

"Let's go, Master, I'll take you to a wealthy family. When you're an adult, we'll go to the Western Lingshan Mountain to worship Buddhism. I didn't tell them the benefits." On the other side, Zao Wou-Ki took Liu Jie to find a wealthy family. There were two pregnant women in this family, and they both went in and were reincarnated together.


However, there is some truth to what he said.

Everyone was stunned when they heard it.

"Don't underestimate the prehistoric world. Although the powerhouses in this world are not very powerful against Realm, they are proficient in calculating heaven's secrets. It is very scary to be able to calculate your past and present lives."

There were also two maids behind them, each holding a baby in their hands.

The divided souls of Master Tianyi and the great saints of Chaos Sacred Land also entered the Tianmen in turn.

"It's time for me to work hard, I can't be overtaken by Zao Wou-Ki's cuteness." Xiao Yun thought to himself, and then Closed Door Training continued to Insight Chaos Law.

"Xiao Yun, don't worry, I will definitely not pass the "Profound Truth Quick Method" to the practitioners in Honghuang." Master Tianyi sensed Xiao Yun's gaze, and said righteously and sternly.

Xiao Yun was speechless, where did this guy want to go, daddy doesn't care if you pass on that idiot Cultivation Technique.

Zao Wou-Ki didn't notice Di Tian and the others. Obviously, these guys had already left Snow Mountain City and went out to practice.

"Let's go, let's go to the palace!" Lin Xiaoya, Xi Chunyu, Xiao Tianci, Xing Yueling, and Aoshuiyao went to the palace.

Long Yi, Xiao Tianci, and the others all looked at the Heavenly Gate with a curious expression on their faces. After splitting their souls, they all looked like curious babies, following behind Zao Wuji and entering the Heavenly Gate.


Zao Wou-Ki glanced at him and scolded in a low voice, "Putting more on sex than friends, you deserve to be single for the rest of your life."

Xiao Yun looked at Master Tianyi curiously, wondering if this wonderful creature went to the prehistoric world and could survive three episodes.

Xi Chunyu next to him chuckled softly: "Senior Brother Xiao reminded us when we came in, so don't try to lie to us."

However, Zhao Wuji forgot that his body was still here, and was knocked out by Xiao Yun's fist.

The prehistoric world, Snow Mountain City.

Liu Jie wanted to go, but was stopped by Zhao Wuji's voice transmission.

Even most of them are qualified to prove the Dao Great Emperor.

"Senior aunt... No, senior sister, why didn't you hold Senior Brother Dugu Daxiong just now?" Xiao Tianci asked on the way.

"Master, we seem to be reincarnated as brothers, then we will..."

"Master, the madam and the second madam were born together. They are both big fat boys." An old lady shouted excitedly in the mansion.

This time, Zao Wou-Ki is the tour guide of the prehistoric world, and he is giving everyone a serious analysis of the key points of the journey.

After all, Dugu Nobita is also Xiao Yun's apprentice.

"Shut up, even if it is a real brother, I will still be your master in the future."

At this time, they have all flown into Snow Mountain City.

Even if these people perform poorly in the prehistoric world, as long as they are still alive, after they come out, they can at least become quasi emperors.

"This is the Snow Mountain City in Beiju Luzhou. It is a very remote place in the prehistoric world. It is not easy to attract attention when reincarnated here."

The point is, it doesn't matter if you hook up with beautiful women, but you still go to Lin Xiaoya to show off. I don't know if Lin Xiaoya has liked Xiao Yun for many years? Showing off in front of a single dog like this is simply courting death.

After all, the prehistoric world took a hundred times more cultivation time than here, and if you were lucky enough to get some adventures, it would be even more incredible.

Zao Wou-Ki, who had a reincarnation experience, was naturally the object of their study.

"My uncle taught me that I will find an ordinary family in the slum to be reincarnated." After Dugu Daxiong was stunned, he flew towards the slum.

Before Xiao Yun could get angry, Zao Wou-Ki had already entered the gate of heaven.

This group of traversers are definitely the top powerhouses in their Chaos Sacred Land, because all powerhouses above the Great Sage have been sent in by him.

"Uncle Zhao, I heard that you were reincarnated into a princely family last time, so your strength Ascension is very fast. We also want to be reincarnated into a princely family. Do you know any princely family in Xueshan City?" Dugu Daxiong flew over and asked at this time.

Damn Xiao Erniu, always against himself.

I just feel that when Zao Wou-Ki was able to speak so well.

"Of course, don't be too afraid. You are just small people. As long as you are not stupid enough to seek death, even if you meet a strong person, the other party will not inexplicably calculate your past and present life."

"He ran too fast, I didn't have time to stop." Lin Xiaoya waved her hand indifferently.

When the others heard the words, they all looked towards Zhao Wuji.

Hearing this, Zao Wou-Ki cursed inwardly, then he snorted and dragged Liu Jie, the great disciple who started the mountain, away.

"Humph!" Lin Xiaoya snorted coldly, ignoring Zhao Wuji at all.

Watching them disappear into the Tianmen, Xiao Yun also smiled.

Xiao Tianci was speechless, he felt that Lin Xiaoya did it on purpose, mainly because Dugu Daxiong was usually not concentrating on cultivation, so he knew that he was hooking up with beautiful women in Chaos Sacred Land.

Some young great saints also flew over.

Zao Wou-Ki spoke with admiration.

Zao Wou-Ki looked at the elders of the old generation who were "moving like a mountain" behind him, and suddenly looked helpless. These are old Yin Bs who have lived for thousands of years, and it is not easy to fool around.

Zao Wou-Ki took a group of traversers from the Nine Heavens Continent out, and together they floated to the Snow Mountain City not far away.

The two babies stared at each other with their big, gooey eyes.

"You have to remember deeply that we are traversers, and to the prehistoric world, we are an odd number. Once our identity is revealed, not only will we die, but others will be implicated."

But then Zao Wou-Ki seemed to have thought of something, a hint of cunning flashed in his eyes, and he suddenly said solemnly, righteously said: "Stinky boy, what do you think about the princely family all day long, do you think you can compare with Shishu and me? Shishu, I am in Jiuxiao. Continental expedition to War Saint Road Emperor Road, once stepping on Gu Tianyi and punching Longyi, no need to go through any further tempering, so I chose to be reincarnated into the princely family, but how old are you little babies? How much experience do you have? ? It is just like the so-called heaven has sent a great responsibility to the people, they must first suffer their minds and wills, work their muscles and bones, starve their bodies and skin, empty their bodies, and disturb their actions. You should be reincarnated into a poor family and rise from humble beginnings, so that you can achieve something.”

"Two junior sisters, be careful inside." Xiao Yun reminded Lin Xiaoya and Xi Chunyu, and instructed carefully.

They came to experience, not to enjoy life. Reincarnation is too good, and it is easy to sink into a rich life. It is better to be reincarnated into an ordinary family.

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