The Heaven Court peach event was held, and Immortal, the gods of the gods, came to congratulate one after another, which was extremely lively.

Xiao Yun and Bai Suzhen also came to Heaven Court at this moment. Xiao Yun seemed very curious about this legendary place and was looking around.

On the way, he saw the Four Heavenly Kings, as well as Immortal, the legendary gods such as the Western Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva. After all, they are unique and easy to recognize.

"That guy actually came too." Xiao Yun saw an acquaintance in the distance, and his expression changed slightly.

That was the jade-faced scholar I saw at the Tang Emperor's birthday banquet. He was very handsome, only slightly inferior to him. At the moment, he was hugging two Immortal girls and laughing dissolutely.

"Little Martial Uncle, that's the messenger of the Jingtan. It was also at the Tang Emperor's birthday banquet last time, have you forgotten?" Bai Suzhen said in a low voice when she saw Xiao Yun looking at the jade-faced scholar.

Xiao Yun was shocked.

He didn't expect this guy to be Zhu Bajie. He did see this jade-faced scholar at the Tang Emperor's birthday banquet, but the other party had no intention of accepting disciples, nor had he spoken to him. Naturally, he didn't know that the other party was the legendary Zhu Bajie.

"Little guy, you're here too!" Zhu Bajie seemed to sense Xiao Yun's gaze, looked towards Xiao Yun, and immediately grinned.

However, he quickly turned his attention to Bai Suzhen who was behind Xiao Yun, and immediately stared at Bai Suzhen up and down with squinting eyes, hehe said with a smile: "So it's Bai Niang, old pig, I fell in love with you at first sight, why don't we Let's go to the Peach Festival."

Bai Suzhen was a little embarrassed and angry, but it was not easy to offend the other party, so she could only snort and hide behind Xiao Yun.

Only then did Zhu Bajie put his eyes on Xiao Yun, revealing a man's understanding eyes, hehe said with a smile: "It turns out that the little brother starts first, hahaha, the old pig admires and admires, you and my brother have a good exchange of experience when you have time. , goodbye."

After Zhu Bajie finished speaking, he hugged the two Immortal girls and disappeared into the clouds.

Xiao Yun was speechless, why was this guy not beaten to death by Brother Monkey in the first place.

Bai Suzhen also blushed with blush, glared at Zhu Bajie's back, and cursed in her heart.

"Let's go, let's go in quickly!" Xiao Yun said to Bai Suzhen, and the two flew towards Heaven Court.

Along the way, I met more and more Immortal people and eminent monks.

This time it really opened Xiao Yun's eyes.

There are too many strong people.

Those who are qualified to participate in the Queen Mother's Peach Festival are not weak, the lowest is Nine Heavens Xuan Immortal, comparable to the great emperor of the Nine Heavens Continent.

And Da Luojin Immortal-level powerhouses can be seen almost everywhere.

There are also some quasi-sages, who come from time to time, and the powerful breath fills the entire Heaven Court, making the situation agitated.

This is simply the strong world!

Xiao Yun felt his inner blood boil, and could not wait to invite him to fight immediately. After all, he was already Wudi in Jiuxiao Continent, and it had been a long time since he had met an opponent who could fight him.

"Little Junior Brother, come here!"

As soon as Xiao Yun entered the grand party garden, he heard a familiar voice.

Is Qiong Xiao Immortal son.

Xiao Yun heard who the owner of the voice was, and hurriedly turned around to look, and immediately saw three peerless Immortals not far away, one of them was Qiong Xiao.

It's so beautiful, none of the three Immortals are inferior to Bai Suzhen, or even stronger in temperament.

Especially when the three women stood together, the aura was so strong that Zhu Bajie, who was not far away, was drooling.

Xiao Yun also felt his eyes light up, and then showed appreciation, and flew over with Bai Suzhen.

At this time, the others in the garden also looked towards Xiao Yun, each with a curious look.

Sanxiao is very famous, and everyone present knows it.

And the person who can be called by Qiongxiao Immortal as a junior apprentice must be the apprentice of Lingbao Tianzun, but who is this child? Why haven't I heard of it before? Could it be the newly recruited apprentice of Lingbao Tianzun not long ago?

For a time, many powerful and compelling eyes converged on Xiao Yun, making Xiao Yun feel a lot of pressure.

After all, many of these people are Great Luojin Immortals and quasi-sage powerhouses.

"Who is this man? Do you know?"

"I heard that not long ago, at the birthday banquet of the predecessor Tang Huang, there was a descendant of the Li family with outstanding talent and worshipped Lingbao Tianzun."

"I also heard that it is called Li Yun. It is said that Lu Dongbin and the general trend are all rushing to take this son as a disciple."

"Nine Heavens Xuan Immortal has been achieved in just a few hundred years. This talent is indeed very strong, but I don't know if this Cultivation Base is piled up with Medicine Pill."

"Nine Heavens is just Immortal. As long as you have enough Medicine Pill and Immortal Fruit, Cultivation Base Ascension is not difficult, but you don't know how powerful it is, so don't just make it up."


There was a lot of discussion.

Xiao Yun, as a Sage disciple and a controversial Sage sect like the Intercept Sect, is naturally eye-catching.

However, when Xiao Yun came to San Xiao's side, those distant gazes suddenly shifted.

After all, San Xiao's deterrent is still very strong.

"Li Yun greets the three senior sisters!" Xiao Yun looked at San Xiao in front of him and hurriedly saluted respectfully.

"Young junior brother, you don't need to be too polite." Qiong Xiao Immortal, who was most familiar with Xiao Yun, quickly helped Xiao Yun up.

Yun Xiao Immortal and Bi Xiao Immortal who were next to him also nodded to Xiao Yun, showing a kind smile.

"Junior Brother has reached Nine Heavens Immortal Realm at a young age. This talent is truly extraordinary." Bi Xiao Immortal praised.

Yun Xiao Immortal took a deep look at Xiao Yun and said, "Junior Brother's Cultivation Base is all on "Eight Nine Mysterious Art", so it can't be said that it will be the next Yang Jian."

Bi Xiao Immortal and Qiong Xiao Immortal were shocked when they heard the words, they didn't see how strong Xiao Yun's body was.

Xiao Yun also admired Yunxiao Immortal's vicious eyes.

"Little Junior Brother, what level have you given "Eight Nine Mysterious Art" to cultivation?" Qiongxiao Immortal asked quickly.

Xiao Yun smiled modestly: "It's only the fifth floor."

"That's it..." Immortal Qiongxiao heard the words Didn't know whether to laugh or cry. The "Eight Nine Mysteries" on the fifth floor is really nothing, but the question is, how many years has Xiao Yun been cultivating? Just three hundred years.

Even with the help of various Heavenly and Mortal Treasures, it is extremely difficult to cultivate "Eight Nine Mysteries" to the fifth level in just three hundred years, and one must have a very high talent.

"No wonder Shizun makes an exception to accept apprentices." Yun Xiao Immortal thought to himself.

With Xiao Yun's talent, it would not be a problem to become the second Yang Jian in the future, so it's no wonder Lingbao Tianzun would be tempted.

After thinking about it, Immortal Yunxiao said to Qiongxiao Immortal and Bixiao Immortal: "Let's leave the nine thousand years of pan peaches to the younger brother, this is the first time for the younger brother to eat pan peaches, and it has a great impact on his cultivation. s help."



Qiong Xiao Immortal and Bi Xiao Immortal agreed without thinking. Anyway, they have eaten a lot of peaches, and this thing has long been useless to them, not to mention that the object of the gift is their little junior brother.

Xiao Yun didn't know at the moment that he had already harvested some top-quality peaches ahead of time.

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