Xiao Yun followed Li Donglai to Dongsheng Shenzhou. The journey was peaceful, and occasionally encountered some monsters. After Li Donglai showed the identity token of Datang, he also retreated far away.

Just like the two lich clans during the Lich War, the human race now has reached its peak, even stronger than the lich at that time.

After all, at that time, the lich was divided into two parts, and now the human race dominates the flood. If it were not for the limited holy position, I am afraid that the human race would have already appeared in Sage.

Therefore, in the Great Desolation, apart from Heaven Court and Sage, no one dared to provoke the Tang Dynasty.

"Chang'an City is in front!" Li Donglai's voice suddenly came.

Xiao Yun stood on the clouds and looked at the prosperous city not far away. Compared with Heavenly Emperor City in Jiuxiao Continent, it was not inferior at all, but the architectural style was different. Homeland.

As a traveler, Xiao Yun couldn't help feeling a little emotional when he saw such an ancient city.

Why didn't you travel through the prehistoric times in the first place? If you traveled through the prehistoric times in the early days, relying on memory, apprenticing to Sage, searching for spiritual treasures, and then obtaining countless merits in advance, you may not be able to become sanctified.

In Jiuxiao Continent, it is much more difficult to become an Immortal. So far, he is the only master, Heavenly Emperor, and the others are at most Heavenly Emperor, which is equivalent to the quasi-sage here.

"Chang'an is really prosperous!" Xiao Yun praised and followed Li Donglai down.

The passers-by around are also not surprised. Now that the human race is strong, in Chang'an, the imperial capital of the Tang Dynasty, there are Immortal masters everywhere, and there are not a few strong Immortal people.

In fact, every soldier patrolling Chang'an City is a master of Earth Immortals level.

"His Royal Highness, you are temporarily living in this Honglu Temple. When the Tang Emperor's birthday banquet starts, someone will naturally come to receive you."

"These days, you can just cultivate."

"I have to go back to my life, so I won't bother Your Highness."


In front of Honglu Temple, Li Donglai said goodbye to Xiao Yun, and then stepped on the cloud and left.

Xiao Yun was led by a maid and entered a single courtyard. Although it was not very large, it was very quiet. The wooden house, coupled with a large willow tree next to it, seemed peaceful and tranquil.

"There are so many powerhouses here, I'd better be cautious and I can't continue to investigate!"

Xiao Yun walked into the room, and the power of Yuanshen quietly probed the surrounding situation, and immediately took it back.

He sighed in his heart that, as the center of the Tang Dynasty, there were too many strong people in Chang'an City.

In this Honglu Temple alone, there is a mysterious Immortal comparable to the existence of Emperor Zhun.

And in the direction of the palace, there are more tyrannical breaths that are comparable to the level of the Great Emperor. Among them, there is a breath that is majestic, as if the universe is supreme, coercing the entire Chang'an City, that should be Emperor Tang.

"Emperor Tang is Da Luojin Immortal, equivalent to the Heavenly Emperor of Jiuxiao Continent, but if we really want to fight, I can easily kill him." Xiao Yun looked at the direction of the palace and thought to himself.

However, his avatar only has the physical power of the quasi-emperor level, and it can't fight against the emperor, let alone against the big Luojin Immortal, which is comparable to Heavenly Emperor.

"This time, it's best to go to the school of Sanqing. As the supreme cultivation technique of Taoism, "Eight Nine Mysterious Art" should have the lineage of Sanqing. I need the Cultivation Technique later for reference, and it will be convenient to deduce "The Chaos God and Demon Body" in the future. "."

"Furthermore, my avatar is in the same vein as my body, so cultivating "Eight Nine Mysteries" is the most suitable, and it's not easy to reveal my identity."

Xiao Yun thought in his heart.

If Brother Monkey doesn't come, it's okay for Luo Hu, he's not accepting his disciples, he's accepting his subordinates, it's too dangerous to go there.

Mother Nuwa had few apprentices, and mostly female apprentices.

Western... Xiao Yun doesn't want to be a bald donkey and have a bald head all day.

So it is more suitable for three clear.

"The Cultivation Base of Moral Heavenly Venerate in the Three Qing Dynasty is unfathomable, and it seems to be more insidious. It is an old and yin ratio. This is absolutely not a choice, and it is easy to expose one's identity."

Xiao Yun's eyes flickered, and after thinking for a while, he felt that Yuanshi Tianzun and Lingbao Tianzun were better.

Yuanshi Tianzun is the most protective of his shortcomings. Once he has been deceived, he will not be afraid of others investigating his own identity.

Lingbao Tianzun has teachings and no distinctions, and there are many disciples under his sect. It is estimated that he is too lazy to manage himself, and it is not easy to reveal his identity.

"Cultivation cultivation, first breakthrough fit period!"

After thinking for a while, Xiao Yun began to cultivate "Nine Dragons Immortal".

At this point, the birthday banquet is still a few months away.


Dousheng Immortal Cave, Huaguo Mountain.

A golden-haired monkey with a crown, squatting on a stone table, eating bananas, a pair of golden eyes flashing with divine light from time to time.

Opposite him, there was a white-faced scholar-like young man, dressed in brocade clothes, handsome and handsome.

"Bajie, where are you going to lie to the female benefactor when you dress up like this?" The golden-haired monkey glanced at the white-faced scholar in front of him, and snorted coldly.

The white-faced scholar drank the Immortal wine leisurely, and said with a hearty smile, "Brother Monkey, in a few months it will be the Tang Emperor's birthday banquet. I'm going to congratulate Tang Huang on his birthday."

The golden monkey curled his lips and said, "Is there no one in the west? Let you be ashamed!"

"Brother Monkey, I'm not happy when you say that to the old pig. I'm also a big Luojin Immortal. Wouldn't it still be a loss for him to congratulate Tang Huang?" The white-faced scholar said angrily.

The golden-haired monkey snorted coldly: "Da Luojin Immortal? You still have the courage to say it? At the time when we learned from five masters and apprentices, I won't talk about it. The other four are all quasi-sages, so you are still stopping at Da Luojin Immortal. , do you count how many years have passed? Even if it were a pig, it would be time for cultivation to become a quasi-sage."

"Brother Monkey, I was originally a pig!" said the white-faced scholar.

The golden-haired monkey choked for a moment, and then slapped it, but was dodged by the white-faced scholar, and the dodging action had long been accustomed to it, and it was estimated that he had been beaten by the golden-haired monkey more than once.

"By the way, Brother Monkey, don't you send someone here this time? The Tang Dynasty has some connections with our master and apprentice, and now the human race is strong, anyway, give me a face." The white-faced scholar said with a smile.

The golden-haired monkey said disdainfully, "What Face? Just a big Luojin Immortal. I don't even know the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors of Huoyun Cave."

"Yes, you cow, you are now a fighting saint, the most powerful Sage." The white-faced scholar chuckled.

The golden-haired monkey squinted at the white-faced scholar and said, "You go this time and observe a person, a young man, for me."

"Who? Brother Monkey, are you going to accept an apprentice?" The white-faced scholar asked in surprise.

The golden-haired monkey threw away the banana peel in his hand, and hummed: "I also accept the demon clan when I accept the apprentice. How can I accept the human clan? Don't ask any more questions, help me to observe it, and come back and tell me, don't tell anyone about this. ."

"Why are you looking for me? You can just send a monkey cub there." The white-faced scholar wondered.

"You pig, you won't arouse suspicion," said the golden monkey.

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