Mystery: I Have An Epiphany Of The Chaotic Body

Chapter 969 The 2 Batch Of Traversers

Every time the Queen Mother is born, there will be a grand party, with pan-peas as the main food, and all Immortals are invited to feast, and all the Immortals come to celebrate her birthday.

This thing is the legendary Immortal fruit.

According to legend, there are 3,600 peach trees in the Peach Garden of the Queen Mother, and 1,200 peach trees in the front. The flowers and fruits are tiny and ripe once every 3,000 years. People eat Immortal Ascension and become enlightened. There are 1,200 plants in the middle, each ripening in 6,000 years. People eat Xia Ju and soar and live forever. The 1,200 plants in the back, with purple grains and fine nuclei, are cooked once in 9,000 years. People eat it with the same longevity as the heaven and the earth, and the sun and the moon are the same.

"The first two kinds of peaches may not be useful to me, but the latter kind of 9,000-year-old peaches should be of some use to me." Xiao Yun thought to himself.

Opposite, Bai Suzhen Lian walked slowly, she seemed to be a white-clothed Immortal who descended from the Immortal realm in the sky, her bright and ethereal match was almost perfect. The slender and graceful figure is like the misty Immortal fog in the mountains, and the clear eyes are as deep as a deep pool, reflecting colorful colors.

Xiao Yun's eyes lit up slightly, and his heart was truly worthy of being the legendary immortal son of the peerless generation. It was a rare sight for millions of years.

However, Xiao Yun is just appreciating it. He has no interest in Bai Suzhen. This kind of holy Immortal son, just look at it. It's okay to be a wife. He has no desire at all, just pure desire.

"Little Shishu, Shizun hopes that you will have a long experience this time. By the way, I will also meet those Shishushu who are staying in Heaven Court." Bai Suzhenyu put her hand on Liu's waist and bowed slightly to Xiao Yun with a respectful expression on her face. said.

"Don't be too polite!"

Xiao Yun waved his hand and asked with a smile, "Am I going to go alone?"

"Disciple is fortunate to be able to go with Uncle Shi." Bai Suzhen said softly, with a touch of joy and excitement in her water-like eyes.

It is such an honor to be able to participate in the Peach Festival.

Of course, the most important thing is to be able to eat peaches.

As the representative of Intercept, although she is only Xiao Yun's sidekick, she also has the opportunity to eat peaches this time, which can strengthen Cultivation Base's Innate Spiritual Roots.

The joy in Bai Suzhen's eyes naturally couldn't escape Xiao Yun's gaze.

Xiao Yun wasn't too surprised by this, because he had now seen that Bai Suzhen's Cultivation Base was not that good, it was just a Nine Heavens Immortal, which he had already surpassed.

Nine Heavens Xuan Immortal is comparable to the Great Emperor of the Nine Heavens Continent, but Bai Suzhen's talent is obviously not very good, at most the level of the upper Great Emperor.

And Xiao Yun's physical body now has reached the pinnacle of Nine Heavens Immortal, comparable to the level of the most powerful emperor.

There is also his Cultivation Base, which has also reached the peak of Nine Heavens Xuan Immortal, which is not far from the breakthrough of Da Luojin Immortal.

In fact, if Xiao Yun had cultivated the Law of Chaos, he would have already broken through the Great Luojin Immortal Realm.

However, the time and space law of his cultivation this time requires insight into time and space at the same time, so it has been a long time since he has broken through the Great Luojin Immortal Realm, but it is not far away.

But Bai Suzhen is different. Her Talent is a lot worse. If she wants to understand the law and be promoted to Da Luojin Immortal Realm, it is almost very slim, but if she can eat Innate Spiritual Roots like Pan Tao, she may increase some breakthroughs to Da Luojin Immortal. Realm's odds, how could she be unhappy?

"Since that's the case, let's go now, just in time for me to thank Senior Sister Qiongxiao." Xiao Yun immediately laughed.

This time I went to Heaven Court to see if I could borrow the Space Law of Hunyuan Jindou Insight from Sanxiao.

You must know that Xiao Yun has not been idle all these years. He often asks Qiongxiao Immortal to ask Qiongxiao Immortal's "Sword in the Sky". After a long time and more times, his relationship with Qiongxiao Immortal will naturally become better.

In particular, Xiao Yun's rapid progress made Qiongxiao Immortal very happy. He felt that his own "Cloud and Sky Sword Art" finally had a successor, so it was better for Xiao Yun, and he almost treated Xiao Yun as a pro Little Brother.

Xiao Yun felt that with Qiongxiao Immortal's Face, borrowing Hunyuan Jindou Insight this time should not be a big problem.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yun calmed down and drove to Heaven Court with Bai Suzhen.


Jiuxiao Continent.

The battle between Zao Wou-Ki and the King of Kong Ming's Divine Mansion has come to an end. With his rich combat experience, Zao Wou-Ki finally killed the Divine Mansion of the King of Kong-Ning, but he himself suffered heavy losses and was a narrow victory.

But victory is victory.

This is an indisputable fact.

Under the circumstance of much attention, Zao Wou-Ki defeated the most powerful emperor of The Netherworld with Realm.

This battle completely established Zao Wou-Ki's strength, and he was definitely the leader among the most powerful emperors of the older generation, which made some Heavenly Emperor's faces dignified.

"Hahahaha, the King of Kong Ming is nothing more than that." Zao Wou-Ki became famous in the battle and laughed heartily. He felt that he had finally caught up with Xiao Yun in pretending to be B.

I have to say, it's cool to install B under the attention of all the cultivators.

Zao Wou-Ki felt very high at this moment, and he almost reached a high C.

"Third Hades, I know you're there, come and fight, Zhao Heavenly Emperor will teach you how to be a human being." After Zhao Wou-Ki defeated the King of Heaven's Divine Residence, he pointed to the distance and shouted loudly.

A strong man of The Netherworld is watching him.

That look has a pressing pressure.

This is definitely a Heavenly Emperor.

Zao Wou-Ki guessed that it was the third Hades, Xiao Yun had mentioned this guy to him, and there is a high probability that he was a Heavenly Emperor.

But Zhao Heavenly Emperor is not afraid.

He felt he could leapfrog against the powerhouses of Heavenly Emperor Realm.

However, the third Hades did not respond to Zao Wou-ki's provocation, but turned and left.

The King of Kongming, who remained in the same place, glared at Zhao Wuji with gritted teeth, and was very unwilling in his heart. It was a shame that he was actually defeated by a junior who had just proved the Dao.

"When I comprehend the law of the origin of space, I will definitely kill you." The King of the Underworld vowed in his heart.

As long as he understands the law of the origin of space, he can be promoted to Heavenly Emperor Realm, and killing Zao Wou-Ki will be as easy as slaughtering a dog.

However, he has to bow his head for the time being.

Ignoring Zao Wou-Ki, who was still yelling, the King of the Netherworld took the door of The Netherworld to escape. He was always moving the door of The Netherworld to prevent Xiao Yun from discovering it.

After all, Xiao Yun's Double Pupils are too powerful. If he hadn't been proficient in the laws of space, he would have been able to hide them from Xiao Yun.

"What a piece of shit, you don't even have the courage to fight me."

Zao Wou-Ki immediately left the place when he saw that no one came out of The Netherworld.

This time he finally returned to Chaos Sacred Land and stopped playing B.

Because he has to continue to become stronger, after all, he is not as good as Xiao Yun now.

He wants to be promoted to Heavenly Emperor Realm as soon as possible.

"Xiao Yun, I'm going to the prehistoric world again."

After Zao Wou-Ki returned to Chaos Sacred Land, he immediately came to Xiao Yun. He was about to step into the prehistoric world again.

At this time, Long Yi was also beside Xiao Yun. Hearing Zao Wou-Ki's words, he couldn't help but look at Xiao Yun. Obviously, he also wanted to visit the prehistoric world.

Xiao Yun glanced at Zao Wou-Ki, who was in high spirits, then looked at Long Yi next to him, and said with a smile, "Yes, and you bring a few more people this time."

After all, Xiao Yun probed his hands and grabbed the space, and took Xiao Tianci, Xing Yueling, Liu Jie, Dugu Daxiong, Ao Shuiyao, Lin Xiaoya, Xi Chunyu, Tianyi Shengshi and others, as well as some chaotic Sacred Land great saints. The strong were caught.

It is also time to cultivate the following disciples, and strive to create more powerful emperors for Chaos Sacred Land.

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